Chapter 71: Two mythics, a dinosaure and a genius.

"...Heaven's pearls..." When Edam uttered those four words with both of his palms together, his floating body began to shine a beautiful and shiny glowing light as he then spread both his arms wide as a huge golden sphere of light expanded and covered his whole body, shining like a faint and weak-looking sun.

After three years of training... his mastery over his Ki has increased by leaps and bounds, so much that even he himself felt quite impressed by all the things he could do with Ki. In fact his achievements has surpassed even Garp and Zephyr's expectation, even they with their knowledges and past experiences with a certain someone didn't know that Ki could be used like that.

The little guy had shocked them quite a few times in these few years.

...He shone like the sun for a couples of minutes before something happened...

All around him,


...A multitude of golden ball of lights the size of fists slowly pop and surged out of the golden barrier and stood still in the air as if ready to follow any of Edam's orders...

Opening his eyes, he looked down and then...

Swish...! Boom !


Meanwhile a few minutes earlier, right where the throne and the crown were (that is to say on a lowland near the mountain) three ferocious beasts along with a female swordman were seen battling against each other. Although there were a lot of other people fighting near the throne, these fights were the most impactful.

After a few hours a lot of people were eliminated as the number of participants swiftly go down to a about a fifty or so.

Among the three beasts, there was a sort of three-meters tall werewolf whose claws and jaw were tearing the air with a scary violence and a wolf-like cry that seems to strike at one soul.

The werewolf was completely full white colored with some fur strands going blue at the tips, looking really beautiful despite the ferocious face it was making which was enhanced by its terrifying sharp claws and its even sharper pointy teeths along with a pair of cruel golden colored eyes that shone with a faint natural bloodthirst. That wolf was Zaward.

He was currently battling a five meters tall eagle-like flying bird which had what looked like a turtle shell on its back and a blue scarf on its neck. And this one was Leo.

The guy flew high up in the air while its wings shoot out dreadfull wind blasts toward the werewolf who to counter it would slashed the wind-blasts with its claws.

"Great Wind blast !" Leo's voice sounded as he flapped his wings forward powerfully.

"Grrr ! Rankyaku !" In reply Zaz jumped onto the air itself and met Leo's attack with a slash of his legs.

Screech...! Scratch...! The strident sound of the wind being blasted forward and then slashed in two was quite scary to hear.

"Not bad, your kick has improved huh ?" Leo said from up there.

"Well you too, you too..."

"Too bad your geppo isn't really great huh ?" Leo laughed sarcasticaly like a proud peacock.

"Damn you !"

Leo would sometimes rushed violently toward the wolf but he would instantly retreat as close combat was Zaz speciality clearly using the hit-and-run tactics. The latter to retaliate would often pick up some huge rocks out from the ground and throw it at Leo or do the amazing feat of jumping in the air, one of tve Rokushiki's arts Geppo to strike at Leo. But using Geppo is particularly straining on the legs so... yeah... tough battle for the two...

And a hundred of meters away or so, another battle was raging on. A huge turtle-dinosaure-like beast wearing a red scarf was battling a blue-haired female swordman.

Boom ! Slash ! Boom ! Slash !

Their battle too was quite earth-shattering as the dinosaure-like turtle would with each strikes literally shatter the ground into smithereens, while the blue-haired girl would strike with slashes powerfull enough to by pass the strong defense of that turtle aligator while avoiding its attacks.

"One sword style: White lotus !" Kuina jumped swiftly in the air and swung her sword swiftly and powerfuly resulting in four slashes that seemed to draw a a lotus flower.

"Mountain crusher !" Raffe retaliated with a barrage of fists covered with ennumerable scales destroying everything in its way.


Anyway the four of them tried time and time again to take the crown for themselves but every time they would get close, their opponent would get in the way and so the battle kept being stretch on and on without a hint of an end.


Unknown to most of the participants was that...

Through the eyes of the various flying Den Den Mushi, a guy was currently watching everything amusingly along with another guy who wasn't really amused like him but not angry too, just calm.

"Bwahahaha... crunch, crunch, crunch... Those four kids are really getting into it aren't they ? Bwahahaha...!" That first guy was of course Garp who was laughing his ass off like always with some donuts as snacks.

"Well they sure are promising seedlings indeed... But... Where is that troublemaker, why can't we see him ?" Sengoku narrowed his eyes and said having a bad feeling about all this...


At a safe distance, some people were spectating the show. A few minutes ago they were battling against each other but then those two titan-like fights occured and they were left completely jaw wide opened.

"This is insane..." Newbie A said completely shocked. "...Two Zoan devil fruit users battling each other..." Two persons commented on it as they looked at the wolf and bird fighting.

"Yeah... what is their devil fruits again...?" Newbie B asked.

"Uh... don't know... I'm new to this just like you..." Newbie A said replied.

However a senior who was not that far from them hear their conversation and decided to play the cool senior.

"Hmph, you two don't know ?" The guy tried to act mysterious and cool as the two newbie looked at him awkwardly.

"Uh... who the hell are you ?"

"Hmph alright since you asked so politely, I Osefa-sama shall reply to your question, Hahaha..."



"..." Newbie A and B were now really making strange expression but as if he couldn't care and give a sh*t about it the Osefa guy spoke.

"Ahem ! So you two pitiful newbie shall remember this day as the day when this young master-..."

"!@#$%^&*... Say it already !"


"Alright so, do you see the fierce-looking werewolf throwing rocks and trees at the gigantic bird ? That's the Northern Wolf Zaward as we from the Southern regiment call him. He's the grandson of the Grand instructor himself ! Rumours say that he got a really rare devil fruit... a Mythical Zoan if I'm right...Oh and he won the Smaller Crown Competition 8 times and one grand crown." Osefa said passionately and then glanced at the newbie and saw what he want to see on their faces.

"Wow... the grandson of the Grand instructor ? I'm a huge fan...!" Star lights shone in newbie A's eyes.

"What ?! A Mythical fruit ? Which fruit ?" Newbie B asked in shock.

"Uh if I recall it well, it's the Mutt Mutt fruit model: Fen...Fennn... fen something I can't recall it but it's an amazing one... Oh yeah was it Fenrir maybe ?" he pondered.

"Wow but this is f*cking rare ! It's so cool to have the Grand instructor as a grandpa you can have anything you want..." Newbie B was completely jealous.

"Yeah... maybe..." Osefa replied.

"The Mutt Mutt fruit model Fenrir is it ?... I've never heard of it in books before though..." Newbie A who seemed to be quite the bookworm wondered about it.

"Anyway, as for the huge bird-man in the sky, it's one of the four turtles of the north, the eldest brother, the great Leo who ate the Mythical fruit of the Great Roc ! Fun fact he's the only one among the turtles brothers to have a Mythical fruit and he too just like his opponent won the SCC 8 times as well as one GCC (Grand Crown Competition)."



The newbies didn't even want to say anything and kept quiet.

"Oh and as for the two fighting there... well the big bully-like dinosaure-like turtle is none other than the younger brother of the great Leo, multiple small crowns on his track record, the violent tyrant of the north Godziraffe !" Osefa said with a serious expression on his face, seemingly not joking at all.

"What the f*ck is that...?" The two shouted at the same time and nearly had the urge to laugh, after who could take a turtle with a red scarf seriously right ? But all things say the guy was still huge so...

"What ? You want to laugh ? Go ahead but just know that he's known for being really short tempered... One day he beat up a guy who didn't even laughed at him."

"Oh... damn..."

"And whatever... as for the girl she's..." As he said this the senior eyes seemed to light up with fanatism. "She's the graceful, cold and exquisite dancing-sword fairy Kuina of the south... the supreme goal of nigh every south regiment's students that is...Sigh... however as unreacheable as the clouds... How beautiful... How perfect, I love her, I want to marry her...Ahhhhh..."

"..." The two couldn't help but muster a disgusted face at him.


"Cough ! Cough ! Aheemm ! Yeah... so she's the genius sword girl who has risen to the top of the favorites rapidly. She has times and times again gain the smaller crown and gain one greater crown, a big achievement and the pride of our Southern regiment !" Osefa said and continued.

"Of course there are other champions in here but these are the principals ones to watch out for and also the ones who are currently closer to the throne so..."


" you're saying that we are up against two mythical devil fruit users, a f*cking dinosaure, a sword genius and possibly some other previous champions not there right now..." Newbie B said exasperately.

Newbie A then continued. "... How are we even supposed to win in this situation...? If I knew... I would have chosen to go for the small crown...dammit..." Newbie B sighed with Newbie A too in a profound depression.

"Well don't worry about it kiddo just focus on gaining a lot of points." With that said Osefa lifted up a thumb up to cheer them up.

"Yeah, yeah-..."

...Rumble...! Boom !

A huge tremor sounded out from far far away in the distance.

"Wha-...?! What was that ?" When they looked at the commotion sound direction, they were quick enough to see a blue blur shooting off into the sky with a soul striking speed.

This little commotion didn't fail to draw-in the attention of the various previous champions who stopped fighting and looked at the sky with a seemingly wary expression and even annoyed expression.

"What the heck is that again..." 90% of them all thought this with an exaperate depression.

Meanwhile they were soon surprise to at first see a single huge golden sphere lit up high up there, before a dozen and even a hundred of other faint and small balls appeared while the bigger sphere faded out.

But then,

A boom resounded from up there as something incredibly fast plummet down and crashed down on the ground extremely close to the throne.

Crack! Boom! Rumble!


"What the heck ?!"

"Dammit I can't see anything !"

"Where is he ?!"


The crash resulted in a terrible shockwave that sent a huge veil of dust flying up in the air hiding the crown, the throne and the participants. Participants who lifted their guards up as the whole mood of the tournament turned from tense to super tense while Raffe and Kuina completely stopped their battle and stared at the commotion.

However in this super tense place a rather calm and relaxed voice suddenly spoke out.

"Guys if you can't decided who will keep it, I volunteer myself to take it and put a stop to this "violent" competition..." The voice asked as all the people around the throne turned to the throne's direction.

The floating dust piles slowly set down as everyone saw a rather handsome guy with a monkey tail sitting on the throne relaxingly with a faint smile on his face. On top of his head, a sculpted wooden crown could be seen on it.



Mistakes thanks.