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Chapter 283: A bigger problem

Elize slipped out of her guest room, closing the door quietly behind her. She tip-toed across the corridor and quickly walked down the flight of stairs, breathing a sigh of relief when she reached the ground floor. The girls looked up anxiously from her couch as she walked over to them. 

"Did she sleep?" Irina asked, looking concerned. 

Elize nodded, plopping down on the couch opposite the witch. "Mmm." She said, "Poor thing. She was quite shaken."

Though it had taken her almost two hours to make Skye finally fall asleep, the girl had been still murmuring in her sleep when she had left. Seeing how sensitive Brandt was getting to the girl's scent, Elize had convinced Zack that it was better for the girl to be taken back to her mansion, away from her hormonal mate.