Other Excerpts Compilation

Iris has been on Idroa +4 days than Silas.

C36 - I'm scared another war is going to break out. Mike's supporters are growing by the day, and I see in them the same zeal I saw in Grace's lackeys. They want a strongman leader who'll take bold strokes, not Silas who they say sucks on Elise's tits and Dom's dick. I don't think he does; I think they just don't like the rules and the people on top.

When I remember the past, it hurts: Lazzaro took care of me when others pushed me aside, and he was killed for sport. Silas came to save me, and he almost died for it. I remember how he cried when he saw me. I don't want him to cry again - tears make him look ugly. But I guess it doesn't matter, because he's leaving anyway.

He was acting angsty for a while, and yesterday he told me he's going to find his brother and sister. So, who's going to beat Mike? Josh can't, Dom can't, Natalie can't. Maybe if we work together though. Dom is acting stupid now because he won't make the first move - he says it isn't right, that he doesn't want to sink to the same level as scum. But morals didn't save Lazzaro, and I don't think they'll save the rest of us either.

I'm scared, but I hope everything turns out okay.

Iris Azer - Diary - Day 27 on Idroa

C45- I don't know where Silas is, and I don't think he's coming back anymore. Sabine has taken over the village completely, and everyone's scared to go against her. They hear the tales of what happened, and they hide in their houses, but their fear is nothing on us who saw her crush Mike's head.

I can't believe that this is the same Sabine as at the start. She was always eager for battle and derisive, but now she's become cruel and bloodthirsty. Even worse, her attitude rubs off on her goons, especially on Ernst who's been going around stirring up every hornet's nest he could find. I think he's always been this way, only now his upgraded class gives him the power to back it up.

Actually, I lied earlier: there is someone who's willing to go against Sabine, but I think he's just acting stupid again. Dom's changed since his arm got chopped off - he's becoming brooding and darker. I've heard rumours he means to take on Sabine as soon as he gets his arm back, so I'm taking my time in healing it. I guess I don't really know what I'm stalling for, but maybe I can think of something in that time?

Iris Azer - Diary - Day 32 on Idroa

C49 - Champion (rare)

Unlock conditions: kill a higher-levelled enemy with a crowd watching. Have overwhelming strength and constitution relative to your race's averages.


Crowd's Favourite - your attributes are increased by 1% for every allied organism directly watching you during a fight. This bonus can increase to 2% per spectator depending on how engaged they become.

Sacred Arena - choose an individual to duel. An unbreakable arena will form around the two of you. The enemy cannot escape the arena, and outsiders cannot directly interfere with your duel. Should you lose or forfeit the duel while in the Sacred Arena, you will immediately lose your class.

+15 strength, +15 constitution.

Champion is a direct upgrade of the uncommon class, Gladiator.



What you seek is closer than you think…

Roxanne Martin - the Oracle - Speaking to a Beastmaster searching for his lost pet Cluckers, the very one Roxanne had sacrificed the day before.


Well, we finally got news about Silas today. His trip to New Derby was super successful, and honestly, I didn't think he would set up an alliance in the time. Although, then again, he did a similar thing with Lyfort so who knows, maybe he's just suited to be a travelling envoy. Perhaps he'll have made several more alliances by the time he comes back!

Anyway, I think Riverside has moved on from Sabine at last. Several other people have risen to take over her faction's area and influence including Renard. I haven't written much about him, but he's been here from the start, although back then he was far more low-key, living as our resident bowyer and fletcher. But recently he upgraded his class to Arcane Fletcher, and now all the archers suck up to him. Still, he's a good fellow and a religious one who spends a lot of time with Yuri. I thought Yuri was stuck-up and scary but he saved me last time, so I guess he's not bad either.

Tomorrow, we're finally raiding the quarry. It's the perfect time because it leaves us a day till the horde but more importantly because the ratkin have massively decreased their activity recently. It might be because of how many they lost last time or maybe something entirely else, but either way, our scouts haven't caught sight of them for a while now. If our raid is successful and the manastones are as effective as they're rumoured to be, it could massively decrease the workload on us Healers. Krisa was also hinting and giggling that a lot more could be done with them, but Ish shut her up before she spilled anything else.

Iris Azer - Diary - Day 37 on Idroa

C60 -Ish Shadowhand is a pure-blood ryfin of commendable skill. He specialises in clandestine and assassination missions but has respectable achievements as a commander as well. He venerates Dimas, but has significant respect for Karaes as well, and to a lesser extent, Foltrus. No instances of showing disloyalty to the Order. He has family in Kitael who he is close to and who should be held hostage in the event of betrayal. At the time of this report, he was described to be taciturn and morose but talented.

Following the Apocalypse, he took a high position in Lyfort and established good relations with its citizens and its mayor, Kore Brightmind. As a trusted officer, he was sent to Riverside as both an envoy and spy, and he performed both tasks sufficiently, expanding the Order's influence over the village.

His class is titled Shade, a rare class which has attribute bonuses in agility, perception, and arcana. Its first ability further increases his attributes when his skin is hidden from view. Its second ability allows him to transform into smoke and displace himself - while this can be done indefinitely, it drains mana at a high rate, so he is unlikely to do it for more than a couple of heartbeats.

He is proficient at daggers, swords, blowguns, and bows. If required to be killed in combat, I recommend getting into melee range as quick as possible before he has an opportunity to use his blowgun. Then, be cautious of his speed and take glancing blows at him, ripping his clothes and lowering his class's attribute bonus. After that…

Dimas - Reports on Figures of Interest to the Order of Tyr


Things are not as simple as they appear to be.

Roxanne Martin - the Oracle - Speaking to the Beastmaster after he finds Clucker's intact skeleton sitting pretty in her cupboard.

C63 -

Flip your coin and make your choice, but know there is no justice in this farce.

Roxanne Martin - the Oracle - At her trial for Clucker's slaughter.

C65- Morals? Ha! Leave the past where it belongs, and revel with me in this new age where power is everything!

Kuraim Jaffer - the Necromancer - Speaking to his prospective followers


Just because we're in a new age doesn't mean we should let our old morals take flight and embrace degeneracy in its stead, Roxie. I warned you about doing this last week, so why did you proceed to do it anyway?

Lucian Grimes - the Warlord - Passing judgment at a trial for Clucker's slaughter. The defendant, Roxanne Martin, the Oracle, was found guilty on all charges.

C67 -

I've heard it all before, little maggot, so how about you shut up and get inside me already?

Dahlia Howe - The Abomination - Speaking to an unidentified Pyromancer before feasting on him.


Tempter (rare)

Unlock conditions: repeatedly take advantage of others' lust for you. Have at least overwhelming arcana and middling perception relative to your race's averages.


Beguiling Charm - your aura increases others' desire for you. You can additionally detach this aura from yourself and place it on other items, and the mana cost increases with the distance to your detached charms. The strength of this effect is increased with arcana.

True Love - make direct contact with another and choose them as your true love, overpowering their mind. They will become completely infatuated with you, and although they maintain their prior memories and abilities, they will now also have a persistent and intense need to please you. Mana cost increases with distance to your true love.

You Know You Want Me - after channelling for 10 seconds, magnify the effects of your Beguiling Charm up to unlimited times. Mana cost exponentially increases with every multiple undertaken.

+15 arcana, +10 perception, +5 agility.


C73 -

Would you sacrifice yourself for your fellow man's good? Of course not, you got here by being selfish, so what's to make you change now? Well, let me tell you, the humanity we once had is lost, and it's pivotal to our race's survival that we find it again before it's too late. Does that mean you should crucify yourself tomorrow? Nope, it just means you shouldn't be such a piece of shit.

Lucian Grimes - the Warlord - Addressing a crowd in Brightmoor.

C81 - Grumtor Blackmind, formerly Krumtor Godhand, is a retarded being of ryfin, satyr, and nymph heritage. After his exile, he endlessly wandered Caen with no discernible goal in mind, however, after the Apocalypse he exited the tutorial directly beside Lyfort. Its mayor, Kore Brightmind, ushered him in, believing Tyr intended a greater purpose for the wasted retard, and allowed him to work in the underground prisons, where he was away from sight and slight. He has shown zero ambition past this position and appears largely content with his dreary life, something we can reliably attribute to his low intelligence.

Having passed the normal tutorial and picked the common Brawler class, he is a hollow shell of his former self with lacking levels as well. However, it is safe to assume he still possesses prodigious combat prowess and the ability to use Themir's magic. For this reason, I believe Kore has done a great service by shackling Grumtor to such a lowly position, making him easily trackable and consistently low-levelled. If Grumtor is to leave his job and begin exploration of Idroa, take maximum caution as he is expected to level up at a ridiculous pace.

If in combat with Grumtor, abuse his low intelligence by drawing him into simple but effective traps and wear him down. Do not enter close range but instead shoot him down from afar. If you are forced into his reach, simply pray that Tyr will save your hide. Should Grumtor use void magic, retreat at once and wait for him to drain his mana before killing him.

Although he is rated at the highest danger level, both Karaes and I believe he may have application in the future, and so we have ordered him to be kept alive but restrained until such a moment arrives.

Dimas - Reports on Figures of Interest to the Order of Tyr

C86 - Black Knight (rare)

Unlock conditions: class can only be obtained through upgrading uncommon class, Squire. Denounce the morals that earned you the Squire class, and murder several fellows of your race in unprovoked attacks. Have high strength, constitution, and agility.


Rotting Flesh - activate to cause opponent's flesh to rot on successful blows. Activate again to drain life from each instance of concurrent rotting flesh, healing yourself with the stolen health.

Revel in Death - every kill increases strength, constitution, and agility by 3% for 20 minutes, up to a maximum of 60%. The higher your percentage bonus, the more healing Rotting Flesh provides.

+10 strength, +10 constitution, +10 agility.

Black Knight is a direct upgrade of the uncommon class, Squire.
