Chapter 25: Small misunderstandings

"You won't go out anymore till I tell you to!" Zack thundered.

Elize glared at him. Who did he think he was to order her around? It was getting on her nerves. He was acting like an obsessed person around her since last night. Ever since she woke up in the morning, he'd been trailing behind her like he had nothing better to do. It was cute for a while and then it turned really annoying. He stopped her from going downstairs and had even arranged tight security throughout the floor. Walking around the floor was no fun- especially when the whole floor only consisted of one single room and a huge balcony whose access was denied to her.

"You're being an asshole!" Elize shouted back, standing up on the bed. She wanted to have the advantage of height when she scolded him. How dare he look down upon her?!

"And you're being a-"

"A what?!" Elize taunted, looking down at him, pacing the floor. His hair was disheveled and he had dark circles under his eyes, he probably didn't sleep much after they came back, Elize thought.

"Why can't you just listen to me for once?!" Zack shouted at her and stormed out of the room.

He banged the door hard behind him. Elize screamed in irritation and plopped down on the bed, taking the only pillow on the bed and throwing it at the door. The pillow struck hard at the wood and bounced back, falling a feet away from the door.

"I wonder why he's so on the edge today. It's not like he did anything productive. I did all the work yesterday." Elize murmured to herself. She played around with her hair and that's when the smell struck her.

"Eww. I smell like a wet dog." She said, scrunching her face in disgust.

Tying her hair on top of her head in a bun, she slid off from the bed and walked towards the huge mirror on the wall. She rolled her eyes at her own reflection. She had bed hair and sweat covered clothes. She still hadn't changed from yesterday's wet clothes since it dried off as soon as they reached the pack house. She regretted the decision then, unable to bear the stench coming off of her clothes.

"But you're still awesome, stench or no stench." Elize said, pointing to her reflection in the mirror.

She started humming to herself as she took off her clothes one by one. Dancing on her own, Elize took off her underwear and threw it on the pile in front of the mirror. She did a little shimmy and walked towards the only other door in the room. Elize pushed it open to reveal another room, almost as big as the other room. She stepped inside and looked around. Light poured in from the various windows at the end of the room. Built in cupboards lined the walls, displaying neatly arranged clothes and utilities on it.

She whistled to herself, going through a rack of clothes that looked comfortable. She picked out a black baggy t-shirt and a pair of boxers from the bundle and threw it on the bed.

"Man's got a nice set up." Elize said, smirking.

She pushed open the glass doors to the huge bathroom and stepped inside. It was bigger than her own at the mansion, Elize thought. After pouring in a good amount of liquid soap, she turned on the tap to fill the tub big enough to fit two. As she watched it fill, her thoughts wandered to the previous day's incidents.

She remembered how shocked Meifeng looked when Elize suddenly appeared in front of her. She had teleported without intending to, surprising herself. But as soon as she saw Meifeng, all she felt was anger. She stepped forward and took hold of the woman's hand.

Without thinking twice she dragged the poor girl towards the forest, putting a spell on the kid who stood in the way. It was not until halfway through the forest that she noticed that Meifeng was not resisting. Elize stopped then and released her hand, suddenly feeling defeated.

"I guess you've heard the news from somewhere." Meifeng said, turning Elize around to face her.

A single tear drop slid down Elize's eye. Keeping her head down, she didn't resist the gentle hold on her shoulders. She nodded her head, sniffling. At that moment, what surprised her was how the woman who she considered her rival had pulled her into a deep hug. A warm feeling spread through her body, making her feel at ease. She missed her friends right then. Elize was sure Agatha would have had some smart remark up her sleeves.

"It's okay to feel bad Elize. But everything is not always as it seems." Meifeng said, her voice soft.

Elize started crying louder when she heard it. She didn't want to be hugged by her- she wanted to fight her. Why was she being so nice to her?

Elize broke away from the hold and stepped back. Wiping her tears on the back of her hand she looked straight at the woman who stood in front of her. Everything about her intimidated her. She was beautiful, well mannered, kind and above all was the girl who Zack's family had chosen for him. Elize felt angry and defeated at the same time. But she was not planning to give in without a fight.

"You don't have to try to make me feel better. I don't like you." Elize said looking away.

"I understand. But I hope that you give me a chance, after all we're going to be in laws."

Elize rolled her eyes. "Why should I give you a-" she paused, thinking about what Meifeng had just said. She asked, "What do you mean in laws?"

The girl broke into a beautiful smile then. "Alex is my mate Elize. And as his sister, you will be my sister in law right?"

Elize was stunned for a moment. The news was shocking. As she tried to process the information, the smell of perfume hit her. It was coming off of Meifeng. Elize suddenly felt stupid. She should have noticed it earlier, she thought. Alex used to come home smelling like that very same perfume every day.

"I uh-" Elize said, scratching her head awkwardly.

Meifeng laughed. "It's okay kiddo. Don't think much of it." She said, patting Elize on her back.

Elize gave her an awkward smile.

Suddenly Meifeng turned around, her expression serious. She then turned back to Elize and grabbed her hand.

"We need to move. Now." Meifeng said, with a tone of urgency.

"What is it?" Elize asked, nervousness creeping into her.

"No time to explain. Let's go."

Elize was suddenly dragged by Meifeng as she started running, holding tight on to her hand. It was hard for her to keep up with the speed of a fully mature wolf, but she ran as fast as she could sensing the warning of danger that accompanied Meifeng's urgency. She knew that even though Meifeng could have run faster in her wolf form, she hadn't turned- keeping Elize in mind. She felt thankful at that moment and overtly guilty at how much resentment she had held against this woman who was now trying to protect her.

As they jumped above huge roots and fallen branches of trees, Elize could hear footsteps behind them. Soon after, she heard barks from a seemingly closer distance.

"Hold on, we're just about to reach the clearing." Meifeng shouted to Elize, sensing her exhaustion. Elize nodded and ran, till the trees gave way to a grassy field, a stream running through the middle of the plain. Just as they neared the stream, Meifeng turned around to Elize with a determined look and stopped. Elize looked at the woman in front of her, panting.

"Stay here. Don't move." Meifeng said.

Before Elize could respond, Meifeng transformed into her wolf. She was much smaller when compared to Zack's wolf, Elize thought. Her tangerine fur shone in the moonlight, almost making it seem like she had gold colored fur. The wolf turned and looked towards Elize, it's deep black eyes almost smiling. Both their attention turned back towards the edge of the forest as they suddenly heard the barks coming closer. Within seconds, three wolves emerged from the thicket, running straight at the two. Elize staggered back seeing the creatures, exactly as Meifeng's wolf charged at them.

The feeling of wetness against her feet brought Elize back to the present. The water from the tub was beginning to overflow and was falling onto her feet. She quickly turned the tap off and stepped inside, making more soapy water flow out. The scent of rose and vanilla in the water helped her relax, as she leaned against the head of the tub.

"I miss you guys." Elize said as she sighed to herself. So much was happening in her life and she missed her friends. She wondered what Agatha and Irina was doing at the moment. Settling herself more comfortably in the tub, she closed her eyes slowly giving into the sleep that was weighing heavily on her lids.