Chapter 84: ???


So... how is it ?" Edam asked enthusiastically.

"..." They were all silent for a second before speaking.

Raffe "Stupid..."

Shion, Nekoe, Mickey, and Inue "It's cool !" with shining eyes.

Leo, Kuina and Donny didn't say anything.

Cyera "Umm, it's okay I guess ?"

Kyara exclaimed curiously "What a strange mask, what is the animal ?"

"Hmm that's a secret." Edam amusingly gestured not to ask more.

"Oh..." Kyara didn't pursue the matter anymore.

Zaz who didn't say anything up till now opened his mouth to talk.

"Hey, are you sure you want to meet her like that ?"

"Hmm..? Why..?" Edam asked.

"Uh, well you know she-... ahem I mean this is an official mission being carried on... won't they take it as an insult ?" Zaz who has nearly spit out something he shouldn't immediately change the subject.

"It's fine, don't worry..." Edam just smiled and gestured for him not to worry.

The ship then stopped a few meters away from the other ship.


Meanwhile in the pirate ship

"Marigold-Sama, Sandersonia-sama, the Marines are already there waiting, what should we do ?" A female warrior wearing a bikini top, a cape, and panties.

"Our sister is currently...hmm... busy, wait for her..." A large girl who resembles a snake, with a curvaceous figure and large breasts said.

Her head was strangely disproportionately large and wide to her body and her long tongue was forked and making "hiss hiss" sound.

"Hmm, I wonder which High ranked Marines they sent..." A huge orange-haired girl beside the green-haired one said.

In response, the green-haired girl nodded and said. "Hmm... the ship is really strange too... is that a gorilla or a monkey maybe...?" (Hmm to answer your question miss idk)

"...Who knows... anyway..." the orange-haired sister brushed off the matter and whispered to her sister..."Do you think she's reading those comics again..." She said somewhat nervously.

"Sigh... since the day "he" gave her comics to read, she's been dead set on finding/getting every comic of the same collections sigh..." the orange-haired sister sighed again and again making the green-haired sister laugh wryly.

"Right... we even had to sail out today because she didn't have anything to read anymore... sigh ..."

"Sonia-nee..." the orange haired sister called out.


"What is a "doujinshi"...?"

"Hmm? Uh, I don't know, what that is...?"

"Oh... I saw a book with this name in my Elder sister's hand earlier... she said that Elder Nyon gave it to her but she didn't say what it was..."

"...Really, umm... that's strange..." The green-haired sister said.

Orange haired sister just nodded in agreement and pondered but then exclaimed.

"Oh right what about the Marines, should we let them wait like this till she "wake up `` ?''

"Hmm... Let's initiate the talk at least..."



And so they started the meeting...

Zaz who was dressed in his official marine coat shouted at the red pirate ship.

"Kuja warriors, we're ready to proceed to the meeting !"

And from the opposite ship, the head of the large green-haired sister along with her orange-haired sister shows up as she said.

"Hmm... Alright, let's discuss this agreement..."All the women pointed their bow in a certain direction.


When Sandersonia and Marigold looked where the commotion was, their faces quickly turned into surprise as they saw the figure of a young man dressed in a Marine coat and wearing what looks like a great ape gorilla mask, sitting on the border of their ship leisurely as he looked at both the sisters with a smile it seems.

"Hello... Sandersonia, Marigold... How are you...?"



'How did he get here ?! I didn't feel his presence at all !' Sandersonia who was quite proficient in using Observation Haki didn't feel his presence at all... Was he too fast for her to catch his movements or something...?

"You... you really are a daring man... don't you know that we the Kuja tribe do not tolerate men...?" Sandersonia's eyes dangerously turned into slits as she spoke coldly.

"Get lost on this ship this instant or don't blame us for being rude Marines..." Marigold's eyes too turned really dangerous.

"Whoa... it really breaks my heart to hear you two say this sigh..." Edam's voice sounded out as if he was actually sad but there also was a certain imperceptible playfulness in his voice too. His legs were swinging back and forth as he spoke.

"Anyway, I'm the captain of that ship, but where is your captain? I don't see her anywhere. Why is that...?"

"Hmph, this is none of your business !" Sandersonia snorted, though she was angry that he got in without asking, she felt somewhat oddly familiar with him for some reason.

"Sigh... You're right... I guess..." Edam said as he held something in his hands...

"You-... you..."

When both the sisters saw what was in his hands they couldn't help but gasp in shock…

...because in his hands a small white living ball of feathers was currently present and cuddling in the cup of his hands joyfully moving around as it made some..."Pew, pew, pew...!" sounds.

'Oh, so that's the other bird huh? It does resemble Blacky....' Zaz thought as he watched everything quietly while his comrades were a bit lost as they knew of Black Snow's existence but not White Snow's existence. And as those little messengers races were not well known around the world, they just thought of Black Snow as a normal tamed bird...


"Eh? You say that she's reading books, heh... hey little White how about you go in and take her out?" Edam completely ignored everyone else as he spoke to White Snow with a smile.

And to the shock of both sisters, the white little bird made some "pew pew" sounds before happily flying in the ship to do it's job.

"What ?! What happened to that arrogant bird ?!"

"Why does it listen to him ?! It doesn't even listen to us !"

Being completely taken aback by this weird event the two sisters completely forgot to order their crew mates to shot the man.

*And not long after.*

"White..., what are you doing, come over here right now !" A celestial-like voice sounded out from inside as it uttered those words. Just the voice alone held the promise of an unbelievable beauty, it could only belong to someone like that.

Although the words spoken were meant to reprimanded White it didn't sound angry at all.

Everyone's heads turned toward the celestial voice as if they were drawn in instinctively. Some of them (like Raffe, Donny...) didn't particularly care about this voice but the moment they heard it, they just couldn't resist the temptation of doing so...

And what they saw struck all their souls as if monkeys were playing a drum in their heads.

"Sister !" Marigold and Sandersonia call out.

"Hmm?" A black-haired girl stopped in place as she caught the small white bird in her delicate hands and glanced at the sides.

What came out of the ship was... was something they would be willing to think of as the reincarnation of the goddess of sea herself if she did exist in this world!

She, compared to her abnormal and huge sisters, has a well-proportioned figure. She was very tall and slender with long black hair that extends past her waist like a waterfall shining in contact with the sun, with locks of hair that frame her face down to her chin and shows off her high forehead, dark-blue eyes with long, voluminous eyelashes and pale skin. She has a narrow waist and very large breasts. She has to be a goddess...! nothing less... None of them had even the slightest hesitation to say that she could easily be labelled as the most beautiful woman in the world!

Even Kuina, Cyera, Kyara, and the others who were girls too couldn't help but feel strangely attracted to her... questioning their orientations by the way.

Overall, the girl standing right in front of them was beautiful beyond measures.

She was of course Hancock, Boa Hancock yes... she grew up and turned into this goddess-like figure indeed... she became the dream that every man should strive for, to conquer and obtain as much as a treasure...


"Hmm...? Sonia, Marie, who are those people ?" When she spoke this time, there was now a certain arrogance and coldness in her gentle and sweet voice.

Earlier when she came out, her voice didn't hold the slightless bit of arrogance as she chased the bird around, only a certain happiness could be felt before it totally changed to now.

"Uh if it's the Marines who came for the agreement, we had to meet today to sign the treaty."

"Oh, that..." As she said that she shot a glance at Edam who was sitting leisurely not far away.

And what is this man doing on this ship ?" Her voice turned even colder although it only added another charm to her fairy-like appearance.

"Uh, he sneaks his way in without permission despite us trying to get him out... sis..." Marigold said to her. With this said, Hancock's eyelash fluttered slightly as she narrowed her at him but for a reason just like Sandersonia's she got this weird and strange familiar sensation that she knew him...


And her impression of "déjà vu" was even stronger than Sandersonia.

The longer she looked at him, the more she found him strangely looking like a certain guy she knew of... despite the mask he wore...

After looking at him a few minutes, she bit her lower lips and then asked.

"You... who are you...?" When she asked this question her voice was so soft and sweet, with a bit of expectation and a bit of anger too, so no one knew if she was actually expecting something or not.

"Eh...? Haha... so you didn't recognize me huh..." At that Edam laughed softly and then...

"Let me give you a small clue..."

With those words from him, the three gorgon sisters looked on with open eyes at him as they saw something moving behind his back...

...Yes... they saw his monkey tail moving and swinging around in the air.

"Edam..." Sandersonia and Marigold whispered while Hancock just looked on a bit longer.

"It's you..."

"Hehe..." Edam then took out his mask and shook his head.

"How are you, Hancock? It feels good to talk to you in person again haha..." Edam stood up from the border and said.

In response, the other party to the surprise of everyone present on the scene, the young empress stuttered and even flushed a bit.

"Uh... uh... umm I'm, I'm fine and... and you ?" Hancock's little heart was going "Doki Doki" full power as she spoke.

"Well, I'm fine too, when I heard that I would have to meet you, what a surprise it was for me haha..." Edam began to walk toward her.

However in contrast she began to slowly take some steps backward.

"Hmm ?" Edam noticed that and came to a stop before he exclaimed.

"Oh right, thanks for the gift, I like it." He smirked and showed his necklace.

"You... you're wearing it..." Hancock mustered softly enough for no one but Edam to hear only.

"Of course..."

A sweet and tender smile flashed by her delicate face for a split second showing to the present people a piece of what the word "Goddess" should be associated to.

The two were now clearly in their own world...

Not caring about anyone else...Till...

"Ahem...!" Sandersonia, Marigold, and Zaz made an ahem sound to bring the two back to earth.

"Hmm...?" Edam glanced at everyone around in wonder while Hancock looked on at them with certain displeasure in her eyes.

"Cough, cough... Edam we have something to do aren't we ?"

"Oh right... totally forgot... sorry..." Edam then exclaimed and then jumped on his ship.

"Right hey Hancock, look this is my crew." Edam shows Zaz & co with his hand.

Hancock did look in the crew directions...

But for a reason... her eyes turned rather strange for a moment... it felt somewhat cold and hot too...

Her eyes landed right onto Kuina, Cyera, Kyara and Nekoe...

Meanwhile, Edam who was discussing things with Zaz was thrown questions after questions.

"Wait wait wait, how do you know someone like that captain ?" Inue and Shion asked.

"You lucky bastard, and here I thought you were just a battle freak... You really know how to hide your cards..." Leo & co asked.

"Hmm, what relationship do you have with her ?" All the girls asked the same things at least four times in a row.

"Sigh... why do you even want to know that..."

And he tried to reply to the best of his capabilities to their wonders.

However, a certain someone at the sides didn't see this current scene in the same eye at all.

As she looked at him, "being swarmed all over by girls from everywhere"... her eyes grew darker as her pupils turned pink and her cheeks slowly puffed out with a cute rosy shades on it.

The atmosphere even grew a bit heavy as a result...

Everyone noticed this of course as they looked at the young empress whose face was currently rosy in anger.

And when Edam turned around to look at her too...

He saw a face appearing in front of his own face as his pair of black eyes met a dark-blue colored one...

'What the-...'

Edam opened his eyes wide and didn't understand a single thing as he felt a delicate and soft thing pressing on his lips.

It was softer, more delicate, smoother than the anything he ever touched or taste in his life.

He was... kissed !?

He, Edam, was actually kissed...!?

Even he himself couldn't believe it... this move of her's that could have been interpreted as an assault on his person totally bypassed his "beast sense"...

One had to know that he could even sense Donny's "presence zero" which could bypass the observation Haki of many users...

But now... he didn't sense a single thing at all... his beast whom he trusted since forever actually let him down!

'You... traitor !'

But anyway that wasn't important right now...Hancock actually kissed him right in front of everyone without caring for her image at all.

And worst (best) of all she didn't stop there.

"Oy-...?!" He wanted to push her backward softly but she used her delicate figure to slipped in his arms and hugged him before kissing him again.

Being taken by surprise Edam just went dumbstruck as Hancock forced her way in and used her tongue to kiss him making the two stumble.

'She's really exaggerating...' Edam thought and decided to give up.


He let himself fall down as he held her willow waist and hugged her lightly to prevent her from falling elsewhere than on him.

"kyah..." She let out a small yelp from falling but realize that she was still in his arms.

"Be carefull..." His voice sounded out gently and calmly.

And just like that Hancock found herself on top of him.

"... Are you done...?" Edam stared at her with a kind of exasperation, his face too was a bit red from this "intense meeting".

Her face went red like a tomato and her heart "Doki Doki" full power again.

Meanwhile, all the other guys and girls around were...



Hello there, well... here is next chapter 😁

I would again like to thank my friend JustYourTypicalOtaku for editing to the best he could, thanks.👍

See ya guys.✌