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Chapter 248: The first warning

Lloyd's POV

Lloyd couldn't sleep- not when she was lying in his arms like that. He couldn't stop staring at her. The corners of his lips remained stretched, as he watched her sleep peacefully, her hands curled up against his chest. He pushed a stray hair behind her ear, making sure that he was subtle enough to not disturb her sleep. 

"Why are you so beautiful?" He whispered softly against her hair. 

He was content at that moment. That was all he ever wanted from life- her in his arms like that. He had to use his magic to put out her heat again, for he didn't want to exert her body. She had been through way too much tonight. Though it hurt to see her in his arms, he had clenched his teeth and stayed close, hidden in the garden so that he could get to her if she needed him.