Chapter 65: Humph !


At a certain part of the world, was a certain island located in Calm belt adjacent to Paradise. (A/N: The first half of Grand line). It was huge enough to hold an entire country in it and it did had its own inhabitants.

However unlike any other island, this island here was... Special... Unique...Peerless even...

One could even say that this island itself held the dreams of nearly every men in the world, something thought to be legends, something impossible even... Yeah a legend, a myth...

And for the simple fact that...

It was a country filled with only females in it...!

There was no male at all, to the point where every males were even completely forbidden from entering the said island.

This island's name was commonly called Amazon lily, for those who knew it of course.

Amazon Lily is a jungle island located within the Calm Belt.

 Due to the island's location, there is no wind or storm ever on Amazon Lily. The focal point of the island is a large mountain situated in the center. It is carved with gigantic curved snake statues and the name of the native tribe of the island, Kuja, engraved in Kanji. Within the center of the mountain is a deep valley where the Kuja tribe village is located. The architecture and decor of the village resemble that of ancient China. (A/N: too lazy to describe it so took it from fandom...)

And Meanwhile on this particular island, a certain event was taking place right here, right now, right there.



"You can do it...!"

"They are so strong and even more georgeous, how is it possible...?!"

"Kyaaaaah, Beautiful...!"


All around what looked like a battle ring a thousands of women were seen cheering loudly as they yelled their lungs out while watching the battle ring. It was maybe interesting to note that every one pf them each had a snakes around their neck or their arms as pet or so it seems. Also each of them wore really revealing clothes made out of various kind of materials.

Meanwhile on the said battle ring were about twelve persons, twelve women to be exact separated in a group of four women per groups.

There were a lot of young women of about 17, 18, 19 years old maybe but no older than that, dressed up in the pure tradition of this island which means, a bikini top and a miniskirt highlighting their slim figures, if they had one that is...

Everyone of them were quite beautiful (with some exception of course but whatever) and had a very great complexion however.... Admist this swarm of young women stood out one single girl...

A young girl younger than any women present on the ring.

She was about thirteen years old clearly going for her fourteen, dressed up with a long sleeve satin top with lace insert in red with exotic swirl patterns on it and a small belt binding two points of her top tightening it up very much on her body bringing out and sublimating her cleavage.

She was very tall and slender for her age with long black hair that extends past her waist falling like a black waterfall shining brightly under the sun, reaching her magnificent firm buttocks and even a bit of her long and slender legs that were as fair as the purest of white jade.

She was beautiful, bewitching and exceptionally georgeous...

Beautiful enough to cause the fall of a country, beautiful enough to drive a weakwilled man to madness, beautiful enough to put to shame any angels and fairies in the world.

In fact, she was beautiful enough for the world to forgive her no matter what she would do. (Though that would be for when the world would know of her of course...)

However what stood out most from her apart from her entrancing beauty was her manner, the way she moved around. Every moves, every gestures from her as tiny as it may be seemed to contain a soft and delicate seductiveness that seemed to strike at one's heart and soul as it naturally showed off the curves of that voluptuous body who was still growing up beautifuly.

She was only thirteen years old or so but she could already be considered an unmatched beauty already.

And even though her dark-blue eyes were somewhat cold and indifferent, this minor details didn't in any way hinder her beauty at all, in fact it even add a little something to it, like a treasure that no one should touched, at the risk of suffering God's wrath, if only that...

And this beautiful girl had for a name... Boa Hancock...

The exact same girl who along with her two sisters had kept company to Edam a couples of months ago for a few days.

As she stood in front of her opponents, her hand slowly reached out to her wrist to take a hair elastic that she use in a relaxed manner to tied up her waterfall-like hair into a long ponytail.

This island's motto was litteraly "Beauty equal to strenght and vice versa."

A voice then rang out drawing everyone's attention to a certain spot where something like an empty throne could be seen.

"Ahem... so this will be the ultimate contest battle royal that will decided who will be crowned as the new Snake Princess...!" A middle age woman shouted waving her snake in the air as if it was a wooden stick as cheers reverberated out.


"I bet on Astolfia winning, what about you ?" Woman A said and asked her friend.

"It will be Hancock for sure... didn't you see how beautiful and strong she is...?" Someone protest.

"Nope I think it will be Isabella, her fighting style is really good you know..." Woman B thought otherwise.

"You're kidding right ? She was clearly overpowered by princess Hancock in yesterday's contest, idiot..." Although this tournament was to decided about who will become the next snake princess, some people had already labelled her as a princess...

"No, no, no look at Spartacula, she's as strong as a sea king of course it will be her..." Woman C refuted and expressed her opinion.


"Biggg sis you can do it...!" As everyone were betting and encouraging their "bets" two young voices rang out in sync.

At the one spot of the stadium where there were really few people, two really young girls were seen cheering up for their big sis. They were of course Mariegold and Sandersonia, Hancock's younger sisters.

Their faces were beaming with happiness as they cheered out loud for Hancock.

And as the latter saw them, her cold and indifferent pair of eyes of a few moment ago softened as she nodded out toward them with a faint smile and then gazed back forward.

Behind the two girls, an aged woman sat with her snake acting as a sustainer for her two hands. It was Gloriosa who watched the ongoing match in calm way. Also on the elder's head a full white colored bird could be seen sitting on her gray head.

"Elder Nyon do you think Hancock nee-sama will be alright ?" Mariegold turned to Gloriosa and asked softly.

"Marie what are talking about, of course she will win, she's the best...!" Sandersonia scolded her and said with a firm voice.

"Humm... Well even without her devil fruit power she has a tremendeous strenght with a huge potential Nyo. It will be difficult to find an opponent worthy of her..." Gloriosa looked by the corner of her eyes as she rassured orange-haired girl before adding.

"Without stating that-..." However she was cut off by the referee voice who shouted.

"And the competition begin now...!"

At the sound of her voice, numerous women present on the ring shouted out as they rushed toward an opponent.

Hancock on the other hand didn't moved at all but just watched as three contestants was rushing at her. One with a snake-like gloves, another with a bow and the last with her snake acting as metal-like stick.


However before they got further than three meters, Hancock suddenly moved and jumped backward in the air as she placed both of her fingers on her lips and breathes in deeply and kisses out a weird and huge pink heart bubble out. Her dark-blue eyes even glowed with a pink hue.

(A/N: I know... alright... I know... don't point it out I already know...)

She wielded it like a bow as she pinch the bubble and pulled it exactly like a bow and slowly whispered.

"Slave Arrow...!" And with a "pop" like sound resembling that of a bubble, dozen of arrows tipped and fletched with a stylized heart design were fired on her three opponents furiously.

"Sh*t...!" One of them yelled and dodge to the side in extremis.

Plop, plop, plop, plop...!

At the end of the barrage, the archer and the stick fighter made it out but the slower one didn't make it and was seen being turned to stone on the spot.

The two other women merely glanced at her but didn't said anything. Although they had looked like allies moments ago, they were not.

They rushed forward again as the archer arched her bow and shoot out a powerfull arrow toward Hancock who avoid it swiftly even though she was in mid air.

The arrow was powerfull enough to make a crack in the solid ground as it was clearly imbued in Haki.

Falling on her two legs, Hancock's eyes glowed a pink color again as she kiss out another heart again, aiming at the bow user with her index and said.

"Pistol Kiss !"

Swish...! Akin to the sound of a pistol, the bullet violently tore the air to land on the bow fighter who didn't had time to reacted at all as she turned into stone too.

The last one, the stick didn't wait at all and rushed at her with a "Hyaaaa...!" and slashed countless time with her snake-like stick.

Swish, swish, swish...! Every strikes were filled with armament Haki.

However Hancock managed to dodge every single hits as the stick fighter then lift her snake-stick and slashed powerfuly striking the ground.


The stick fighter then tried to lift her weapon again but before she got to move, Hancock had already put her left foot on the stick-like snake blocking it on the ground before landing a hard and powerful high kick on her opponent head making her fly like a broken cat a couple of meters away.

Crack! Rumble!

No need to say that she instantly fell unconscious.

"The Group B's fights is finished, the victor is the princess Boa Hancock...!" The referee shouted out as cheers and minimal sounds of disappointment resounded out.

However in contrast to the people's cheer or disappointment, Hancock didn't wear any kind of expression whatsoever as she took back her elastic back to her wrist allowing her long hair to fall down like a magnificent waterfall as an explosion of excited cheers resounded out from the galleries.



"Yeeessss...! I was certain it would be her...!"

Of course it would be her, she's too beautiful to lose..."


"Hehehe... She made it...!" Sandersonia's eyes were filled with pride and happiness as she turned excitedly toward Mariegold who too had twinkling eyes.

"Yes !" She nodded at her sister.

Behind them, Gloriosa too seemed to be somewhat happy but not really surprised by this outcome.

"Alright you two, come on we will wait for her to come out outside Nyo..." And then the three of them happily made their way out of the battle ring.


Not long after the three came out wait outside, Hancock beautiful figure made her way out as she saw her two sisters rushing at her and jumping in her arms to hug her.

"Big sis...!"

"He-... hey you two, I'm not even crowned yet, so calm down would you...?" Hancock wore an exasperated look on her face but still couldn't hide her faint and small smile as she looked down at them.

"Hehe, yeah but it's alright you will win so..." Sandersonia smiled widely along with Mariegold.

Hancock softly rubbed their heads while she then saw something coming up in front of her drawing out a "fatale smile" from her.

It was of course White Snow, one of the only thing which could draw out a smile on her lips.


After having reached Saboady, both herself and her sisters with the help of Gloriosa managed to come back to their homeland safely.

The three were welcomed back as they made up a fake story about how the three of them had slain a Gorgon and were cursed by the said mythical creature with these powers and that their back held the eyes of the Gorgon which would turn anyone who looked at it into stones forever.

The three of them were first treated as outsiders for a few weeks but, they then began to pity them and after thinking about their deed of slaying a Gorgon, a deep sense of admiration began to bloom in those people's heart as they began to accept them in it again.

As for the competition which was taking place, it was a way to determine the future empress of the tribe as the current empress fell deathly sick not long ago. Though the crowned Snake Princess wouldn't become the next empress before the current empress actually died, the tribe was already determining the next one.

And Hancock was actually one of the favorite to ascend the crown and become the new empress. Her first reason for participating in this was to first have a decent house to live in with her sisters as their current house wasn't really... yeah...

And the next reason was in fact to roam in the outside world freely, though she never state why, to live freely maybe ? Who know...


*Later in the day as the sun was setting down for today*

"I don't want to !" Hancock could be seen frowning in anger as she shouted.

"You will Nyo !" Gloriosa with a firm voice said.

"No !" The teenage girl refuted.

"If you don't, you won't eat anything tonight !"

"Hmph I will make it myself then !" Hancock crossed her arms and looked away as she pouted.

Meanwhile Sandersonia and Mariegold were at the side looking at the both of them with a small sweat on their forefronts laughing softly.

So the situation was that...

The dinner was not according to her wishes...

Hancock wanted to eat hot-pot but Gloriosa said that it would be sashimi instead...

Sigh...Hancock wasn't a gift at all sometimes...

"Do you even know how to make hot-pot Nyo ?" Gloriosa asked sarcastically.

And at that Hancock replied with an prideful faint smile. "Of course, Edam taught me how to..." She said proudly and then walked to the kitchen to cook her own hot-pot...


However nothing had gone as expected as at one point the pot began to burn for an unknown reason...

Hancock was seen in panic in the kitchen as she wondered about where was her mistakes...

Gloriosa didn't know if she had to laugh or cry but then said.

"I'm sure you didn't even listen to him when he taught you, am I right Nyo ?" She looked at the two younger sisters who just smiled wrily to her replying to her in a sense.

Hancock then blushed hard as her entire face turned red like a tomato... What a pity that no one was here to witness this sight...

She then just sat down at the table and began to eat quietly still red as White Snow sat on her head and slept. A beauty with a small ball of feathers on her head.



Point out mistakes please and thanks. 👍

Why did I wrote this chapter ? No real reason in fact I just missed her...