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Chapter 128: Trying not to think of him

"Let me get this straight. You and Agatha are dating, and Firyr got thrown off to the sky by the Zhouyu." Elize asked, raising her brows. 

"No way. Agatha doesn't like me like that." Legolas said awkwardly. Turning to her, he said with a mischievous smile, "If you don't believe what I just told you about, then ask Prince Irwing. He got reprimanded by the administration for keeping a mythical animal inside the academy premises without getting permission first."

Elize was surprised at the fact that the Vice Principal of the school got admonished for something at all. Besides, he was the prince of the Fae- were they allowed to talk down to him? She wondered. But she wasn't worried- he was Lloyd Irwing after all. The man could bend other people's will like a string and turn situations around to his favor. She had seen his moves in play.