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Chapter 454: I need more

Liam's POV

Fire. Blazing fire. That was what she was. And she was fast consuming him in it. Like strands of the midnight sky, her hair cascaded down her naked shoulders, avoiding the curves of her breasts like a river rushing through a valley, finding its way around the mountains. 

Her sparkling grey eyes were alluring like the bright moon that called to him every now and then. She was desire personified. A goddess in her own right. She was anything but human or wolf or fae. But she was everything that he ever yearned for, he thought as he stared at her bare chest.

She was writing under his touch. It was beautiful to watch. The moonlight that pushed through the open windows on the wall wrapped around her pale figure as she arched again in pleasure. Liam grit his teeth as he thrust his finger inside her again, shuddering as he reveled in the warmth inside her. 

"Aaangh!" Luna moaned, gripping at the core of his very being with her musical voice.