Who Could it Be?


By the time I was done shouting, questioning every member of the security team and then shouting some more, it was evening. Of course, people didn't know that the girl in the news with me was Alana so she could move freely without anybody holding her back.

I, however, had to deal with the press. Threatening them to leave hadn't worked in the least. They still stood outside the hotel building, swarming the entire space, cameras and mics all set. Finally, the security threw them out.

I was almost about to breathe for the first time in all day when my office door burst open. I looked up and thought to myself, oh, this is just spectacular.


"Sit down!" were Baba's first words to me. Meeting after more than two months and that's all he has to say. I complied with his wishes. He rushed over to my table after slamming the door and rammed down a pile of thick newspapers. "What is this about?!"