What A Shocker!

So the beginning plans have been laid out. We got me an I.D in the system. Just need to mail it to my new home. Abby insisted she have one too. That wasn't much trouble, the issue though was her naming us as Mr. and Mrs. Klyntar. The woman is being pushy if you ask me. Though she convinced me last night fairly easily.


. Flashback


Abby: "It's all your fault. You should accept this."

Me: "I might have, if you weren't holding me down! Against my will might I add! Seriously, why do this. We have a wonderfully platonic relationship and even took in three young adults to help."

Abby: "Because I was never treated this way. I want to keep it."

Me: "What? A friend? That's easy for me to do. We can keep doing that and enjoying this together."

Abby: " NO! Not a friend, but a woman! I'm strong, I'm smart, I'm witty, I'm funny, I'm powerful, Celestial damn it I'm HOT. But I've never been treated like a fucking EQUAL. I've been treated as a weapon, a tool to further someone's own goals, but I could never have my own goals. But you have! And I'm not letting go."

Me: "Technically I got lucky and won all of this on a spin of the wheel."

Abby: "Yeah? Well right now I feel like the winner."

That damn wicked smile stopped me from fighting. Doubt I could win, she is damn stronk! Gamer ability minor indeed. . Protected my mind but not my body.




So now we are heading over to the three kid's place. So yeah, I might have fudged on the girls ages. Because they looked late 20s, they were actually 18. I guess it was for protection. Young ladies are often more preyed on. . . Damn life. Not everyone is treated equally.

Walking in was easy. Avoiding the flying pan was not. Like damn good aim girlfriend. Oh wait, that was Danny. Nevermind. I guess a new home is great but they are still in a fight or flight mode.

Abby smirked and snaked around me to give Danny a hug. Little shit melted her arms. Enjoy it for it shall be your last! BOINK! Ow!

Me: "Why did you hit me on the head?!"

Abby: " You were thinking something stupid again, you man child."

Grr. So mean. Sniff sniff. Mmmmm. Someone is cooking. . nothing?

Me: "Y'all aren't eating breakfast? I thought the frying pan would at least mean you or the girls were cooking."

Danny: "We forgot to get food for the fridge and pantries. Tasha and Jaz went to find a convenience store to pick up food with the money you left us."

Oh yeah, I forgot about that. With Abby finding new prey we havn't really needed to eat regular food yet.

Jasmine: "Knock knock! We are home and we have food! Oh hey Richard. Mama Abby! I missed you!"

She practically jumped into Abby's arms for a hug. What? No love for me? Pfft, whatever.

Hearing a giggle behind me I turned around to Natasha, "someone is jealous I see."

Me: " Me, no. Never jealous. Just unloved and unwanted. Sniffle sniffle."

She rolled her eyes and gave me a one armed hug. It was nice. Even guys need a hug. In fact, I was a member of the free hug association back in my old world. One of my fond memories.

Natasha: "So we have food with us. Would you care to join us? It's just quick microwaveable meals."

Abby: "That sounds great dear. I'm feeling a little hungry after last night."

Jasmine snorted before saying, "yeah, we heard."

I gave her a half hearted glare. And I most definently did not blush. Grown men don't blush! Stop giggling at me! Argh! Damnit Abby!

Me: "Okay, let's settle in. Me and Abby are here to get to work on your new identities. Have y'all thought about what names you may want? Age? Did you three want to get any schooling? Quite frankly I think the last part is a must. But that's me. Oh! Ham sammich, I love ham, mmm, thank you Natasha."

Natasha: "Well, I honestly would love to finish school. Before I ran away from home, school was the only solace I had."

Jasmine: "Preach it baby, I had a perfect school average! But that didn't mean shit to my aunty."

Danny nodded his head up and down. So I guess we gotta figure this out. They'll be transfering in near the last semester. Gotta find their last school records and finagle it a little. And. . why y'all looking at me?

Smiling at me Abby responded for the group, "someone is planning everything without sharing. Shame shame dear. We're doing this together."

Me: "Oh, right, whoops. Well then ages? I realized I never really asked if you need a G.E.D for college or you going in high school."

Jasmine: "I think I turned 18 just last week. Tasha here is 17. And little Danny is going to be 15 soon. If you're gonna set up our school records, me and Tasha should go to our Junior year. Send Danny as a freshman. I'm not letting him too far out of my sights. Gotta protect my little man."

Mhmm, mhmm, solid ideas. Okay, we can make this work. We'll just have Abby set up Brainiac's old equipment up and have them test their knowledge and see what needs polishing and we can get them set up in a week. Good good.

Abby: "That will be a fine start. I'll get set up and Richard can go shopping while we four work on what studies you need."

Didn't I just say that? Oh, thought it again? Good thing Abby can read my mind when she wants.

Me: "Alright with me. I could do with some stretching of the legs, Anyone allergic to anything?"

When I got a wave of their heads I was off to the supermarket! Yay!~




So shopping is fun. Especially when the walk took me god damn 30 minutes. Grr. I got lost and found myself back home twice! But hey, I made a game of it. Hehehe. See this box of cereal? It looks delicious but I put it back? Wrong! Put it back on shelf, falls into my inventory. Hehehe. I started practicing some of Abby's shadow magic and it worked almost as well as hers.

Screech. "Where'd my purse go?!", whoops. A little wave of the fingers a~nd back in her cart. "Whew, it fell under the groceries". Yeah sweetheart, sure it did.

On my way out of the place, I had the great displeasure of one of Spidey's nemesis showing up and ruining the area. Like seriously dude, tax payers have to pay for all these repairs!

Electro: "Hahahahahaha, don't run everyone! The party is just getting electrifying!"

Well that was lame. And aren't you a jewel theif or something? This is a nice place to, oh hey, a jewelry store. Well okay then.

Making sure no one saw me throw my groceries in my inventory, took up the last of my space too, damn limited amount of space!

I ran into an alley to "suit up" and deal with the little lightning bug. I havn't let loose since coming here to this universe and I doubt anyone will judge me for dealing with this fool. Now how to approach this?

Meh, let's do it fast and hard. I jump off the roof of the supermarket and come crashing down onto him. Bastard never saw me coming.

Looking down on his knocked out form, I hear the tell tale sound of a web slinger swinging in. He looks confused, sorry little man, didn't want to steal your thunder.

Spider-Man: "Wow, did I make it in time for the costume party? I heard there would be snacks."

Me: "Haha little arachnid. Very funny. Here's your not so friendly lightning bug. Try to not suck his fluids out ehh?"

Well that sounded wrong, but hey. He's a spider. It's what they do dang it.

Spider-Man: "Dude, that's just wrong. At least my jokes are funny. By the way, who you supposed to be?"

Me: " I'm Shade. Like a shade of red? Cool ehh? But no, seriously, I was just at the right place at the wrong time. He was causing some serious property damage and it tickdx me off. Us taxpayers have to cover the costs!"

Spider-Man: "Uh huh, weird name but I have heard worse. So you just a temp?"

Me: "Yes and no? Not exactly a superhero, just a disgrunted old guy. Anyways, Im out of here. You got this?"

Spidey: "Yeah, I'll web him up good."

I smirked at him, "shut up, not like that!", heh, whatever you say kid. I take off by jumping from roof to roof before I can land and shift back to my normal self. As I'm walkimg home I feel like I'm forgetting something.

I open the door and Abby yanks me in and shouts, "I SAID WE WEREN'T GOING TO NAMED SHADE!" , oh yeah. I forgot about that. Whoops. Hi honey, I'm home?