
In front of the dining table, Alexander was looking down at the tablet he was holding while he took a sip from his coffee.

On either side of him, there were two psople who were eating their breakfast.

"Third brother, I heard you kidnapped a woman last night. Where's the beauty now?" Long Jie said excitedly.

Early in the morning, Long Jie received a message from Haruka and Xiao Gui telling him that Alexander brought home a woman.

Knowing that Alexander was never the type to bring a woman anywhere, especially his house, Long Jie became extremely interested and excited for his best friend who has never entered any kind of romantic relationship with anyone.

That was why when he heard that his brother brought a woman to his house was unbelievable and Long Jie assumed that Alexander kidnapped the woman he fancied to his home.

With a cold glance, Alexander looked through the rim of his cup and didn't comment.

"Ey… You don't have to be embarrassed third brother. I already know what happened last night and even took the earliest flight just to witness it for myself." Long Jie proudly said.

"Where did you hear it from?"

Long Jie avoided his brother's cold eyes and scratched his nose. With an expression of resentment and being caught doing an immoral thing, Long Jie said, "Third brother, you are so popular. It's easy to hear a lot of rumors and news surrounding you."

"Anyway, where's the beauty you kidnapped, third brother?" Long Jie quickly said to avoid being roasted by his brother.

At this moment, Yan Xiaoran was already on her way to the dining hall and heard what they were saying because Long Jie's voice was too loud. In front of her, the old butler was still walking with his back straight and never changing expression.

Kidnapped? She tilted her head slightly to the side. She wondered who they were talking about and couldn't picture Alexander as someone who would kidnap anyone.

As they arrived at the dining hall, Alexander was the first one who noticed them.

As Long Jie continued rambling nonsense, he also noticed that Alexander was no longer coldly staring at him and followed where he was looking.

He found a gorgeous woman standing in the dining hall entrance with old butler Zhang.

Bedazzled at the sight of the beautiful woman, Long Jie sighed in his heart. Why is it that it was always his third brother who gets the pretty ones and he gets none?

Long Jie dumbfoundedly watched the beautiful lady walk over to the dining table while old butler Zhang guided her.

The lesser their distance was, the more he could see that she was appealing to his eyes.

However, his pleasant feelings were suddenly doused with cold water as he heard a cold voice that was filled with killing intention from behind him.

"Long Jie, you don't want your eyes anymore?"

"Th-third brother! Of course I do! Why would I not want my eyes?!" Long Jie retracted his gaze immediately and scolded himself. That's third brother's beauty!

With the words that escaped Alexander's lips, Long Jie had no doubt that his brother would act on it and gouge someone's eyes. Thankfully, with their relationship as brothers, he was still saved from his scary brother.

Yan Xiaoran was taken aback at their exchange of words.

Haruka, who was sitting on another chair waved her hand and said, "Come, sit beside me. You must be hungry since you just woke up."

Yan Xiaoran slowly nodded her head and licked her lips after scanning the mouth-watering foods laid out on the dining table. She did as she was told to and sat next to the lady whom she could recognize as the same lady who was sleeping at the edge of the bed when she first woke up.

Seeing that the girl sat down next to her, Haruka started to pick out some food and put it into her plate.

"You're not allergic to any of these, are you?" Haruka asked her.

Yan Xiaoran shook her head and responded to her with a smile, "Fortunately, no."

She could easily eat any kind of seafood and other dishes that were forbidden to others. There should be no problem with her eating these foods in front of her right?

On the side, Alexander's eyes twinkled and an idea popped out of his mind. He suddenly stood up and reached his hand forward towards one of the dishes on the table.

He stabbed a freshly cooked hot dog and put it into her plate. His actions were done quickly and so suddenly that all three other people at the dining table were startled at him.

Long Jie gaped at the hot dog and Alexander.

Who knew his third brother would actually try to serve some food on someone else's plate. Knowing what kind of a man Alexander was, Long Jie never imagined that he could do something like this so he decided to remember this scene and carve it into his memories.

He took turns to look between the two and at the end, he deeply sighed. He never thought that his third brother would actually use this method to get this beauty's attention. If he knew how lame his brother would be, he would have taught him how to pick up some girls.

However, it was only Long Jie who was thinking like this and the other three people sitting at the dining table were just enjoying their breakfast like any other day.

After filling their stomachs with food, Long Jie finally asked, "By the way, I haven't had my answers to my questions."

Three heads looked up at him.

"Beauty," he said to Yan Xiaoran, "Did third brother abduct you? If yes, tell me and I'll help you escape."

Yan Xiaoran blinked her eyes at his question while Alexander's eyes darkened.

Why would she be abducted? By who? Alexander? Yan Xiaoran wanted to laugh at him. Shaking her head, she replied, "Have you seen an abducted person eating at the same table as her kidnappers?"