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Chapter 69: The red vial

They had gotten out of the cave with the help of the stone. At first it didn't want to let them go. But Elize ensured the stone that she will return for it, when the time comes. She had no idea when it was. But it was the only thing that she could say at the moment to ensure the mystical object. Zack had looked at her weirdly when she was talking aloud to the stone. She ignored him. She didn't want to deal with his bullshit right then. She had more on her mind. If what Zack said was true and his grandfather was back, she was not too eager to go out of the cave. But since, her absence could lead to a full blown war, she gave in to his request.

In the blink of an eye they were outside the cave, at the exact same spot Elize was before they fell in to the water. She remembered her horror at falling in. She drew back reflexively from the bank. Elize didn't want to go through the same passage again.