Chapter 38: Climbing fish, Special monkey.

Having throw out the "trashes" Edam pat his hands to take off the "dirt" as he still looked at the front with a cold gaze.

But knowing that he had some people to talk to after that, he took a deep breath and filled his lungs with the immensely fresh air that permeate the air nearby to calm down.

It was clearly effective as he rapidly calm down and return to his normal self.

Turning around he saw the orange haired and green haired girls at the side having the same shocked expression on their face with their jaws nearly hitting the ground.


However not caring about their expression he headed to where the black haired girl was, making them react right away.

"Big sis... !" They called out and rushed to her.

The beautiful black haired girl was currently sitting on the ground with a dazed look in her eyes as she just watched every crazy seconds that unfolded itself right in front of her very eyes in the very few minutes that flew by.

The poor girl still had some tears that had yet to dry as she remained still and unmoving.

But well it was understandable as she had almost lost something precious today.

Edam was the first to reach her as he was nearby.

Being right in front of her he asked. " Are you alright...? he asked as gently as possible.

However the girl seemed to still be in emotional shock as she didn't respond at all and stayed silent.

Seeing this Edam croushed down to wave his hand in front of her eyes but she still didn't react.

In the end he just let her on her own as she maybe want to be alone but just as he was about to turned around he finaly notice something amiss.

He then croushed down again to take something on the ground before extending it to her.


With this gesture from Edam the dreaming girl finally woke up from her dreaming state as she slowly looked dazedly and confusingly at what his hand was holding.

She stared at it again and again for a good long minute before her facial expression gradually change as she finally react to him...

Edam had, in fact picked up her clothes to hand it to hand it over to her.

Her entire face went cutely red just like a tomato as she remembered that she was still in her birthday suit with only her two jade like hands to hide what should be hidden from people's eyes.

"'t look... !!!" Her hands tighten around her curves even more as she yelled her lungs out so powerfully and with such a piercing voice that she almost pierced his two poor sensitive ears.

"Aouch...! You didn't need to scream like that, you know..." Edam complain a bit while massaging his two poor ears with a pained expression on his face.

Even her two sisters were victims of this powerful "mermaid's cry" as they massage their ears in pain too.

"Big sis...why did you yelled like that..." They asked with a bit of grievance and tears on the corner of their eyes.

The black haired girl realized that she had maybe overreact making her face turned even redder than before.

She then asked Edam something in a mosquito's voice. " Can... can you... turn around...?" She didn't even lift her face to look at him when she said that.

She spoke in such a small voice that Edam wouldn't have hear her if it wasn't for his enhanced hearing sense.

"Oh...okay..." Understanding what she said he turned around swiftly with a questionning face as he didn't really understand why he should looked elsewhere when he had already seen her everything...literally...

A minute or so later, a voice rang out gently.

"It's good now..."

Turning around Edam saw her all dressed up from top to bottom in her worn out clothes that that were nonetheless sublimated by her natural and beautiful traits.

It seems that she had already calm down during this dressing time.

Seeing her all dressed up he walked up to her and stopped right in front of her face while he said. " Well I will take your collar off, alright...?" he asked while looking at her.

"Why...?" Instead of replying she suddenly asked in bewilderment with her face down and her hair hiding her current expression.

"What...? Why what ?" Edam asked curiously.

"Why are you saving us, we don't have any money, anything valuable on us and most of all, we're... slaves..." She clearly had a bit of difficulty to say her last word.

Even her sisters faces at the side drop down slightly, remembering some bad memories.

However Edam's next words struck her a bit as he then said...

"I don't like them...that's all...they piss me off so I beat them up, it's as simple as that...but..." he said seriously.

"Umm, well there's maybe the fact that you and I have one thing in common..." He said with a relaxed smile plastered on his face.

"Something in common...our hair's color ?" Blinking her beautiful eyeslashes rapidly she lightly asked.

"Nope..." He maintained his smile.

"Our age then...?"

"Still nope..."

"What is it then...?" Sincerely curious about what they "shared" in common she asked curiously.

"Hehe...Simple, you care for your sisters just as much as I care for my little brothers, hehe..." He said with a bigger, brighter and clearly genuine smile.

Opening her eyes wide in surprised she couldn't help but say...

"That's it...?" She asked in confusion finding this reason to be lacking a bit.

"Um...yep that's it...hehe..." Edam nodded happily.

"You're really strange..." The black haired girl said not understanding this strange boy.

"Well, let's speak later, we should take off your three collars off first, don't you think...?" He asked with a smile.

It was only then that the black haired girl noticed that she, and the boy were really close from each other, like really close... to the point where she could clearly see his deep and onyx black iris reflecting everything like the purest water pond.

And well he was mostly so close because he had wanted to take her collar off earlier but didn't in the end because she asked a question.

Seeing him so close to herself, she took a small step back in panic to put a bit of distance between.

Watching this, Edam didn't advanced forward anymore and just extended his right hand to her neck, as he gently said. " Don't move..."

Her two dark blue eyes entered his view as his own deep black eyes entered her own sight too.

Taking the keys from earlier, he searched for the right one.


And of course he didn't took long before eventually finding the right one as the collar made a "click" sound followed by a "paf" sound when it fell down.

Seeing this collar, one of the very symbol of their slavery fall down on the ground, the black haired girl couldn't help but cry out again in a burst of emotion as her tears fell down like a river making her two little sisters follow her in tears as they hugged each other tightly and cried all the tears they could mustered.

Edam didn't said anything nor did he tried to comforted them, he just decided to keep quiet for now as he looked at them with some pity, not even imagining what they had gone through in this place.

It was only after a long crying that they finally calm down and Edam could finally take off all of their collars.

Having took off their collars, the three of them unexpectedly or as expected didn't know what to say...

On one hand Edam, who was the savior of these three girls didn't know what to do as he had react on instinct in saving earlier but didn't made a plan and on the other hand, the three girls didn't knew what to say to this boy as they were still a bit awkward toward strangers.

After a minute of silence and awkwardness, Edam just decided that he should be the first to talked.

"Well..." Edam suddenly tried to say but...

"Will..." Black haired girl also said at the same time...before a surprised expression took place on her face.

"Oh go ahead what is it...?" Edam surprised at first too asked curiously...

"Are you going to leave us...?" The big sis asked a bit weirdly.

"Well, I can't-..." Before he finished the girl interrupt him.

"If, if, if that's the case then, please I beg you, just tell us where to go to escape from here...!" She asked as her eyelashes shook fiercely while she closed her eyes as if frightened to hear a negative answer.

But the boy's reply was completely not anywhere what she thought he would say.

Hearing her, Edam's face couldn't help but draw out a forced smile as he said. "Well, you're one girl to assume things really quickly huh...I didn't even say anything yet."

The girl opened her eyes in surprise as she lifted her adorable cute face to look at him.

"I was about to say, 'I can't let you three alone like that after saving you right ?" he smile sounding totally relaxed.

"Since I have started it then, should as well go all the way till the end of this I guess..." He then smiled widely.

"Tha...thank you...thank you so much..." With those words, tears began to formed as Edam said.

Seeing this Edam racked his brain to find a convenient excuse to make her stop crying as he said.

"He...hey stop're not pretty when you cry you know..." Without knowing that he had unknowingly created with this phrase a strong woman to be in the future.

At those words, the black haired girl stopped her cry at once, drying her tears with her two hands to make it look as if she wasn't actually crying in the first place.

Seeing this, Edam looked in confusion at her and asked. "And here you told me that I was weird huh..."

The girl looked at him with some tears in her eyes but still held back as she said. " I'm good now..."

Even her two sisters at the back were looking at their sisters weirdly not recognizing their big sister at all.

"Then let's go, I have a certain method to get out of here..." Edam said walking toward the woods as the three girls followed him in line.

But just before entering the woods, after about a dozen of steps from the golden-diamond terrace, Edam stopped at once much to the girls confusion as he looked over his shoulder while his ear twitched a bit and his nose picked out something.

Turning around, he said. " So that's why I was smelling fishes's smell, it was in fact a fish-man..." He said with an amazed expression.

Following his gaze, the three girls saw what he was looking at as their expression quickly change in surprise.

"A...a fish-man you say...?" The three of them were deeply surprised as it was the first time they saw a "free" fish-man daring enough to come back here.

However the one who was the most shocked was clearly the fish-man himself as the expression on his face was priceless.

The fish-man clearly had the look of a sea bream as he had round eyes, salmon-pink colored skin, a flat nose, wide lips with slight peach fuzz, a thick dark beard and sideburns, and a spiky dorsal fin on the back of his head, sprouting from under his long, curly hair. 

"You...human, how did you know...?" The fish man asked Edam with wariness flashing in his eyes.

"Hum... even I don't really know, but if you want an answer then I just hear things from far away...that's all...Oh and I had already notice your smell ealier too."

"Hah...? You sure you're not a dog right...?" The fish-man asked doubtfuly not believing Edam a single bit. After all how could a human smell someone from so far away right ?


Hearing the fish-man question, Edam face twitch in anger as he then rebuked back in displeasure.

"Well, you're one to talk..., have you ever seen a fish climbing a wall... ?" a deadpanned expression on his face.


"Hum..true but I am a fish-man so yeah I can climb a wall, but you're just a human, how can you even possibly do that...?" The fish-man asked questioningly.

But as if he didn't want to lose to the fish-man, Edam said with a somewhat proud expression...

"Well then if that's the case then I'm more like a special monkey... See..." As he said that he detached his black monkey tail making it swing in the air freely as he showed it to the fish-man drawing out a shocked expression on the said fish-man as well as the three girls behind him.

"That's why I can smell from far away... maybe..." Edam said proudly with his hands on his waist.

"So you're not human to begin with...are you from the minks race maybe...?" The fish-man still asked doubtfuly.

"Nope my grandpa told me that I was just a human with a tail that's all..."

"I've never heard of a human with a monkey tail." the fish-man said as he narrowed his eyes.

And this fish-man really did knew what he was talking about as he was a great adventurer in the past and even now.

"Why not ? plus I'm showing you the proof..." Frowning Edam said making his tail swing playfuly in front of him while pointing at it.

"Is that so..." The fish-man said with a weird expression as he look around as if to make sure no one else was here.

Seeing him looking at the surrounding area, Edam asked him " Say, what are you doing with this much weapons on you ?"

The fish man was in fact carrying a lot of weapons all around his body. He wielded in both his hands a large saber and a massive pistol and also had two more sheathed swords by his side and a bazooka-like weapon strapped right to his back as he looked ready to put misery on whoever was his target.

"Say, you're... you're not going to wreck havoc there are you ?" Edam asked amazed by that.

Hearing his question, the fish-man thought for a moment before replying to him.

"Hum...That's right, I'm going to free all the slaves in there." The fish-man was really honest to say the least and didn't even hid his plan from Edam as he directly told him with an expression that couldn't be more serious.

"Is that so..." Edam just said with a thoughtful expression on his face.

In the back, the three girls were completely shocked by what the crazy statement they actually heard right now.

The guy actually state that he would free every slaves that were residing in Marie Geoise !

And judging from his weapons he was actually planning to set the city on fire !

"You...are you crazy...? Do you know who those peoples are...?" The black haired girl suddenly said as she couldn't understand why would someone do something as stupid as that.

To her surprise the fish-man said "Yes I do..."


"I do, I really know them well and that's why I can't stand like that without doing anything, I just as much as you three and every ones in there clearly know what it feel to be their dogs..." With that he showed them his slave mark earning a surprise face from Edam and a shocked one from the girls.

"I know what is hell and just like this little guy here I can't do nothing knowing that someone else is going through that as well !" A sort of madness seem to shone in his eyes when recalled what he had gone through.

Hearing this the black haired girl didn't said anything anymore and kept quiet but still with a frowning face.

As the fish-man didn't have anything to say anymore too, he walked and passed by them going through the woods rather quickly while saying.

"Do not follow me I don't know what will happen once I will start it."

As the fish-man continued on his way, Edam who was silent until now opened his mouth to say.

"Hey wait a bit..."

"Hum ?" The fish-man turned his head around to looked at Edam.

Edam was actually walking to one of the guards as he took off his armor and then threw every pieces to the fish-man feet.

"Here...You should put on this armor on, it will be easier to infiltrate the city and make sure to wait for an hour or even two at least..." Edam said lightly as he suggest to the fish-man.

At this gesture from Edam, the fish-man looked at him deeply in the eyes as if to figure out if he had some hidden and evil thoughts or such but didn't seemed to see anything apart from pure honesty and sincerity.

"Thanks little monkey-human...but can you tell me why should I wait for an hour at least ?" The fish-man asked curiously.

"Well... the thing is that my two grandfather are in the city for work, so..." Edam scratched his head while saying.

"Oh, don't worry I do not plan to harm "normal humans" I only want to free the slaves." The fish-man said lightly.

" it's not for them that I'm worried for you know, it's for you..." Edam said blinking his eyes.

"Huh ?" Incomprehension filled his head as he couldn't comprehend what this strange kid was saying, after all he couldn't lose to some grandpa right ?

Thinking for a bit, he then picked up and threw the armor on his shoulder and said. " Okay, I will wait an hour..." And he started to walked to somewhere to prepare himself maybe but was quickly stopped again...

"On the east side..." The black haired girl suddenly said.

"Hum ?" The fish-man turned around again.

"The prison is now on the east side of the city not the north..." The girl said as she looked elsewhere after she finished her sentence.

"Thanks young girl..." The fish-man continued on his way after thanking her.

"Good luck..." Edam said quietly watching the back of the brave fish-man going to do, not an impossible mission but clearly a crazy one.


Roughly five minutes after he was gone, Edam turned to the three little lost girls as he then spoke.

"Alright I have a plan now..."