Chapter 33: Marie Geoise.

After having reach the top, the trio were welcomed by a group of iron soldiers who lead them in front of a giant gate.

It didn't took long before they eventually set foot inside the famous Holyland of Marie geoise.

Looking around, Edam could see an immense and enormous city surrounded by a gigantic forest and a vast river flowing to who know where.

The air in here was pure and fresh maybe due to the fact that at this height the entire top of red line was covered with a lot of clouds and fogs that with the sun shining brightly created a perfect environment, this place was clearly no different than the very definition of what Paradise should be if it did exist.

Thes enormous city was composed of various mansions of different kind of styles and sizes but still as magnificent from one another and could easily impress any other nobles in the world bellow there.

But well the most striking point of this city was certainly the big castle that stood proudly in the center of it with at least six floor, six tower, a green roof and a giant clock.

Then as Edam continued to observe the surrounding environment one of the iron soldiers then proposed to transport them but Garp refused and said.

"We will walk alone, we're not so lazy." Garp who was always a cheerfull person has seemingly fallen silent when he arrived here.

In fact it wasn't just him but even Zephyr who would say some things from time to time to Edam has too fallen silent while Edam who had obviously noticed that just decided to keep his mouth shut for now and just admire the view.

And then they followed a great path that led directly to the enormous castle in the center of the city.

Overall, if anyone were to tell Edam that this city was paradise itself, he would believe half of it.

Zephyr who too was looking at the surrounding landscape with an indifferent and even somewhat terrifying gaze turn to Edam and asked a strange question as they walked.

"Well, first impression, what do you think of this "holy" paradise ?" from his tone, he had obviously emphasize his voice on the word "holy".

"Humm... this place is really beautiful and the air is really pure here and... well most of all I really like the forest and the river." He replied while still observing the forest and the river with a smile. As he focused on the forest, his two black eyes slowly turn golden colored as he now saw clearly what the forest was made of.

Zephyr then said " They are artificial, both the forest and the river were man made."

"Oh so that's why this forest seem a little bit strange huh..."

But then his gaze stopped right on the streets where a lot of people were moving about as his smile was rapidly erased.

" I think that I too, would have called it a paradise if it wasn't for those guys in white..." He said that as he looked at them with a plain look on his face.

Walking in the streets Edam could clearly see the peoples there.

There were some who were wearing normal clothes like everyone while some were wearing some strange costume, all in white adorned with a lot of valuable jewels and such.

All of them had "beautifull" faces untainted by a single dust on them and had an arrogant expression on their faces that could angered even a peacefull buddha.

The most impactful thing with them was that nearly all of them, had at least one human slave to mount on as if they were nothing else than horses or there were some who had a leash on their neck as if they were nothing more than pets.

The look in their eyes were... well they didn't really had a look in their eyes to talked about.

Those people were just dead inside, they were just puppets and nothing else. They were forced into slavery even though they had done or asked nothing to anyone.

They even had some people to attend them.

Looking at that Edam then muttered " I really don't know what is worse, a pirate who robbes and kill innocent people for money or those nobles who held no regards for human's lifes and treat it as if it were toys for them to play with."

A flash of disgust could be felt at the moment he said that.

Garp looked at him by the corner of his eyes while with a thoughtfull expression while Zephyr nodded a little and then said with an imperceptible smile.

"Those people are called celestial dragon. They are considered to be the most noble humans in the world and are also said to be the descendants of the gods who created this world, they have the rights to do as they please without anyone telling them what to do."

"Why is that ? Who or what is allowing them to do as they please ?" Edam asked, looking at him curiously.

"Who know... is it the Marine ? is it the government or is it the idiocy of this world itself..." As zephyr said that he looked at Garp slowly and finally said.

"Or maybe it is-..." but before he finish it, Garp interruped.

"All right let's just go quickly so we can quickly leave this damn place." Garp who was silent until now finally say something.

After a damn long walk, the trio finally reach the gigantic castle.

"It should take about four hour at most so you two can go take a walk..." Said Garp as he was going to enter the castle.

"Well I too have to come, I have something to asked the geezers about." Z suddenly said surprising both Edam and Garp.

"Hah...? who will watch the kid then ?" Garp asked.

"Well I think that he can take care of himself, right Edam ?" Zephyr asked Edam.

"Uh... Yeah I think...?" The poor didn't knew that they would leave him here alone for at least four hours straight.

"Well I think that my matter will be fast so don't go too far, Oh and make sure to hide your tail well..." Zephyr said and then added.

"Oh yeah and take this hat." Zephyr put on his own hat on Edam's head.

"Um... then I will just go take a look at the forest and the river and maybe take a nap then." Edam said as his eyes blink rapidly.

"Alright, then..."

And with that the two old men made their way to the castle leaving behind a living calamity on his own in a holyland filled with nearly no good men to talked about.