WebNovelPart Wolf76.12%

Chapter 391: It doesn't have to be this way

Elize looked at the demoness through her teary-blurred vision. Why was it that all the innocents around her kept dying one after the other? Why was fate being so cruel to her so as to break her heart again and again? Lang Jin's laughter echoed in her ears as a memory flashed in her mind. 

She was running through the corridors of the academy, visibly frustrated. She had just witnessed another episode of Eun Ae trying to wedge between the already tense relationship between her and Zack. Her friends were busy with their own things. Except for the persistent footsteps that kept following her, she was all alone. She was too annoyed to acknowledge the wolf. 

"Are you sure that you want to keep this up?" Lang Jin asked, finally catching up to her. 

Elize huffed, increasing her pace. "I can and I will." She retorted in irritation.