Chapter 73: Super Kame Ha !


After having won countless time the GCC, Edam of course enjoyed all the rewards that goes with it. And that is to say, everything... From dining in luxurious restaurants or a vacation in paradise island to even a special traineeship with any officer in the Navy.

And by any officers, it did meant any officers, from the lowest graded ones to even the Admiral themselves ! The traineeship would last accordingly to the rank of the said officer too...And although Admirals were quite hard to get a schedule with... with Edam's lot of victories, his chances to get an Admiral was bigger than most.... and he did...

As a result Edam had 24 traineeship with 24 different Navy officers. The revered captain Hina, some proeficient Haki users, some martial artist users, Rokushiki's users...etc... and even the Admiral Kizaru and Aokiji... Though he didn't got the last one (Akainu), that was maybe for the best...

The two couldn't stand each other for some reasons...

...Anyway with all those people to inspire himself from, Edam began to build up a new and entirely personnal fighting style along with his, as he called it "Edam's original moves".

And this was only possible thanks to his Ki extreme versatility as well as an unexplainable ease to learn, copy and appropriate for himself every techniques he saw even for the first time in his life.

For three long years he built up his own fighting style that he named [Heaven's pearls fighting style] derived from the techniques of his "teachers".

He had invented another fighting style too... but... Anyway...


*Back to the battle royal*

The smoky-like Ki then slowly formed five golden balls of Ki the size of a foot ball and began to float quietly right behind his back as he thought.

[Heaven's pearls: Five Heaven's Stars]

With this line, the five balls then shrunk to the size of a fist becoming so much smaller and "cuter" and yet seemed to become even more dangerous than before, a threatening air emanating out of them.

Nobody seemed to notice but his gravity weights were pointing out the number 0 on them all.

Edam opened his eyes and watch them for a moment before... however instead of waiting for them like earlier, Edam decided to take action first. He slightly bend his knees with a hand on the ground and shoot out like a cannon ball being so fast that he didn't touch the ground at all.

Boom ! Swish...!

He crossed the distance in a second and arrived in front of Kuina who didn't hesitate a single second to swing her sword at him.

Her sword was fiercely slashed down as she shouted. [One sword style: Red butterfly !]

Swing ! A light of red color flashed all around her sword.

Edam smiled faintly as he lowered his body slightly.

In response his two hands then seemed to grabbed something on his right side as he was actually reaching for something as one of the golden floating balls seemed to rapidly decomposed itself and materialized in his hands taking the form of a fiery energy blade.

[Heaven's Vanquishing blade !] He said softly with a faint smile akin to a sneer. "Stealing" this blade of light from the light-man himself was maybe the best idea he had. Though he changed the name and appearance a bit, the principle behind it was near the same.

"What-... ?!" Kuina was quite surprised as she never saw him used his power this way before but she didn't stopped though.


He then swung his blade upward to collide against her own sword and...


The clash resulted in her arms being projected in the air as his Ki blade then returned back into a floating ball right behind his back.

Kuina "Ugh !" Though she had greatly improved her strenght in those three years and could overpower most men now but so did Edam's too... and the gap wasn't the least bridged at all, in contrary...

That was a rather cruel truth for her especially since Edam was kind of a semi-sword user too...

Edam close up even more on her waved his hand and another Heaven's pearl moved to his said hand as he thought inwardly.

[Heaven's Shackles]

And as the name suggested it, with a sudden movement, the pearl suddenly separated in two halves and began to rapidly stretches and bind her body, her arms, and feet as she fell on the ground completely restrained.

"Ugh...! Let me go...!" She struggled as she rolled on the ground to get rid of this shackle in vain.

"Stop struggling... you will only hurt yourself..." Edam said looking at her.

"..." She calmed down for a moment but then she struggled like crazy again. "Ughu !"

"Well, suit yourself." Edam shrugged and then looked at his next target.


Meanwhile behind the screens and camera, Sengoku was having a headache as he watched the live.

"That boy... How does he even do this.. those moves there... They are Hina's and Borsalino's..." The fleet-admiral was speechless.

"Bwahaha ! That's my boy !" As always in contrast to him Garp was bursting in happiness and pride seeing his grandson "show off".

"Hmm... he's becoming stronger and stronger as years goes by... In term of potential he's equaling even the Demon's heir now..."

"Equal ?" Garp repeat and then smirked mysteriously and thought '...As if...'


Not losing any time, with a powerful stomp of one leg he quickly shoot out at the next one being Zaz but the wolf was already prepared.

[Electro !]

The latter's body first gave out streak of lightning as he used this minks trademark technique, channeling electricity throughout his body before shouting.

[Soru !]

He then moved with a lightning speed in a zigzag motion before jumping in the air yelling out.

[Gleipnir !]

From his body a hundred of beautiful silk braid into small chains rushed out toward Edam. Despite looking rather weak and fragile, those chains were not to be scoff with, when they caught something it was quite hard if not near impossible to break them and that even for Edam.

At this sight, Edam's hand stretched to his waist side and, energy began to rapidly swirl in and condense to form what looked like a heaven's pearl. However this one looked quite "weak" and somewhat "fragile" compared to the ones floating behind his back who were much more condensed, compacted, concentrated.

Then, with a rapid movement to the front...


....A multitude of Ki beams equaling the chains shoot out of the beam to strike every single chains, shooing them away as Edam took this opportunity and rushed to appeared in front of Zaz.

Swish ! He instantly arrived at one meter away as...

Zaz desperately unleashed a "Rankyaku" but Edam countered Zaz kicking leg with his own's disrupting him and without any mercy at all, violently punched Zaz's stomach with his left fist.

Puh !

"Bugh...!" Zaz felt this punch as clear as daylight as he nearly vomite his breakfast "You-...!

But before Zaz could act any further, a heaven's pearl decomposed itself again to appeared in Edam's right free hand and struck his back with the pearl at the very center of his palm.

Boom ! An explosion rang out as Zaz was violently blow far away pitifuly crashing down really hard on the ground rolling about a few times.

"Gah...!" Although his transformation into a werewolf should give him a increase resistance, there was not really a defense to talk about here...


Edam then landed on the ground near Zaz and waved his hand using another [Heaven's Shackle] like a clip to restrain him but this time he completely restrained him to the ground in contrast to Kuina who wasn't. Would be a bother if he was to flee right~...? though that surely wouldn't happened but meh... take this as a punishment for ganging up on him humph...


As for Leo who was at a hundred of meters away, he was still a giant bird as he tried to keep his distance for the time being.

He then flapped one wing and a lot of feathers flew out with a...

Swish !

He then repeat this again and...

Swish, swish, swish, swish ! A torrent of feathers flew.

Edam first glanced at Leo's attack before taking a quick glance to see Raffe in near the same direction as Leo standing not far away and watching everything happening, not planning to do anything to help his brother at all, even somewhat laughing at his poor luck.

"What an unbrotherly scene there..." Edam said looking at Raffe for a brief moment.

"Let's fix this !" He smirked evily and speed up forward straight at Leo, sending out a waves of Ki balls at the same time to counter his feathers.

Leo thought that he would jumped and fly toward himself and so sent even more feathers at him but...

Edam didn't even took a look at him... instead he continue right toward Raffe.

"What-...?!" Raffe's eyes opened wide in surprise.

The latter too slow to react and most of all completely caught off guard by this sly move... the guy was clearly going for Leo why the hell did he changed direction like that ?

And with no warning at all, Edam accelerated even more arriving like a ghost not slowing down at all as he caught him by the face, lifted him up and flew upward and all of that happening in a split second at an extreme speed.

Rumble !

Despite Raffe's giant size and enormous weight, there didn't seemed to be any resistance whatsoever as his two feet immediately left the ground.

Ting, ting, ting, ting...!

"You f*cking *&^%$#@...!" Raffe's voice sounded out angrily as he struggled like crazy.

Ting, ting, ting, ting...!

"..." Leo thought right after that. 'What a bastard..."

Edam was actually using him as a living shield to bypass Leo's attack, what a f*cking a*shol* this is !

"Haha ! I shall created a new move right here right now, just for you two ! You ready ?" Edam said flying with Raffe's face in his hand.

Raffe "You f*cking-...!"

"Good !" With a laugh, Edam tightened his grip on his head before he wantonly throw him toward Leo butt first. "Take this !"

Swooch !

Bam ! The two violently collided painfully and insults flow out.

"Leo you bird-brain ! couldn't you get out of the way ?!" Raffe mouth lashed out.

"What did you say ?! You shit-head, If you weren't captured so easily I wouldn't have to get out of the way, you useless little brother !" Leo retorted back.

Raffe "!^#&$*@%#&$^"

They argued in the air stupidly as Edam took this opportunity to appear right above them.

"You two really have to stop arguing like that you know... But thanks to that..."

Raffe "...!?"

Leo "...?!" The two stopped and looked above.

Edam's right fist was already charged backward in a very martial art pose as he suddenly lashed it forward.

Another Heaven's pearl decomposed itself and nearly instantly reappeared in front of his fist before expanding back into a foot ball size and...

Boom !

[Special move: Super Turtle Waves !] and with a heavy but strident sound.... a flashy beam of gold and blue lights shoot out of from his fist to send the brothers straight to the ground like two cannon balls.


The poor Raffe was the one to eat this attack as he unfortunately found himself being on top but fortunately he had the reflex to defend himself with an original move of his, [Solid Mountain !] He did resist it at first but...

"Heh !"

...Seeing this, Edam smirked and punched again increasing the already enormous amount of Ki in the energy wave...

Crack ! The pressure being too much and having increased too suddenly, it thus broke through his defense.

"Damn you Edam !!!!"

Leo was luckier... or not really in fact, 'cause he was underneath and so was completely crushed by Raffe's immense weight. He did tried to push back Raffe body but just the pressure from Raffe's weight was a lot to bear, without talking about the blast... it was much too much...

A huge crater was formed as a result of this attack. The blast was powerfull but the two giant frames of Leo and Raffe were the main reasons for this.

Both of them lied in the crater stacked on top of one another funnily...

Edam then landed near them and looked at them before laughing a bit.

"That's more like it ! Haha..."



Mistakes... opinions... Anything you want....👍