His House (2)


Knight changed unsurprisingly quickly, strolling out of his gigantic room, clothes draped over his forearm. A pair of slippers dropped in front of me. Grateful, because the drenched socks were driving me insane, then and there I kicked off my shoes. Knight made a noise of displeasure and gestured for me to sit.

Sighing, I obliged, heaving a breath of relief as soon as my feet slipped into the comfy slippers. Giant ones. This was so surreal, I thought to myself. Me wearing his shoes. In the past, there'd been many occasions we ran out of clothes and Knight lent me his black tee while he survived in his vest.

I didn't realise I was beaming until Knight shot me a strange look. Immediately clearing my face off any emotion, I stood and almost fell head-first onto the glass floor were it not for Knight steadying me.