A Flash of Jealousy? (2)


"We're eh, huh?" were Knight's first words to me after a bout of silence.

I stuffed my mouth with a bite of chicken burger and fries, trying my hardest not to moan. It was against the manners, after all. "What?"

"First swallow, then speak," Knight reproached, making me pause to glare. I noticed his hash brown, fries and sprite were all consumed and deposited into the disposable bag. Men and their skills. "You said the people here are 'eh'."

"Excluding my boss, of course," I mused, making Knight roll his eyes, "No offence. It's just that if you compare people who live here to people who live in small cities then you'll notice a great big of a difference."

"You think I've never lived in a small town?"

My lips tilted upwards. "I never said that. All I'm saying is that things are better there. The people are closer to nature. Their hearts are purer."