A Mad Woman (II)

In the past, she took a few lessons in judo and taekwondo in secret. However she didn't get to use them inside the prison where a lot of her enemies surrounded her and she was in a difficult situation where her life and death was at stake.

But that didn't mean that Yan Xiaoran didn't have the skills to take out two or more people when she has to.

And certainly, not when she's hungry.

Huffing, she angrily shouted, "Don't ever piss off a mad woman!"

Yan Xiaoran looked down at the groaning man on the wet and hard ground. His hands held his head after it slammed against the hard floor with a loud thud.

"F*ck!" The man screamed repeatedly and squirmed in pain.

Feeling proud of herself, Yan Xiaoran smiled and walked away.

However, she only got to walk with a smile for a minute when she heard a groaning man rushing to get her from behind. She had just stepped on the street when the man was already up and ready to chase her.

Looking back, she saw the creepy man speeding toward her like there was a dog chasing after him. His eyes were full of killing intent.

Seeing that, Yan Xiaoran didn't let herself be beaten by the creepy man and used her feet to dash.

They were a few meters away from each other as they sprinted on the side road.

Cars with their headlight on the road were speeding up and ignoring the two lunatic people who were running like wild animals.

"Come back here! I'll f*cking kill you!" The man screamed.

"What a persuasive speech. You should work as an entrepreneur!" Yan Xiaoran retorted.

"Shut your mouth! When I get you, I'm going to make you suffer!"

"Good luck with that!" Yan Xiaoran genuinely said.

With an empty stomach, Yan Xiaoran's energy was slowly draining and so was her speed. She could feel that the distance between her and the creepy man was decreasing.

However, she couldn't stop running with a creepy mad man chasing after her.

And so, Yan Xiaoran crossed the road in an attempt to get away from him as the cars intercepted their way.

Cars honked at her as she crossed the road and every step she took to get to the other side of the road, cars would screech and honked at her as they almost hit her.

Meanwhile, in one of the cars on the road, a man raised his head and looked outside to see the commotion.

A beautiful woman was crossing the road without bothering whether she would get hit by a car and continued to run. Finally, she stepped on the pavement with a sweaty forehead and it was until now that the man noticed a guy with a haggard look still dodging the speeding cars.

"Stop the car." Suddenly, the man authoritatively said to which the driver immediately stepped on the brakes when he heard him.

Looking through the rearview mirror, the driver cautiously asked, "Sir, is there something wrong?"

Instead of answering, the man uttered another command, "Get the car near to that woman."


"Just go!" The man urgently said as if his life depended on the driver to get the car closer to the woman.

Xiao Gui was gulped down his question and did as what he was told to do. He steered the stirring wheel tot he side and skillfully avoided the oncoming cars, and in no time, their car stopped near the pavement where the woman breathlessly stood.

And before Xiao Gui could ask what he should do next, his boss hopped out of the car. He was extremely shocked that his boss would suddenly order him to stop when they were rushing to their flight to Japan.

However, his shock reached a higher notch as he watched his boss hopping out of the car, and hurriedly walked to the side of the woman.

Yan Xiaoran was breathless and her side was hurting from running for several minutes. Her stomach ached from hunger and her feet were beating her for using it too much without stretching.

The creepy man was still running on the road and was delayed with all the cars passing by him and didn't stop to let him cross the road.

With no water to drink, Yan Xiaoran felt her throat was on fire as she swallowed. She noticed that a car stopped just before her and a man soon came out of it.

It was dark and with the lights behind him, a shadow obscured the features of the man.

But that didn't last long as the man got closer, Yan Xiaoran could finally see his features.

Tall, with broad shoulders and long legs, the man looked regal in his own way. His face was carved into perfection as if a sculptor made it with absolute precision, extremely handsome but there was an undeniable cold harshness coming out of him that made Yan Xiaoran back away.

She cautiously looked at him and frowned.

'What is it now?'

The man didn't stop nor did he have any intention to do so until he was a foot away from Yan Xiaoran. His eyes didn't leave her figure as he walked to her with certainty.

However, before she could say anything, she heard him call her name, "Xiaoran?"