His House (6)


I stirred at the constant clatter resounding against my ears but my limbs felt way too long and heavy to wake. I grappled for my neck pillow so that I could hug it against my chest but there was nothing there next to me. Huh?

Come to think of it, the curtains weren't filtering huge amounts of light either. The room was simply peaceful and dark, enough to cocoon somebody into a good night's sleep. Today was a lucky day indeed. No nightmares either. Things were too good actually.

Another bit of unrest in the room and I jumped upright in alarm, screaming as a pair of unblinking, quite possibly glowy-red eyes met mine. I just kept screaming and screaming, afraid to even get out of bed. Who knew where the buttons to turn on the lights were? Some light filtered through my bedroom door but not enough to make out the shape of this thing.