TBBM XXXVII. Private Room

"Lady Birthmark. Lady Birthmark," the nurse opened the door and looked around. No one was coming forward.

"Dearie," the elderly woman beside me nudged me. "What did she say she was looking for?"

"Uh," I smiled. "I don't know, a girl named Lady Birthmark---?"

"Birthmark?" she laughed badly at it. "Such a stinking name. That girl better look good or there's no saving it."

"Agree," I inched closer to her. I felt like I was a bit lucky that somebody else took the unfortunate spot the world usually reserved for me. "If that were me I definitely won't come forward when they called me."

"Me neither," the elderly woman exclaimed. "That girl must have allot of misfortunes in life."

"Because of the birthmark," I half-laughed. Who else would be more familiar of it than me.

"Lady Birthmark Hickey," the nurse called once more, making me stop. She went out of Red's corner.

"There. That's her," Red pointed the nurse to me. "Hickey."

That moment, fear descended on me.

"What did you tell them my name was!?"

"Oh, that was you?" the grandma I beside me lost herself in total laughter.

I stood there embarrassed, while the the people around fought off laughter.

"Lady Birthmark, kindly sign this form," the nurse handed me her pen.

I ducked my head and walked slowly like a zombie to Red's bed. He lied there on his back, looking a little better. I jumped on him and slapped and pinched his body.

"You're so annoying. I should never have come hear. They all know about me now. How dare you---"

"Ouch!" he kept deflecting. "Know what about you? The hickey?"

"Hsssh," I covered his mouth with one hand.

"Ouch. Awww!" he kept whining like a boar.

"Why are you sick like that?" I reprimanded him, muffled.

"You're really Hickey. Hickey in the bum. Why do you have to hide it?" he jeered even more loudly.

"I'm a girl! Why don't you respect me?" I grabbed him by the ear and pulled him up.

"Ouch! Hey!" he grabbed both of my wrists, and smiled. "That's not true. I respect you."

"Why do you embarrass me allot if you respect me!?"

He chuckled. He was so annoying.

"What?" I gritted my teeth. "You're making fun of me again. That's it! I'll leave."

"You're oddly cute when you're aggressive," he kept laughing to himself, holding me even tighter.

I tried to break free from him. But he was strong.

"Hey. Hey," he neared his face to mine, his voice becoming softer. "What did I say about me being mean to you?"


"I told you before," he shook his head, pleasured. "When I say something and you think I insult you---I don't mean it... Remember that?"

At that moment, two nurses came: the one who called me Lady Birthmark and another one of her seniors. They probably had been watching us for a while before we noticed, since the more senior one readily wore disdain on her face.

"Let's get you a room, Lewds," the more senior one said. They unfolded a wheelchair.

"L-lewd?" I jumped down the bed.

Red looked away, biting his lips, laughing.

"Sorry, what's happening now?" I stood straight up.

"Lady Birth---"

"I'm Jopet," I interrupted the younger one.

Red covered his face, hiding his delight. He was seriously having so much fun with people knowing about my curse.

"Uh... We're moving into a room while we wait for the laboratory results. We think he has a viral infection."

"Which means you shouldn't stay too close," the elder one cautioned.

I and Red exchanged looks.

"Come here," Red grabbed me, smiling like a devil. He forced his palm on my forehead. "Oh, you're sick, too?"

"I'm not," I broke free.

I stopped when I saw the look on the senior nurse's face. She appeared to be heavily disgusted by me and Red.

"The youth of today really lacked decency," she said loudly, her nostrils fuming. I was sure everybody in the nearby beds heard that. "The young never think what physical intimacies entail."

"P-physical intimacy?" I looked at Red, questioning.

"No idea," he mouthed, fighting off laughter.

I hadn't seen that kind of disappointed stare lately. She probably thought I and Red were doing---never mind. It was so embarrassing.

I found myself standing next to her, all prim and proper as the other nurse wheeled Red in front of us going to a private room.