Chapter 20: Departure.

We were at the maritime port of Fuschia as it was unfortunately time for me to go with grandpa.

In front of me a huge ship with a lot of marines preparing the ship for the departure.

Beside me were of course Ace, Sabo and Luffy with the latter who already had tears in his eyes threatening to burst out at any moment.

Makino-neechan and grandpa Hoop were also standing beside me too while grandpa was in front of me smiling a bit.

Even Dadan was there with Dogra and Magra standing at the side. I didn't know if she was here because of me or grandpa but I was still a little happy that she was here with the other two.

In my hand I held thread linked to a bubble floating in the air and inside of it was my suitcase where all of my clothes were put.

It seems that Luffy was so sad that he didn't get excited at all when he saw this, but just kept straight like a robot trying not to cry out.

In fact even the other two didn't say anything but looking closer I could see in their eyes a thousand words that they wanted to say but they didn't know how to express them.

Contrary to them, around us, a rather massive crowd were here sending their goodbye to me.

"Become a good marine, Edam." an uncle hopeful that I would be succesful said.

"Yes, you will bring honor to our little village hahaha..."

"That's right become a hero like your grandpa, Edam."


This continued for a few minutes till grandpa finally shouted "Okay it's time to go !"

I then bade my farewell to everyone starting from Dadan, Magra and Dogra.

"Goodbye you three, I don't know how you will do it but bear with them, haha..." I said with a smile.

"Goodbye to you too grandpa Hoop." I said to him happily.

I then walked to Makino-neechan but before I could say anything she took me in her arms and say gently.

"Goodbye Edam, Take care of yourself , alright...?" She said that gently.

"Humm... I will take care of myself, it's a promise." Nodding I then walked in front of Luffy and say "Are you not going to say goodbye to me ?"

As he was trying hard to not burst in tears he was making sniffling sound.

"I... sniff... I hate to say goodbye...sniff..." His eyes were filled with tears.

"Didn't you said goodbye to Shanks though ?"

" That's not the same...sniff..."

"Idiot, I will still live on you know, it's not like I will disappear by magic..." I said lifting a brow at that.


"Haah... just come here..." I sigh and said taking him into a hug as he finally burst in tears like an exploding baloon soaking my clothes wet.

He cried like that for a few minutes before he let me go and then making my way to Sabo and Ace.

Standing in front of them I just took them into a hug and said "Take care of him alright ? You two are his older brothers after all right ?"

"Don't worry, we will take care of him." They replied in a confident voice.

Hearing this, I felt satisfied as I smiled faintly.

I then made my way in the ship as I then said loudly " Everyone take care of you, I will definitely come back again !"

The ship then departed slowly but surely.

I waved at them with all my strenght again and again and again without stopping for a long time.

The ship was slowly getting away as I then shouted out " LUFFY, SABO, ACE, TAKE CARE OF YOURSELVES..."

I knew that they heard that as they waved back even more fervently than earlier.

It was only after a long time when I could not see them anymore that I finally stopped.

Grandpa who was beside me put his hand on my head just like how I would do it to Luffy.

I then asked " Grandpa ?"

"Humm, what is it ?" he raised a brow curiously.

" When do we eat ?" He nearly fell down at the sudden question.

"Haah... come I will take you to the kitchen."

And we then made our way to the kitchen.