Red Notes Equals Doom

Somewhere in China.

6 pm.

The Zhao Shuxin and Yu Jin Yan had just arrived at the grand Zhao family mansion.

The mansion was still as beautiful and sparkly as it was when they left for London. The majestic of it was still the same as was the nostalgic feeling of being home as they walked through the entrance.

However, sometimes there was bound to be a change. A different thing for one to experience and that difference was what shocked and send a shudder to their bones.

All over the entrance, red notes were stuck on everything. Not including the walls, the furniture that was worth thousands of dollars, and adorning the entrance hall now had those red notes stuck randomly on each of the items.

From the chaise, mirrors, pots of plants, and carpet, to the chandeliers, doors, and even the shoe that was left untidy after someone came in a hurry and forget to take his shoe with him like Cinderella. All of it now was marred with red notes.