Chapter 68: It's time...finally.


Somewhere far, far away in a place completely isolated from the reach of humans, on a planet inhabited by seemingly only low-minded living beings, one featureless or more like hidden-face figure was seen sitting down on some grass as it was currently facing a weird floating mirror. A rectangular mirror that had some stranges cracks stretching at its ends and seemed to merged with space itself.

The strange mirror was currently displaying some images or so of different places and differents kind of beings from various species and places as that hidden "person" looked at it with a plain gaze remaining cool and composed for a long time and seemed to be able to go onward for much longer again.

It was only when the mirror changed again for the who know how many time to show a certain plane, that what looked like a frown finally made its way up to this being's face as it commented.

"...What the...?" The being softly exclaimed as it saw images showing a weird looking pod crashing down on a planet.

"This is... "

"This is ?! A, S, Saiyan...?!! What is this race doing here in this lower realm ?!" The once calm and composed demeanor of a moment was gone in one fell swoop as the being hurriedly stood up in shock.

"Huh ?... wait this baby Saiyan here is really strange though..." The unknown being looked at the mirror as it showed the baby Saiyan growing up slowly.

"He... he seems to be... restrained...? What...?" Incomprehension filled up the being's face as it then closed its eyes, made a hand gesture with its two hands and paused for a couples of minutes as its face then seemed to be enlightened by something and it slowly suck in some fresh air and uttered slowly...

"I see..."

"So this is it huh...Who would have thought that the descendant of the King himself would have been sent over to this little realm here..."


"...Restrained huh... poor guy this universe itself is against you... but this is maybe for the best, who know..." the being paused a bit but then took another glance at the baby as his eyes twitched.

"...But this... this boy is... how can he possess "that" ? This is... impossible..." Shock, Incomprehension, doubts, impossibility, and all kind of other emotions flickered on his face as it then took out a book out of nowhere and began to browse through it for a long, long time.


But not finding anything he closed his book exhaustedly as it disappeared into countless particles.

"Sigh... what a huge headache..." The being rubbed his two eyebrows at the thought of all its future trouble to come.

"And it had to fall on me... sh*t... there is countless realms in this damn universe and it had to fall upon me, dammit all..." The being cursed his own luck as it then added.

"His descendant seemed to be doing okay though, maybe I won't have to do anything...?" The guy tried to cheer himself up as it took a bottle of beer out of nowhere and drank it till he finished it entirely and then murmured.




Meanwhile... on the said planet that was observed by the unknown Being... in the depth of a forest, admist the trees, herbs and various kind of beast that inhabited the forest...

"Atchou...!" The sound of a sneeze resounded out and echoed in the forest.

At the top of a humongous tree facing the sea as the sun slowly rise up in the blue sky, on one of it's huge branch a black-haired teenager could be seen sitting on leisurely and lying back on the tree trunk with a piece of paper and a pen in his hands, as he sneezed and then made a puzzled face before rubbing his own nose.

He wore a hand-sewn pale blue short-sleeved shirt with a V-shaped cut on the chest which was tied with a light brown cord along with trousers and hand-sewn leather shoes.

(A/N: Just Imagine Kirito's clothes at the beginning of Alicization.)

A thing worth to note was that to his side, what looked like a monkey tail was slowly swaying in the air while on his head a full black colored bird sat on it as it eyes wandered around with a curious gaze.

"Hm ? Wonder who is cursing at me..." The teenager said and then returned back to what it was doing before sneezing, which was by the way...

Writing a letter... and from the way the guy was writing the letter he seemed to be quite happy as he wore a faint smile with each letter he wrote down on the paper, even his tail swayed enthusiasticaly.

And after a while the black-haired guy finally finished writing his letter with a. 'See you soon Princess.' he smirked and then glanced at the top of his head.

"I'm done, here give her this would you..." The guy stood up and said as he took the small bird down from his head and then rolled up the letter before putting it in a tiny bag that the small bird wore on it's back.

"Alright go !" The black-haired guy said with the bird at the center of his palm making a gesture for him to go on his way but...

The black bird instead of flying away to do his job, turned around and looked at the guy with a cute begrudging look on its face as it then made some "Pew, pew, pew..." sounds.

"Eh ?" The youth exclaimed and then said. "How so you're not well feeded...? I feed you everyday and don't think that I don't know she's giving you extra too...!" The youth narrowed its eyes and glared at the bird standing in his palm but then said after a couple of second.

"...Sigh...Alright, alright, just go for now and I will raise your food starting today..." the youth said as the bird then immediately rushed into the sky really quickly to deliver the letter.


"...My own bird is scamming me...unfilial bird..." The youth muttured as he watched the black bird but he clearly didn't care as he wore a faint smile.


Well... that youth was of course and obviously Edam.

Three whole years had passed since Edam left Foosha for Marineford. And sure enough, after three long years the little monkey had now grow up into a fine looking youth indeed.

He now stood a little less than six feet tall and now had a quite imposing stature despite only being fourteen this years. His facial features now felt sharper and handsomer, with his pair of eyes still as clean and clear as a water pond reflecting everything he could see with his eyes, his once white skin now became a bit taned. His hair however didn't change an iota at all still retaining their same height despite all these years, going up to about the end of his neck.

After looking at Black Snow flying away his eyes seemed to pierce the air as he watched in the sea's direction at a far away distance as some warships were slowly coming toward the training camp island.

"Hmm... it's almost time to go..." Edam muttered slowly and fell silent for a moment before a voice broke out this silence.

"Oh you finished writing to your lover...?" A sarcastic voice rang out as Edam merely glanced down at the tree trunk and spoke.

"...Shut it would you and what are you even doing here...?"

As he said that Edam casually jumped down and fell freely from the high and tall tree measuring easily over a hundred of meters tall.


But before he hit the ground, his body mysteriously slowed down as his two feet calmly touched the forest soil and then lifted his head to look at the person in front of him and sure enough, the guy was Zaward. Grandson of the instructor Zephyr and Edam's bestfriend.

As for him, well one has to say that this guy had now grow up to become a really handsome teenager. He stood at near similar height as Edam and was too quite imposing clearly taking this trait from his grandfather and father and yet with an exoctic hair that was so much more beautiful than his progenitor. He was dress up quite well today as he was tasked with something today.

"And why do you think I came here huh ? It's to get you of course..." Zaz said with a deadpan face.

"Well I don't really wanted to go this time, it's so boring..." Edam said with his hands behind his back and commented.

"Again ? This is a bad habit you know, it's been four months now... You're maybe the best but you still have a lot to learn." Zaz crossed his arms and said seriously.

"Of course I have a lot to learn for sure but I didn't make any progress for months now..." Edam said lazily.

"...Yeah but unfortunately for you it's Grandpa Z himself who told me to get you so come on..." Zaz said as he then walked away without saying anything anymore as he knew that Edam would follow him with this sentence.

And sure enough, the guy followed him silently with a thoughtful expression before he asked.

"Hey did someone from the West regiment delivered something for me ?" Edam asked as they walked.

"Hmm ?" Zaz thought for a moment before saying. "...Oh yes a wooden crate, but what the hell is that ? Why is it so heavy ? I had to help the guy..."

"Really ? That's good I guess, I took back what i've said, I will participated..."

Zaz made a puzzled face and asked. "So what is it ?"

"Oh it's know what ? you will see yourself..." Edam said much to Zaz's annoyance.

"Say... what about a little race ?" Edam said and without even waiting he ran leaving Zaz in the dust.

"You ! You cheater come back ! It's not fair !" Zaz yelled and shoot out forward too.

"Haha... show me what this devil fruit of yours is all about !" Edam chuckled out loud in the distance.

"You !"


It wasn't long before the two of them finally reached the North regiment's main building where every reunion were made for announcement and such. The announcements were always done on the outside not inside for wathever the reason...

And anyway, on the spot already, about a hundred of students, or precisely 108 students were already there standing up and chatting between themselves laughingly, all of them having different ages, traits, and personalities.

And of course as it was the North regiment here, there were a lot of non-humans people but it doesn't mean there were no humans, they were about a dozen in total. There was even two giants sitting cross-legged in a corner as they chat with others laughingly.

After three years, there were a lot of newcomers of various ages as the total classes of the North regiment increased to a total of 12 classes.

When Edam and Zaz arrived on the reunion spot, a few heads turned curiously in their direction and a small silence took the place for seconds before whispers came about.


"Oh, is that...?"

"Yeah it's him..."

"Sh*t don't tell me he will partipated too does he ?"

"Who ? Who ? Who are they ?" A freshman said puzzled by the reaction of his seniors.

"Oh It's normal that you don't know them, you're from the most recent batch of students which join us."

"The one on the right is Monkey D. Edam and the one on the left is Zaward his bestfriend..." A random 'senior brother' said with what seemed to be a lot of respect in his eyes.

(A/N: guys, girls, what is Zephyr's family's name ? Should I get him one ?)

"Monkey D...? Wait, wait, wait like in Monkey D Garp, the Hero ?!"

"Yes and he is his very own grandchild..." The guy said with an even more respectful expression plastered on his face.

"Wha-...?! Wow, the Hero's grandson... then, then how strong is he ?" the new guy asked with clear shock.

"..." the senior nodded and then said. "He is... strong, excessively strong, impossibly strong even... some say that he already have the required level to be a Captain or even rear-admiral already despite being only fourteen or something..."

"What ?! so strong..." the junior was shock to his core.

"Yep so strong..." The senior paused "The last time he participated, I saw him wiped out the entire battlefield single handedly... " the senior replied with a bitter smile as that means that he too was "wiped" out.

"...Then, then is he participating in this Marine's battle royal ?"

"Hopefully not..." The senior replied with a seemingly worried face and then added. "...That guy is a living calamity..."

The senior muttered so quietly that the junior didn't catch it.

The junior then asked something else.

"And what about the other one, this Zaward ?"

"Hmm right... The Northern Wolf huh... Yeah a terrifying foe too, grandson of the Grand Instructor himself..."

"..." The junior didn't say anything else and stayed quiet.


Meanwhile the two culprit of this commotion were slowly going toward a certain corner of the place, a corner where there were four turtles brothers too bothered in arguing over something to notice the arrival of the two.

"Seaweed is better when cooked !" Leo said without hesitation.

"No ! It's better when freshly picked, scientificaly proved !" Donny said relying on his scientific proof.

"What ? F*uck this scientist sh*t, they are better when dry up !" Raffe replied furiously.

"You know I think that seaweed pizza would be better though..." And lastly, Mikey said his piece of mind as a voice then rang out afterward.

"A seaweed pizza ? Good luck with that..."

All the turtle brothers turned around at the owner of this voice being Edam.

"Look at who is here ? Are you so bored that you came to encourage us ?" Raffe asked with a grumble.

Edam smirked "Of course not, I first came here to get a pack of mine and my grandpa called me so..."

And then they began to speak leisurely for a couple of minutes till...

"Uh huh... anyway are you going to participate in the battle royal ?" Leo asked Edam curiously as his friend didn't participate for a long time now.

Edam was going to reply to Leo but he suddenly glanced around and noticed that the place became really quiet for a moment.


In fact nearly every seniors, especially those who had participated before were looking at the five of them seemingly waiting for a reply to come out, but seeing that they were busted, they quickly pretend to looked elsewhere.

"So y-..." Edam awkwardly laughed and was going to give an answer when he saw someone coming to stand in front of the crowd of students and shouted.

"Stand straight ! The teacher Vaughn will speak !"

Every persons then arranged themselves in straight lines as Vaughn then made its way before the crowd.

The teacher eyes were still as cold and handsome as ever as it scanned the crowd with a freezing gaze sending shivers down ones spine and then began to speak.

"So as everyone of you may or may not know, you will all be taken to another island where a battle royal will be organized, this royal battle is optional and as such no one is forced to go."

"Every participant will of course have to eliminate every opponents on the battlefield as well as take a crown placed somewhere on the island." Vaughn said and then continued.

"However this battle royal will be special, some of you have been selected to pass a special test on which your position on the ranking will determine your total numbers of points."

"Some people are already distributing a card to each of you. This will be your pass to compete and on this same pass you will find out if you are given a chance to take the special test or not."

"That's the gist of it, you will be given further informations when you get on the ships in a few hours... Good luck..." Having finished his part and not being a man of many words, Vaughn didn't delay anymore and disappeared from the stage.

And then with this gathering ending, Edam and Zaz spoke a bit with the others and saw that everyone of them were given a chance to take the special test.

"I guess this reply to your question Leo." Edam smiled at him clearly implying that he would go for it.

"Sigh... And here I thought that I could take the "Greater Crown" this time too..." Leo sighed exaperately.

"Hey don't give up so soon, it won't be funny this way." Edam tapped his shoulder and tried to cheer him up.

"Hey it seems that you forget someone don't you Leo...?" Zaz said clearly feeling left out by the two.

And then came the other turtles brothers and then it became a mess of noises with insults flying by and Raffe shouting "revenge" here and there.


Both of them then ran a long way from there, until they actually reached the very end of the North regiment's island part, to enter a smaller piece of island situated at the center of the Training Camp island in other words the fifth island, this was the Principal island a neutral place on which teachers and such could reunited themselves for reunion or whatnot, but also a place where complain could be made.

Though it was smaller than the others it was still quite big.

On four corner of the island, South, West, East and North, four bridge were built to facilitate the displacements.

And so as the two arrived they took the bridge and were gone for the huge building on the small island, where Zephyr was.

They then arrived in front of Zephyr's office and entered it after knocking on the door.

"So you're both here... good..." Zephyr eyes scanned the two and smiled.

"Hello grandpa !" Both of them greeted him back.

Zephyr laughed and then said. "Alright so I guess that you already know about the special tests huh..."

"Yes Uncle Vaughn told us..." Zaz replied.

"So what did you call us for grandpa ?" Edam asked.

"Oh I just called to tell you, especially "you" to calm down a bit when the event will started alright...?" Zephyr looked at Edam with a severe gaze pointing a finger at him too.

"Stop elimitating everyone right from the start you heard ? Or at least let them get a few points before and then you win... Though it's been four months since you compete, some people are still traumatized." Zephyr said with a lot of headache...

"Eh? But gramps it's in the game..." Edam said clearly not agreeing with this thought. After all it was a damn "Battle Royal" isn't it ?

"Nope no can do, will you listen to this old gramps of yours or not ?" Zephyr crossed his arms and asked.

At that Edam could only sighed and said with his two arms raised.

"...Alright, alright, you're the boss...Sigh..." Edam sighed.

Zephyr smiled and then said. "Alright you can go ahead."

"Alright bye gramps, see you in a few days..."

Saying that both of the teen got out of the building and returned back to Edam's private cave situated in the North regiment.

Edam casually chose a cave at the foot the Mountain. The cave was really neat and tidy as well as really clean with various furnitures; low table, comfy chairs, a library, etc... to decorated it and adapt it to his own convenance.

As they entered the cave Edam smirked and then walked up to a corner of the cave where a small wooden crate was placed to.

" they are..." He laughed and opened the lid and took a look at what lied inside.

And four black metal bracelets were lying in it.

Edam's eyes lit up and he smiled.





Hello, don't forget to point out my mistakes. It was a long chapter (for me) and I've maybe forgot certain things or will talk about it later.
