08. From the other world

''You can go inside now. But not for a long time.'' A nurse looked at the child that begged her to get in, so long that she almost lost voice while crying. ''And don't be loud. She needs peace.''

Li Na gratefully looked at her and whispered. ''I promise. Just give me one minute please.''

''No problem. I need to use the bathroom anyway.'' The nurse smiled and left.

As soon Li Na saw the door close, she quickly opened the small bottle and pressed it on her aunt's lips while whispering.

''Aunt, this is the only way for you to survive. I fear if you don't come back alive I am next to die. Please...''

It seemed she heard her pleading voice and slightly opened her lips. A clear liquid came out of the bottle and soon it was all inside her mouth.

Li Na read that it took time for the potion to react so she just sat there quietly while holding her aunt's hand and waiting for it. When the nurse came back and saw the quiet child, she let her stay in the room as long she doesn't disturb the patient's rest.

Actually, the doctor told her that the woman might die in the next few days, so she wanted to let the child spend at least a bit more time with her. Minutes passed, then one hour, another and another.

Li Na was just a small child that fell asleep and didn't see her aunt opening her clear eyes and looking at the nurse with a cold expression. She saw the child next to her so she just calmed the breath and waited for that person to go out and quickly took out all the stuff from her body, stood up, picked up a nearby phone and called a certain number.

''They dared?'' A sonorous voice could be heard from the other side.

''I fear Li Na is the next target. They would probably take her under their 'wings' and after a while, she would have an accident or something similar. I never asked for your help, but this time...''

''Don't worry. From today on my people will guard you. Go back to bed. Soon there will be change.''

She just hung up, went back to bed and attached all the needles again and closed her eyes just moments before that person entered her room again.

The nurse looked at the child and sighed.

''I am sorry. They hold my family as hostage. I actually like your aunt. Please forgive me if you can.''

She slightly patted the child's head and then bowed deeply towards Li Jing.

''I am sorry, so sorry.''

She sat down on her chair and started silently crying as she thought no one could see or hear her. But two people in the room could.

Li Na woke up when her aunt stood up and wanted to check on her but saw her quickly taking the phone so she stayed quiet. Just when she wanted to 'wake up' again, the nurse came back and now that she heard the words, she knew her decision was right.

It seems she really gave her aunt something bad. Something that could worsen her condition. Poison? Wrong medicine? Is that even a nurse? Didn't she take an oath?

A call on her phone could be heard and she slowly went out leaving the two people alone.

''I know you are awake. Does my healing has something to do with you, my child?''

Li Na felt a soft hand patting her hair and rose her head to see her aunt having a natural face colour.

''I had to use that thing to save you. Please forgive me.''

Her aunt sighed. ''I knew one day will come when you start using it again. Your mother...''

Li Na smirked coldly. ''After she just asked me to escape that night, she was dead in my eyes. Because my father died. Aunt, that person with her, do you know who he was?''

Li Jing looked at the window and nodded.

''When Li Mingli met your mother he was in a really bad condition. He was attacked by some people when he was in high school. After beating him up they left him to die in some hole in mid of an abandoned factory. They never expected that he would be saved.''

Li Jing closed her eyes when she remembered the day.

''Actually, your grandmother saved him. She saw what happened and the two of them took them to that place. He said your original home is a beautiful place, but scarred with wars. Like in our past. But that world is very different than ours. Your grandmother heard him from that other place.''

''Aunt, what I learnt so far it seems that only our own kind can open the door. I think our family members from either grandma's or grandpa's side was from that world as well.'' Li Na understood many things so far.

Li Jing nodded. ''My mother, your grandmother. It is always the female side. But she was sent here from another world. Her family was just a simple scholarly family but they were good people. When the war started one of the magic users used the portal to let her and her family escape. Unfortunately, he was wounded so she ended up alone in a world she didn't know. Luckily at that time was a world of turmoil so she could just say she lost her memories and knew no one.''

''How did they meet? Grandpa and grandma?'' She liked love stories.

''He was a war orphan. He started selling noodles at the stall on the side of the road and she gave lessons in languages. They met by chance when he started a business and she gave him a few hints. With time they met again and again and chose to marry. Actually, they had such a calm marriage that we all wished the same for ourselves.'' She remembered that man and her eyes became cloudy.

If at that time he was just a little bit different...