
Gina sank down and kept looking at her reflection. "Who am I? Why am I inside this woman's body? How did I get in here." She looks at herself and tires to remember what happened before.

*AHHHHHHHH! The woman suddenly slips from down the cliff and Gina quickly jumps off the cliff with her. She uses her power and tries to go faster and try to catch her, before her head hits the hard rock. But Gina was too late, the woman's head hit the rock and died.*

Gina hits her head, "What does this suppose to mean? She died, but how did I become her? Or how did I get inside her body? This doesn't make sense," as she paces herself back and forth. "I still have to get back home, I can't go back like this." She touches her head and still sees blood coming down her head. "Oh right, she hitted her head before." As she tries to use her power to heal it back, her power doesn't seem to be working. "What is this now? Now you're not working?" She angrily puts back the receptor in her pocket and tries to find a way out.

Time passes, Gina didn't even know how long she walked already. She can't find any way out. Her power is not working right now and her head is still bleeding. She sat down at a nearby rock and stared down at herself. She searched her pocket and found a pass.

"Kim Hee Joo. Medical examiner and doctor. The Yoon's Military House."

"Is that who she is? Kim Hee Joo?" She puts the pass on the side and checks to see what else she has on her. After searching for a few seconds, there was nothing else beside a key and a locket. Gina opened the locket and saw a picture of two babies. She sighs and throws it to one side. "I shouldn't have interfered with this. I should've just mind my own business and leave her alone. Why do I have to be so nosy?" She lays her back at the rock and looks up. The sun shines at her eyes, the shade covers part of her, and for the first time she felt like a human being. A human being that she's been wishing to be for a really long time.

Night falls, the sun has set and the moon rises. Gina is still laying on top of the rock. "I can't just lay here and do nothing," as he brain hits her. "I have to do something." She stands up and grabs all the vines she can find, and ties it together. "Hope this will work," as she wraps the vine and throws it up to the hook at the top of the cliff. "Good thing I practice my skills back at home or else I wouldn't be able to do this," as she pats herself and gathers her things. She starts climbing up the mountain and keeps praying that the vines won't break. "Just a little bit more," as she uses all her strength and pulls herself up. She could finally see the top of the cliff and she climbed a little more. Finally, she reaches to top and her back lays on the ground. She's so exhausted that she has to catch her breath.

After resting for several minutes, she stood up. The sky is dark and there's no lights nor people anywhere that can guide her. In fact, she doesn't even know where she's going. She doesn't know anyone here. Gina starts walking and walking, but she has no sense of direction which way is the right way. She uses her senses and instinct to guide her. Soon, after not walking for too long, Gina sees light not too far away. She finally has faith and a smile forms in her face. She walked faster and faster, and finally reached the place full of lights.

There were cars moving, people everywhere, and the lights that Gina saw before. "Is this what I read from books? City?" She is amazed by everything her eyes sees and touches. As she starts walking, she realizes people are staring at her. Once she looks at them, they would scurry away. Gina looks at herself from the reflection of the mirror. The blood on her head is still there, which makes her not look the best.

"Miss, do you need help?" Gina turns around to where a voice is calling for her. "Hee Joo? It's really you!" as the woman pulls her into a hug. "Where did you go? Everyone was looking for you and what happened to your head." Gina looks at her confusingly, "Hee Joo?" Her eyebrows furrow and suddenly remembers that the woman's name is Kim Hee Joo. "Hee Joo, you don't remember me?" as the woman holds her arm tightly. Gina looks at her and starts fake laughing. "You are?" That woman is shook, her eyes wide open. "I'm Ra-Yi, your assistant." She looks at Gina up closely, "your head is still bleeding. I have to bring you back to the post before you lose all your blood." She took Gina's hand and started walking. Gina looks over at Ra-Yi. "Whoever this person is and whatever place she's bringing me too, I have to be careful. This body isn't mine and the past owner must have caused some trouble that she was chased by those men. I must figure out who it is before I get killed," as she said it to herself in her mind.

Ra-Yi drove back to the post and there were so many soldiers standing outside the gates. "Where are we?" Gina curiously asks.

"We're back home."
