10. Accepting the dark side

''What did you just say?'' An angry yell could be heard from the main office.

''Sir, miss Li Jing recovered from her illness completely. Our information is confirmed. Even doctors were astonished by the results. At first, we thought she was faking the results but after deeper investigation, it came out she literally healed overnight.'' Even his assistant was quite astonished by the given information.

''How is this possible? Did you check the information carefully?'' Li Chen slammed his hand on the table as his face became an ugly grimace. ''I waited for this for so long. First my brother, then my damnable sister and then that child. What happened to the nurse?''

The man in front of him furrowed his eyebrows. ''Somehow she escaped our clutches and her whole family disappeared completely. Our people at the police didn't find out what happened yet. They are trying their best to find them through various sources. But, there is something else.''

Li Chen stood up and grabbed his collar. ''What now? What more? What?!''

''It seems miss Li Jing has a strong connection to Magellan Group. Not long after she healed, the CEO of the Magellan Group came by and since then he is visiting her very often. I fear it will be hard to get near her as long he is around.'' He tried to speak as the grip was tightening up more and more by the second. But he didn't dare to resist.

Li Chen suddenly remembered an old rumour. Luke Coleman was infatuated with Li Jing when he was a young man. What if he found her now and tries to connect to her closer? He can't have that. There must be a way...

He threw his assistant to the floor and walked back to his chair. ''Find out all his past relationships and find everything about him. We must find a weak link and use it against him. There must be something.''

While many people worked hard to dig dirt on Luke Coleman, he sat right next to a little girl and laughed at her serious face. ''So, what do you think so far about me?''

Li Na looked at him, then at her aunt and seriously stood up and started pacing while Luke Coleman just chuckled. ''You two must get married right away.''

Li Jing almost jumped but saw Luke Coleman rising his hand and hushing her as he seriously listened to her words. ''Why do you say that?''

Li Na sighed. ''Aunt, I know you don't care about yourself, but do you care about me at least a bit?''

On Li Jing's face, a confused expression appeared. ''I love you. Why wouldn't I care about you?''

Li Na shook her head. ''You do not. Think about it? Earlier or later they will try it again and next time you might not be able to escape them. In case of your death who will be my guardian? Who else? Li Chen. And I know already about his thoughts. And you know it as well. Aunt, you can't protect me. Sorry, but all we did so far is to hide, but we still couldn't protect ourselves from their attacks. Next time...''

Li Jing sat silently and was thinking about her words while Li Na just winked at Luke Coleman. But he didn't talk or move and just calmly waited for Li Jing's decision. The clock in the background clicked loudly in the silent room, while the two people waited for her decision.

The sound of a full hour resounded. Li Jing snapped out her thoughts and saw the two people calmly looking at her. She could almost read their love from their warm eyes. What is there to wait for?

The time was not waiting for anyone. The man that loves her is again on her side. He loved her truly, she knew that. Not only that, but he will be able to protect her beloved Li Na. She could finally stop worrying. In case something happens to her, she can always count that he will protect her.

She was about to say something when he took out a nearby bag a stack of papers and smiled. ''Just sign this and I will be her father and legal guardian. We can finally become a family. Li Jing, I waited for so long, its time. Isn't it?''

Li Jing exhaled and chuckled. What is the point of thinking about this and that? Life is too short. She realized that a while ago. ''Yes. You really waited long enough. If not even too long. Sorry.''

Luke Coleman stood up and just sat next to her and hugged her softly. ''No, my dear. It was worth it. Now you are finally free of all those doubts. In the future, the three of us can have a happy life. Soon my older brother will be back and take over his position. Then the three of us can live a calm family life. I am tired of pretending. People always take me as a weakling, as I show them smiles, but they have no idea how angry I can become. With you, I will be able to control myself. I promise.''

Li Na shook her head. ''Being angry is normal if you are surrounded by airheads. Your so-called dark side saved you and your family many times. What is wrong with being a little bit domineering? As long you know the difference and use it to live comfortably, nothing is wrong with it.''

Li Jing suddenly felt ashamed. This child accepted him completely, even with all his flaws. Why wouldn't she do the same? Li Na was right. What is wrong of having a dark side? If there was none, how could he have been able to survive for so long?

''Luke, let's be happy.'' She smiled at him and hugged him back. Finally, she felt comfortable again. The two people that she loved the most in this world are by her side and she finally smiled happily. This is happiness, isn't it?