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Chapter 109: Covering it up

Elize was half asleep until she heard a familiar voice call out her name. She shook her head, trying to overcome the haze that was her mind. There was a tangy metallic smell all around her, whose origins she couldn't remember. She was too tired to stand up or even turn around. Her limbs felt like they were tied to huge rocks. 

"Elize!" Agatha called out again.

Gathering all her energy, she responded the best way she could, "Oooooowwww!" She howled. 

Hoping that it was enough, Elize tiredly sat up, waiting for her friend to find her. She was too tired to walk. She could hear footsteps approaching. It seemed that more than one person was coming towards her. That's when the sweet smell of forest and honey wafted towards her. She sighed in joy, remembering the way that his body felt against hers. It was a warm indescribable feeling, that made her feel like she was wrapped in bliss.