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Chapter 294: Drunk and sentimental

Nina nodded, looking confused at her question. 

"Yes, I can hear the guys on patrol bickering." She replied with a shrug.

The red-haired wolf exchanged a look with the witch and nodded, their head shakes not going unnoticed by the nervous future Luna. 

"And Zack?" Elize asked, ignoring their silent communication. 

Nina chuckled. In the blink of an eye, she was right beside her and grabbed on to her other hand. "I'm sure he's fine too. Now come, you have a party to host, Luna." She said, tugging at her forcibly. 

Elize opened her mouth to protest, but Agatha quickly put a calming spell on her, dispelling all her worries. All that remained in her head was a prayer that her mate was not in any danger. Hearing Meifeng's laughter echo from the adjacent room, Elize sighed. Yes, she was supposed to do this for her sister-in-law. They were going to have fun, and everything was going to be alright, she told herself.