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Chapter 277: Who the hell is Zachariah Ze'ev?!

Lloyd's POV

She was gone. She was really gone. The moment that she had lied to him about her reasons, he knew who to look for. There was no way that she would have gone back to Zack if not for something unavoidable. If even their bond couldn't make her go back, there must have been a good reason behind it. Rage boiled in his blood as he rushed towards the forest, making the creatures scram from his path hastily. 


"Come out!" He screamed, his voice thundering through the silence of the dawn. 

"M-my prince." A familiar voice stuttered from above him. 

Seeing the wrath in his eyes, the Shagird shuddered, quickly climbing down the Spet tree with his small hands, too shaken to use his magic. It bowed its head, its body shivering helplessly. 

"You're awake!" The child-like creature exclaimed, smiling nervously.