15. Another one hooked

The Emperor sat in front of General Wang with a furious expression and was about to slam his hand on the table when he caught his arm.

''No cheating!'' General Wang knew already what this old man was trying to do. Hitting the table and messing up the current state of the game... It wouldn't be the first time.

''I am the Emperor and I can do whatever I want. Not playing anymore. How is this even a game? You murder me in a few moves. Can't you let it slide a bit? Let me make a few more moves at least.'' He pointed at an almost empty table filled with different kinds of figurines. ''How can you destroy me over and over again without any respect?''

''It is just a game. Tsk tsk...'' General Wang rolled his eyes. The Emperor was really bad at this game. With a sigh, he opened his small bag and took a strange-looking thing and stuffed it into his mouth.

The Emperor was curious. ''What is that?''

''You mean this?'' General Wang took another thing that was speckled with red dots and nibbled on it. ''Cookie. Made by my future granddaughter in law, why? Wanna try?''

He was just asking perfunctory and showed the cookie that was already nibbled on, but the Emperor took it quickly and just bit on it without care. Right after that, both men froze.

General Wang froze as this was his last cookie and the Emperor as he tasted the sweet and sour taste coming from the cookie. ''What is this? So delicious...'' He looked at the sour face General Wang had and innocently blinked as him.

''Your Highness, you can have the whole world, but do not dare to steal another cookie from me ever again. Or I will not come back for one year.'' Like a small child, General Wang crossed his arms and pouted.

With a flabbergasted expression, the Emperor looked at General Wang. '' You old man. This is my country. As my loyal peer, you should bring me the best things to make me happy. What is this secret recipe only for you?''

''Not saying! Going now! You can play on your own...Tsk!'' General Wang went out while his face still had a seriously furious expression.

The Emperor stared at the door and scratched his head as he had no idea how to react. ''It's just a cookie. Nothing serious...''

Who could have thought that he would try to summon General Wang three days later, but got a message that he was training with his grandson two days ride away from the capital city? ''Send him a message that I want 'it' now! He will know what I am talking about!''

The guard rushed away, while his forehead suddenly started shining with droplets of sweat. What kind of Edict is that? What is 'it' that the Emperor is asking for?

He arrived at the large training ground where General Wang and the young Commander Wang were just sparring. Not many people were nearby and all soldiers split into two camps that cheering up their own favourite leader.

The guard felt cold sweat sliding down his back, as he saw the strength of the attacks. No wonder that Wang's family was the main protector of their country. They chose never to be involved in politics and always aided the Emperors in the protection of the borders and royal line itself.

But they never went to attack other countries. That was the main rule. Never use the Wang family to attack another country. They just disappear and appear when the next Emporer arrives on the throne. The Empire was on the brink being broken a few times, as the Emperors tried to push the Wang family to do so.

Looking at their attack and defence, the young guard knew he wouldn't have the ability to even to get close to them. But he had to speak to the old General or he might really lose his head. ''General Wang, Emperors Edict!!!''

His shrill voice made the two men stop in motion and they suddenly kneeled.

With shaky legs, he approached them but still was far enough. ''General Wang, his Majesty the Emperor is ordering you to bring 'it' to the palace immediately. He said right away. End of the Edict''

He saw the two people standing up and looking at each other with a dark expression.

General Wang looked at his grandson and coughed. ''That old man stole one of those things with red dots and now...''

Wang Weiming suddenly became angry. ''You... She is not a professional. She can't go around and cook those for some random people! No! I deny the request.''

General Wang had to jump away as Wang Weiming got seriously furious. He tried to explain. ''He is the Emperor...''

''Damnable old man! How could you do that? Do you know how hard it is to... Ugh!'' Wang Weiming slammed his sword towards the earth under his own feet and a deep crack broke in the earth, opening all the way up to General Wang's feet.

Everyone froze. Wang Weiming was usually very strong and no one could handle his hits, except his grandfather. But just now they realized how much he held back.

Dust flew into the air and only two people could be seen standing on the fighting ground, as everyone tried to stay much further away. The guard shook like a small leaf on a stormy day as his body became sweaty. This hit was quite scary.

General Wang calmly looked at his grandson and sighed. ''Sorry! My bad. But how to explain?''

''I do not care.'' Wang Weiming put the big sword away and dusted his clothes. ''You made a mess, now clean it up. I am going back home.''

General Wang sighed as he saw his pressed lips. He knew he should not even speak to him now. Or he might release his anger at him. With another sigh, he looked at the shaking guard and patted his shoulder. ''Let's go. That old man might get angry if we don't get there fast enough.''

Two people stood on the side and looked at each other then rushed away. They must report the new situation to their superiors...