WebNovelPart Wolf76.70%

Chapter 394: You will kill him!

"Z-Zack." The Luna stuttered, quickly hiding the dagger behind her. 

Hearing the sound, Eun Ae looked up, relief washing over her features at the sight of the enraged alpha. She leaned against a tree trunk and weakly smiled, showing bloodied fangs. With trembling hands, she reached out in the direction in a plea for help.

But the alpha's gaze was focused on the naked woman standing a few meters away from him. His eyes features construed with conflicted emotions. Elize gulped, trying hard not to tear her eyes away from that of her mate's. He looked like a predator, ready to pounce. She knew that any show of fear was going to trigger him at this moment. 

The alpha gritted his teeth, taking a leap towards his mate. He landed gracefully on the green forest floor, rising gracefully, like the seasoned wolf that he was. The muscles in his arms flexed as he did, his eyes in a darker shade of blue threateningly as they met her own.