26. Cute pout


He was famous physician and the only person Emperor trusted with his own health. But that person had weird ideas and he rarely had apprentices.

General Wang chuckled. "Dogan and Li Na? This is intresting. I agree. Dogan is maybe weird, but she will love this cute fluffy girl.

Emperor realized something and started laughing. "Yes, my idea is perfect. Dogan will be Li Ma's teacher. But having just Li Na it will be too much pressure on the little girl and bit boring. What about inviting all those that have wish to learn and make tests. But they had to be around Li Na's age. Like that she can make new friends."

Li Na was already half asleep when he brought her back to her room. "I really want to learn herbs. Please. I need to protect me family."

He understood what she said and patted her head. While walking away he already heard their ideas as his hearing was amazing and smiled. "If Dogan likes you, I don't have to worry. She is extremely powerful and overprotective. With her around you can come to this world and be protected instantly. Your powers, show it to her, but be careful that no one else knows. Understood?"

She already had closed eyes but was still somewhat awake enough to hear his words. With a pout she agreed. "Ok."

Soon even breath could be heard and he looked at the nearby servants with coldness. "Let her sleep in peace. When she wakes up, let me know. Prepare warm water tonight, she loves bathing."

All servants shook under his aura and could only breathe when he was far enough. Scary..

Li Na woke up next morning and could smell fresh unpolluted air. She stretched like a little cat and heard sounds of steps. Most people from her world would feel uncomfortable having servants, but in this situation isn't it good?

They have safe working place, good clothes as she saw and probably good payment. She still has to get used to people getting killed easily, but considering that people in her world are not better, she sighed.

Her sigh was heard by servants outside and they slowly went in to check on her. Swing her wide awake they smiled at her. "Miss, we thought you would wake up and take bath, but you slept whole night sweetly."

It was not reprimand, than a simple fact. And Li Na could see on their faces that they were happy for her having such a good sleep.

She stretched one more time. "I'm sorry I overslept. I was very tiered." She put her cutest pout on her and asked them sweetly. "Is it possible to have bath now?"

The servants almost melted by her expression. Even tho her hair was open and was wildly surrounding her body, she was still soon cute in it.

Night before servants washed carefully her face hands and feet so she could comfortably sleep when they saw her deeply asleep.

Li Na was still small child so her bathing took short time. She then let them help her put body lotion and Suncream on and this time she wanted to wear light blue dress filled with white flowers.

She wore white shoes on as she skipped next to the servants and chuckled as they told her about the unusual flowers she never saw in her world.

Suddenly she stopped and saw the youth walking slowly towards her. She let go off their hands and rushed towards him with her short legs making him hurry faster as he feared she would fall and hurt herself.

As he picked her up she chuckled loudly and felt weightless. It was do much fun being again child and she had intention enjoying it fully.

The young man in dark clothes and the little girl in blue clothes that was in his arms chuckling happily was something none of servants would have even dreamed experiencing.

"More! More!" She wanted to fly more.

"Aren't you afraid?" He asked her.

"No. I trust you. Now more, more!" Her simple answer made him feel warm in his heart and he complied to her.

Unfortunately her body was really weak and she knew it was enough after couple more times as she felt bit dizzy. Without explaining him what happened, as she knew he would never do it again, she asked about others.

"Did you eat something?" He suddenly heard her grumbling belly and icily stared at her servants.

She rolled her big eyes and grabbed his face, so he would look at her, not at them. "I didn't let them serve me, as I wanted to eat breakfast with you. But I guess you don't want to eat breakfast with me?"

Looking at her cute puffed cheeks and small pouting lips, all he could do is laugh. "I did eat a bit in morning, but I already had my training so we could eat more together. Let's go to the grandma's room, she probably was waiting for you to wake up."

The two entered the room and realized even his grandfather and parents were there. In wonder he let Li Na down on nearby chair and sat down as well. "Why is everyone here?"

His grandfather avoided his eyes and coughed while his son rolled his eyes. "We will eat breakfast and then go for a ride. Wasn't she curious about our world?"

Lee Meili could see his anxious expression and shook her head. "Our guest already prepared our outing. Don't worry. And you two are there as well. Of course, we all will be there. And he really send Flower to her."

Li Na was now curious. " Flower? I love flowers. What type of flower?"

Wang Weiming tried to stifle his laughter as he saw his sons expression. "You will see when we get out..."
