Is this the end?

After leaving Gina in his room, Gina didn't know what to do. She looked out the window and saw how tall it is from where she is. "I guess this won't work." She sighs and looks around his room. It was the same as last night, nothing much has changed. She sits at his chair and starts to wait for him, but he doesn't come back. Gina checks the time on the wall and it's already 3pm. She yawns and her stomachs start to growl. She hasn't eaten anything since yesterday till now. Gina is about to lose her patients when a knock came in the door.

"Miss kim. Mr. Yoo told me to bring you some food." A servant came in and placed a plate of food on the table. "Where is Yoo Jin?" as Gina asks the servant. "Mr. Yoo is still downstairs with the guests. He told me to tell you not to escape or do anything silly." Gina rolls her eyes and thanks him before he leaves the room.

After eating, Gina got extremely tired and sleepy.

"He wouldn't mind if I take a short nap on his bed right? He was the one that brought me here, so why would I care if he minds."

Gina walks over to his bed and takes off her shoes. She then flopped down the bed and realized how comfy it was. "I didn't even realize how comfy it is yesterday and now I wish we could actually switch rooms." She yawns again and slowly drifts asleep.

It's already night time, and the guest has already gone home already.

"How is she?" as Yoo Jin asked Son-ho. "Sir, Miss Kim has fallen asleep while waiting for you."

Yoo Jin walks up stairs to his room and opens the door to his room. Inside his room, it's dark and quiet. In the distance he could see Gina is still sleeping. He quietly closes the door and walks over to her. "Before you were like a crazy woman and now you're sleeping so peacefully." He smiles and slowly touches her head, and brushes her hair. As he was brushing her hair in the front, Gina suddenly moved and Yoo Jin quickly removed his hand.

Gina eyebrows furrows and opens her eyes, "Why are you here?" "What do you mean why am I here? This is my room." Yoo Jin said it while looking at her. "Who told you to bring me here and wouldn't let me leave." Yoo Jin walked over to his chair and sat down, "Who told you to make a big fuss earlier? Don't you know how many people were downstairs before and how many people we're watching? Kim Hee Joo, don't make me remind you of this. We made a promise before. Don't tell me you forget and try to do whatever you want right now." GIna looks at him confusingly, "What promise did they make? How come this is getting out of control?"

Gina walks up to him, "I don't understand what you're talking about. But whatever you're trying to say, I won't listen. I want to go my own way and you can't stop me from doing it." After saying it, Yoo Jin's face turns dark and scary, Gina shifts way further than him. "I'm telling you, don't do anything. I'll scream." Gina got to the door and hands on the door knob. "I'll get back to my room right now, I won't bother you anymore." Gina quickly turns the door knobs and leaves before Yoo Jin could come for her.

"Omg, this was so close. I have to try a way and leave this place as soon as possible." Gina quickly walks down the stairs and heads back to her room. As soon as she opens the door to her room and flicks on the light, a sharp knife is going towards her. She quickly dodge it and hits the attacker on the neck. "Wow, can't believe my fist is still as strong as before." She swings her hand a little bit before fighting again. The attacker quickly stood up and there was another one behind her. "HUh, anymore coming? I'm just getting warmed up," as Gina tells them. She stretches her neck and cracks both of her hands. "Come'on I'm ready"

Both attackers ran to her at the same time and Gina hit both of them in the face with her feet. "That was so easy. Maybe you guys should do some more training before coming," Gina smirks. As Gina was focusing on the two guys, she didn't realize there was another person behind her. "Go Die," that attacker held out a knife and stabbed Gina from the back.

Pain rushes through her and GIna could feel the whole world about to end. In a far away distance, she could see the attackers running out and leaving her in the room with blood gushing out. "Am I gonna die like this? I still haven't seen the most beautiful stars yet and still haven't contacted my family to go back home yet. I can't die like this, but I feel so cold right now. Why is everything turning so dark?" as she lays there with tears coming her eyes and sliding down her cheeks.

"Miss. Kim, are you asleep yet?" as Son-ho knocks on the door. Gina wants to scream for help, but her voice couldn't come out. Her eyes adverts to the door as she wants to go over and open it, but can't move.

Son-ho waited for a minute and heard no response. "Do-don't lea-leave." She tries to tell him through the door, but it's too low for him to hear it. Son-ho picks up his foot and starts walking back. GIna puts her hand over her wound and slowly moves to the bookshelves. She tries to use her body to knock down the vase that's on top. "Please," as she begs for it to fall. She kept banging on it, until her body gave up. The vase didn't fall and Gina is about to lose her consciousness. "I don't want to die. I don't want to." She looks at the vase on top and uses her last strength to make it fall.


The vase finally falls and blacked out.