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Chapter 261: The miserable elf

Elize threw her hands up in the air in frustration, looking at her friend with wide eyes. 

"I just don't understand. Why are you staying quiet about it?" She asked, grabbing the witch by her shoulders. 

Agatha sighed, nodding towards her side. Elize looked towards the direction. Many elves had stopped to stare at them. Their whispers rose up in the air, as they speculated whether the two of them were any threat to their peace. Some looked scared of them while the others were glaring at them in anger as if they had done something wrong by being there.

Elize dropped her hand from her friend's shoulders. She took a deep breath and calmed herself down, retracting the fangs that unconsciously came out in a fit of frustration. Grabbing her friend's hand, she walked forward, ignoring the passersby. Seeing a sharp curve towards her right, she took that, and soon they were walking down a deserted unpaved road, surrounded by trees and shrubs on either side.