Chapter 96: A sudden burst of anger...

(A/N: Hear me brothers... life without wifi is hard okay? truly....)


Days passed by after having had fun with Hancock, he was once again back to Marineford with a task to do.

With this one month, he felt entirely replenished and relaxed. More relaxed than any of the four years which passed by...

Anyway, they were recently informed that those so-called Devil worshippers which venerate the God-Slayer were in cahoot with some renowned pirates from the New World, rumors said that it could implicate an Emperor of the sea making the whole Marines take this matter very seriously.

Now for how such low-rated criminals could have such connections was still unknown.

Anyway, they were now tasked to go to Sabaody to investigate some information given by those worshippers. Those people should have been dealt with by the CP9 in normal time since their sole existence is a mockery of the world government and directly threatened it, but… CP9's best agent had unfortunately encountered a mishap or so...

Anyway those poor worshippers fellas had claimed that they wouldn't sell anything but spit everything out after a whole month in it in exchanges for going to another place and promising with tears and snot that they would never do this kind of thing ever again in this life and the next.

This made Edam curious about Impel down. That place is labeled as Hell itself by people who once visit it, and only one person ever escaped from it till now. Maybe he would visit it one day?

Next day when the sun started to rise.

At Marineford underground port, Edam's crew was present to set sail for East-Blue.

Eden was standing in front of his crewmates with a solemn expression.

"Ahem, your attention guys, before we go I have one news to announce to all of you…" Eden clasped his hands behind his back and walked here and there.

'...?' All of them raised a brow at this while thinking of various things.

'Is he getting fired for insubordination?'

'The captain is way too rash, the higher up won't like that…"

'What a pity, we're dissolved huh, I like this team though…"

All of them were aware of how much their units were despised by the extremist marines group and with their captain's actions, it was hard 

They didn't know what kind of repercussions it would have on him, so they were fairly worried that he would be fired from the Marines.

Seeing their faces, Eden laughed faintly and said.

"It's nothing to worry about, it's just that our Unit's name will be changed from now onward heh…"

He completely forgot to informed them of this as he was too busy relaxing on another island.


"Our team will be called the unit 'Seal', we can now proudly lift our heads and tell our enemies that we are the Unit Seal so that we shall seal the O-..." A look of excitement was present in his eyes before he was interrupted.

"Phew, it's so much better than Rainbow, thank you, fleet admiral…" Leo sighed in relief.

"Huh? It was my-..."

"That's true, Rainbow sounds so much like weakling… what a stupid name, thank God it is changed…" Even Kuina voiced out her opinions.

"Yeah, maybe we could even call ourselves seal one, seal two, seal three, etc…" Shion suggested excitedly to which Inue nodded.

"Yes, according to a certain legend, there's already a pirates crew sailing the sea with this Rainbow name known as the Okama Rainbow pirates…" Donny said seriously while pushing his glasses up.

"Really? The Okama pirates?"


"..." Eden thought about it and just let it off, giving Sengoku some credits…

"Anyway, it's just a name, let's go, we are going..." Eden spoke and directly embarked on his ship.

The crew followed closely behind as the warship set off on the sea.

The complete team embarked on the ship for a not so long journey since Sabaody was not so far away.

Their warship was thoroughly modified and improved by the marines scientist. The speed was raised and the resistance too, the sea stones were changed into new ones by Edam's request.

There were a lot more ameliorations making their journey less boring and more entertaining.

*They arrived three days later at noon.*

Edam was lying down on the border of the ship asleep as they arrived and slowly woke up.

They moved their ship at 66 Grove and rapidly made their way to the local headquarters and then directly walked toward the human auctioning house situated in Grove 1.

A place that Edam loathes deeply and purely. Just thinking about it would irritate him.

They didn't take too much time to reach the place, an hour at most.

They arrived before the building in question and stopped at once.

"Wait for me here and don't step inside…" Edam said with a deep voice as he stepped inside the building. Today he wore his justice coat as well as his giant ape mask on his face.

"Do you think he will wreck the place?" Inue asked with worry but also expectation.

"But we can't touch this place though…" Shion said with a frown and didn't hide his disdain for this place.

"True but we're talking about Edam…" Zaz shrugged.


"Welcome, welcome ladies and gentlemen… we have a good batch today! A fish-man, a prince from a fallen kingdom, a random guy forsaken by his parents, or a rare and beautiful lynx, and a lot more! Everything to please you!"

Edam walked in and was directly met with the auction being held by a guy with star-like glasses. He didn't know his name and didn't care so much.

He saw various people of different social classes bidding to get a slave for themselves.

But what was most flashy was those people in white sitting in a corner on some throne-like sofa. Four Celestial dragons, two men, two women.

His arrival was of course noticed by a lot of people, after all his marine coat was extremely flashy while he himself was a tall young man with a heroic demeanor on him. 

His mask was particularly striking at one glance, savage and brutal.

And most of all, although he had his mask on, his clear black eyes, shining black hair, and fair face were still perfectly visible. Each of his features was handsome and sharp.

At first glance, they would just tell themselves that he was 'good looking' at most, but the longer their gazes lingered on him and the quicker they found that he had a really good, if not perfect physique deeply hidden by his clothes.

Anyway, with this kind of assets, It was quite easy to attract favors from the opposite gender and jealousy from males. There was especially one of the young girls whose eyes were shining a weird light in the depth as she stared at him with a crazy gaze.

"I want, I want, I want him!" She stood up and told one of the two men, it was directed at the older man.

The older man raised one of his eyebrows and then looked behind and saw Edam.

"Tessia dear, it's a Marine, it won't be easy to take him home…" The older man shook his head.

"Please daddy, I want him…" She said cutely to her dad but never took her eyes off Edam.

"Sigh… okay okay, guards, come here…" The celestial dragon lifted two fingers and beckoned a guard to come.

As the young girl had yelled relatively loud, people heard everything. They couldn't help but feel sad for the young man who just arrived. Because, whatever the Celestial dragons want, it would have it no matter the price, no matter the place. If they want to make a princess, a prince of a random kingdom their slaves then it should be done. This is a notion that was established long ago, for most they were truly gods roaming the mortal world.

What a pity that the targeted guy today didn't share this ideology at all.

After receiving his instruction the guard came up to Edam and spoke.

"Young man, you are in luck, her saintess, princess Tessia has made you her knight. Although you're a marine soldier, Saint Charlie said that he would compensate you to show his generosity, your family members will be protected, fed, and will live on a beautiful island for the rest of their lives…" The knight said with a sort of excitement. He too was offered a huge award if he succeeded peacefully.

"Uh-huh…Thank you but no thanks…"

"You… do you know who those people are?" The knight asked in a small voice.

"I do, but I don't want to be a slave…" He shook his head and refute it.

"You...sigh… Then I don't have any other choice than…" The knight looked angered and pointed a spear at Edam, quickly followed by other guards with one of them holding a metal collar in hands. "You are under arrest for opposing his majesty Saint Charlie!"

At that Edam rolled his eyes in annoyance and said. "What a troublesome woma-... matter…" He shot a quick glance at the celestial dragon little group.

"What?!" A high pitched voice resounded in the whole house, and the young female celestial dragon yelled and even stood up. "You little plebeian, you're just a bit handsome don't get cocky!"

She stormed her way up to Edam and screamed at the top of her lungs as the guards lowered down their weapons. "You should be honored that I want to make you mine!" Her eyes wandered on his body up and down with an infatuated face.

Opposite to her, Edam gaze was indifferent and almost devoid of emotions but if one were to look carefully, they would see in the depth of his eyes a cold and disdainful light burning quietly waiting to be triggered.

"...Sorry, Miss Tessia was it? I already have someone in my heart, and I have an important matter at hand, so if you will excuse me..." He said with a calm voice before he passed by the guards and then the female celestial dragon with a faint smile on his face.

"…" The masses.

"..." The guards.

"..." Saint Tessia was completely taken aback for a moment. It was the first time in her life that she was ignored by a simple plebeian of the lower world. 

It was not the first time that she was infatuated with a man and had already done this kind of thing since a young age, and although those men would always fight against their fates she would always have the last word and successfully made them her toys. 

But now? That boy dares to ignore her and flaunt that he had someone in his heart in her face?!

Her face twists with a crazy expression and she screamed like a mad-woman.

"You slave! How dare you turn your back on me!? Do you know who I am?! I'm a Princess! Not someone that you can call Miss as you please!"

Edam stopped in his track and spoke with his back still facing her. "Hn… sorry, I won't call you Miss anymore then…"

He was about to take a step but...

"This is not going to happen you hear me?! You're mine! If I cannot have you then no one can, you hear me?!"

Edam "..."

"Who is she?! Just wait and see! I will make her mine too! Who's this dirty bit-...!?" 


However, before she could proceed further with her mouth…

Plop! Clasp!

A strong and tough hand violently exploded the bubble around her head, grabbed her mouth, and clasped it mercilessly to her horror.

And then her eyes couldn't help but widened as she heard his voice again.

"You should learn when to keep your mouth shut…!" 

The voice was not the same at all, it was deep and extremely malevolent, filled with violence and bloodthirst.

"There are a lot of things that I can tolerate even from someone like you but don't push your luck around…!" 

"You… you-…" She wanted to scream for help but the hand was firmly blocking her voice.

"Shut up, If you dare to open your damn mouth again…" Edam tightened up his clutch around her mouth and looked at her with a quiet but dangerous expression.

"You're dead…"

There was a profound disdain in his voice when he spoke.

He was already quite unhappy to come here and was even more so after seeing the Celestial dragons but he still told himself to act calmly… to have a Zen attitude… 

...Who would have thought that this woman would fancy him and try to enslave him? 

But, even then he remained calm and indifferent to her antics...

And when he uttered that he had someone in his heart, a cold and graceful figure quietly appeared in his mind calming him down and forcefully drawing out a smile as his heart went naturally soft.

But she just had to open her damn filthy mouth again…

He already felt that he was quite merciful for not having killed her on the spot for having the thought to enslave him but now she even dared to insult 'her'? 

The idiom 'courting death' was truly fit here.

That Tessia wanted to be called a princess? But in Edam's eyes, only one person deserved the title and most of all deserve to make him call her 'Princess'.

Yes, only 'Her' and no one else...

The worse is when he thought about what the other Celestial dragons made Hancock and her sisters go through in the past… 

Throughout the fours years of letter communication and even more during this one month, that girl managed to become one of the only persons that he truly want to protect in this world, the main reason why he kept getting stronger.

'Without strength you can't protect anything' every teachers he trained with said the same things

This was already enough of a reason to kill this woman and the other three persons. If they were here in this place then they couldn't be good persons at all.

Just like how the extremist marines hate pirates to the core, he didn't like pirates and Celestial dragon all the same, but not every pirate is necessarily evil, and opposite to that, not every Celestial dragon are necessarily evil, even though he had never seen or ever heard of a kind Celestial dragons yet.

It is a lot easier to find evilness than goodness...

But it doesn't mean there is no good in this world, it's just that you have to carefully search for it… 

Edam was extremely impulsive and he knew that well but he still had his own principles.


...For this present matter… something directly exploded in his mind, he felt his soul's sea moving restlessly for a moment as the huge chained dark giant ape even awaken and slightly open it's blood-red eyes and groaned with rage, as a result, he felt a strong urge to rip her head off and feed it to the dogs. 

But, forcefully told himself that killing her off like that was too easy, way too easy… 

Marines should protect weak people, but those 'people'? They were so weak, but so detestable… Why should he protect that?

Before even joining he already had a lot of doubt in world government justice. How could justice tolerate Slavery? Why should they protect those people?

No one gave him an answer to this question, just that he had to grow stronger and stronger.

He had developed an answer for himself.

'Call me a fake marine, a hypocrite for all I care but I will only save those I think deserve to be saved…! Call me a monster for all I care... after all, I am one..."


She finally and carefully looked at these eyes and saw that they were shining with a blood-red light looking evil and cruel. Instead of a man, she saw a horrible and humongous monster in front of her. The handsome guy from earlier was disappearing with a weird and blurry blood-red veil.

And as she looked around fearfully, she was shocked to see that everyone had mysteriously fallen on the ground or their seats like dying flies.

'No, no how is it possible…?' What finally looked like despair surfaced on her face and tears filled her eyes.

The 'monster' glanced around and walked at the central place where the slaves were presented to the crowd and behind, there was a metal wall. He dragged the woman by the clothes while she wore an extremely terrified face. 

'Since I've already done so much, I will just go all the way till the end…'

'Since you like to buy slaves so much then, like the saying goes I will let you have a taste of your own medicine…'
