TBBM XXXI. Possessive Pronoun

In movies, they said the hero should look at herself straight in the mirror to reveal the deepest, most honest desires of her heart. I'd been looking in the mirror for quite sometime now and I saw one thing and one thing only---I wanted to live fully as a woman.

I froze there, watching an unknown reflection stare back at me, questioning me if I was brave enough to be her. My spine chilled in both fear and excitement. I couldn't decipher which one weighed more. I knew my mother would rejoice when she saw me. Finally.

I never thought I could be pretty. I took a lungful of air and stood.


I and Roma shared a hug, frolicking around as the other patrons watched us.

"Here," one of the hairdressers handed both me and Roma fliers. I read it out loud. "My Hair Story?"

"You should share your new hair experience and how it changed your life. Great prizes are at stake," she explained.

My hair story? Interestingly, as I looked back at that reflection in the wall. I knew I'd make a good story.

Just then, I heard something vibrating in my bag. I never owned anything inside that could vibrate. I rummaged the main compartment but found nothing. So blindly, I continued plunging my hand on each pockets until---

"Eh? Whose phone is this?" I wondered. Somebody was calling. I thought I shouldn't pick it up as I didn't want to be blamed for robbery or something.

"You should answer that, Jopet," Roma tapped me on the back. "Let me get our bill."

"Hey Jap!" the voice responded as I hit the answer button.

"Jap---Jim-jim?" I immediately picked up his voice on the other line. "How--did you sneak this phone in my bag?"

"U-huh," he confirmed. "It's not new. So, don't be awkward about it."

"I mean, why?" I asked. "You just got this phone months ago."

"Transition gift? You should be reminded to be brave every time you see it."

"You wanted to cheer me up even when you're not around?"

"Also, so you can call me when some jerk puts you in unfavourable conditions, you know?"

Some jerk---I shuddered at the hear of that.

"Practice done?" I shifted the topic. I was getting really pleased by his efforts but I couldn't go around losing myself here. There were a still a few getting treatments.

"Yeah," he answered casually.

"You should come to the food stall."

"Are you there now?"

"Not yet. I'm with Roma... at the mall. We---"

"Roma?" he paused. "I'll come fetch you."

"You mean, here? Now?"

"Yeah. I'll call you back," he dropped the line, seemingly in a hurry. "Wait for me, okay?"

If I had the choice, I would've wanted to show myself to my mother first. I wanted her to experience how it was to have a beautiful daughter. But James was coming. That shouldn't be too bad, I guessed.

While we waited for James, I dragged Roma to a simple diner inside the mall. I didn't feel comfortable leaving her to pay for everything so I chose a place where I could treat her---and James, since he gave me a phone. I was so lucky to have them both.

"Chicken and pasta for you, lovely ladies," the waiter said, laying our food on the table.

"L-lovely lady?" I gaped.

Roma, pushed my jaw back to a close. We were both giggling.

"I'm really pretty now?" I reached for her arm.

"Told you," she grinned widely. "You look fantastic, sister!"

We started pouncing on the meal like some eighteen year-olds who tasted freedom for the first time. Occasionally, I saw some guys looking at us. But it was a bit different, this time. I was so used to them looking at me because something was wrong with my hair or face or outfit. But now, they smiled my way, more welcoming than jeering. Truly, the world was kinder to the pretty ones. I wished they'd see more than just the looks.

"By the way, who are we waiting for?" Roma inquired. "Mr. President?"

"No!" I choked on the iced tea. "What would 'he' do here with us? It's James."

"James Sanchez?" she almost jumped out of her seat.

"I heard you called me?" just then, James showed up from the entrance. He offered a handshake. "Hi, Miss Roma! You look... different tonight."

"Uh..." she reached for his hand. "Thanks."

"Sorry, where is Jopet?" he looked around. "She said you were together…"

I was sitting across the table from Roma, my back was literally just in front of him. He called the phone he gave me. It buzzed in my bag not too long after.

Roma smiled at his non-recognition of me, but a little controlled.

Slowly, I faced James.

"Do you mind joining our table?" I answered his call.

"J-jap!?" he almost slid and fell. I caught him by the arm. "Whoa!?"

"Don't be silly. It's just me," I bit my lip, baby talking. "Jim-jim..."

I knew he'd be surprised but I didn't expect him to be this surprised. He almost lost grip of his phone. His voice went really loud for somebody peace-loving as him.

"Jap!" he descended to the vacant seat.

"I know. I know," I twirled the pasta and fed him straight so he wouldn't make another sound.

After about five minutes of feeding him, James calmed down. I forgot that Roma was there. I and James usually shared food and utensils. Whatever James felt, good food usually calmed him down. I learned to feed him before breaking news to his face so he'd be clear-minded..

"You good, now?" I asked him.

"Yeah. It's delicious," he grinned as he chewed, looking at both me and Roma. "You look amazing, both."

"All thanks to Roma," I pointed. "I will never be able to afford any of these."

"Really?" he smiled widely. "You're still pretty. I'm glad you share it to others."

"S-still?" I examined.

"We're uhm..." Roma stuttered.

"We used to be schoolmates," James winked. "Highschool."

"Wow! I didn't know that. But I'm glad that two of my most favourite people in the world shared history," I said. "And because of that, we should toast!"

We spent the last few minutes in that diner, happily eating to our satiety, until the mall hours lapsed and everyone started cleaning up for the close. My heart filled with Joy as I captured happy moments between these two people in the same mall where I thought I would only have memories of that tragic night with 'him'.

At a far glance, I still remembered me and 'him' in those escalators, in the skating rink, in the theatre. We were happy together for a while. In fact, if that night did not end up the way it did, I might actually like 'him' to see me. Right now. Right here.

We went to the parking and said our goodbyes.

"I'll take my Jap from here," James declared. He then, turned to Roma. "Drive safely, okay?"

My Jap?

My Jap?

My Jap?

Did he just call me his Jap?

Possessive pronoun!?

Dear Saint,

Today happened like a fairytale. Please don't let me wake up to something totally different tomorrow. Please keep these two safe. I wouldn't like to imagine how I'd be without them. I am extremely indebted to them.