How Do You Know That?


Prepare a glass of water for you to drink and holy water to wash your eyes. 


Yan Xiaoran froze.

His fingers slowly and teasingly climbing up and down on her bared legs, making feel the rush of need in her guts.

She was wearing only his shirt that he gave to her earlier, the hem only stopped at her mid-thigh and that gave him the opening to touch her.

Alexander lifted her legs and put it on top of his thighs, he sat dangerously between her legs. She blushed and tried to push him away, but he didn't even budge when she pushed him.

"I don't think that's a wise choice of food to eat, Alexander." She said breathlessly.

"What do you mean?"

"It's not healthy and tasty."

"And how do you know that?"

Yan Xiaoran squeezed her eyes tight. She didn't want to answer him for the sake of saving her dignity.