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Chapter 416: We can play after the alpha is done with you

A low growl arose from the direction of the she-wolf. Luna forced herself to remain calm as she saw the girl taking her first step towards her. To an average earthling, a wolf's flash movements would appear too fast- almost like a blur. But the moon goddess could see the tiniest movement of the girl's body down to the hand that she now raised and the fingers that wrapped around her neck in a threat. 

But she let her get her way with her. It was not the time and place to showcase her strength yet. She had an objective to see through, the goddess thought, smiling to herself. The enemy hissed, baring her fangs at her threateningly. 

"You have some nerve, walking into our territory like that." She said, her voice deep with resentment as her eyes roamed over her body. "Tell me, who was it that sent you here?"

Luna sighed, tapping the girl's hand lightly. "I think you got the wrong impression, Miss...?" she trailed off, flashing a smile at her assailant.