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Chapter 267: Please wake up

"It was dark magic," Ellisar spoke up. "The man was possessed by it. But the moment the scepter pierced the prince, the Duke cried out loudly and slit his own throat." A sympathetic sigh escaped his chest as he finished the explanation.

"If the source of the magic was destroyed, he should have woken up by now," Elize murmured, thinking aloud. 

No matter how much she thought about it, his state made no sense to her. With all the books that she had browsed through the past few days, she had learned that dark magic like other kinds of magic was centered on a siphoning object. If the scepter was destroyed when the Duke died, it would mean that the Duke himself was the siphon and that the scepter was only a fluke to distract the others. Hence the scepter couldn't have done much damage to him.