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Chapter 52: Escape plan

Elize sat on the old rocking chair in her room with the grimoire in hand. She was absentmindedly staring at the thick forest growth outside her window, her gray eyes bereft of the light that once shone through them. Dawn was fast approaching and the first streaks of sun's rays had lit up the whole sky in a pinkish hue. There was a slight chill to the wind, which glided through her long dark locks every ten minutes. Birds of various sorts were chirping loudly, welcoming the new day by jumping around from one branch of a tree to another in search of food. None of this succeeded in capturing her attention. The girl was lost in a world of her own thoughts.

A tiny blue bird suddenly flew up and perched on her window sill. Cocking it's head to the sides, it started chirping at the girl who barely noticed its presence.

*Chirp Chirp*

The sound brought her out of her thoughts. Elize's face registered a faint smile at the little visitor who was vying for her attention.