Madly In Love

Yan Xiaoran stumbled backward and held on to the bedpost, her breathing quickened as if she was running for a few meters non-stop.

"If you're looking for Alina, she already left an hour ago." She suddenly heard someone speaking behind her and when she turned around, she saw that it was Madame Giselle.

"Do you know where she went? Why didn't you stop her? And what were all those papers?!" She fired the questions at him.

She couldn't believe that Alina really left her without even saying goodbye.

Madam Giselle walked towards her with crossed arms. His tall figure made it look like he was a beast. Shaking his head, he said, "I don't know where she went and I didn't stop her because even if I did, she will still leave and might even punch me in the face in the process."