Chapter 105: Carolina Smash!

(A/N: I'm affirmative, there won't be any Harem. Bye)

Boom! Crack!

The falling object hit the ground and a mini-shockwave spread out and a mass of dust and smoke were elevated in the air hindering people's sight.

Meanwhile in that mass of dust, inside a cocoon of red light, the unconscious Edam breathed in a good amount of air filling his lungs with air.

"Cough-! cough-! The f*uck, where the hell am I?" He coughs out due to smoke and quickly got up on his feet and saw all the smoke and dust surrounding him.

'Right, this isn't home… sh*t, just let me go back home!' Edam had enough of all this and couldn't help but curse in his heart.

He truly wanted to cry, all he wished for right now was just to go back home right at this instant and get a rest.

But, Fate or whatever it is, just continued to mess with him.

However, he quickly realized something as he looked down on his body.

"Damn, I'm naked…" with that his hand pierced the void and he took out what he had in stock.

He wore a simple tank top with brown trousers, unfortunately, he forgot to take shoes and so remained shoeless.

As he lifted his head he felt multiple presences coming his way as his consciousness pierced the dust and smokes to see what was happening.

People with what seems to be various weapons were pointing their guns in his directions while ignorant of his presence. 

With this in mind, he took his marine coat and his giant ape mask put them on to hide his face.

His eyes grew cold and a burst of aura came out of him, clearing the dust and smoke out of his sight.


He observed everything surrounding him, seeing strange buildings everywhere attracting his curiosity but he quickly shook his head.

'No, going back first, adventure later!'

Meanwhile, in front of him, people were having different impressions.

From the crater, they saw a tall human guy dressed in a white coat and a fierce mask on his head looking very evil at first sight.

The three heroes and all the other arriving heroes were unconsciously intimidated by this stranger and worst is... they didn't know why… but something felt off, a feeling of threat and danger emanated from him…

Police officers too felt this weird feeling, and couldn't help but have a cold sweat. 

'Is that a villain or heroes, why is he silent?'

As for the villains, Glue-man the leader while being stunned for a moment had a wonderful idea at that moment or so he thought at the time.

"Kyahahaha! Hey brother! Thanks for coming!"


I will let you have your share as we agreed on!"


"Tch, can't you at least reply?"


Glue-man snorted and sneered and then shot hot glue at the blond young man in front.

'This guy isn't with them?' Mirio also known as Lemillion exclaimed faintly but didn't forget to dodge Glue-man's attack or more like phase through it and charge at the villain.

His two friends did just the same as Nejire took care of the poison master and Tamaki took care of the strength type villain and the heavily armed one.

These three friends maybe didn't look like it, but they were extremely strong by this world's standard.

That's why the matter was quickly put in the bag as they rapidly took care of their opponents.

The strength type and heavily armed were pinched by crab claws and then restrained by octopus tentacles.

The poison master was hit by so many waves that he or she fell unconscious.

And Glue-man was beaten up by two punches of Lemillion.

In this world where heroes are the reference when speaking of strength, these three could proudly say that they were at the top, especially Lemillion who is a contender to be the future number one.

And now… all of them finally turned to the white man who didn't even care about them and only gazed at the surrounding.

"Uh, so who are you, dude?" Mirio inquired, noting that the white guy had a tail on his back.

"..." Tamaki just kept his mouth shut for now.

However, Nejire's eyes were twinkling like stars as she asked ten thousand things at the same time.

"Say say, what is this tail, a monkey one? What is this mask? A monkey or a dog? And why this coat? Are you a villain or a new hero?"


Faced with so many curious questions Edam was first stunned but then replied.

"… Leave me alone…" With that said his body slowly began to float into the air.

Seeing this every person present was alerted.

Although the Quirk to fly wasn't so rare, when this guy floated up, he for a strange reason looked like a supervillain, was it because of the mask? Who knows...

And so…

Police officers began to yell like crazy!

"You stay on the ground!"

"If you're a hero show us your license if not then come down!"

"A disobedience will be taken as an offense to justice!"

Seeing this Lemillion tried to soothe the officers down…

"Hey hey, hold up, let's calm down, shall we? We don't even know who's-…"

"Young man, thank you for your help but this man is in the wrong right now!" The officer in charge interrupted Mirio before turning toward the floating man.

"Now come down or…!" He nervously pointed his gun.

"I don't have time to lose with you, leave me alone…" Edam took a glance at them seeing them being so insistent on keeping him here.

And that as he had ended his line, he heard the captain yelling.


"Hey no!" Mirio shouted in frustration.

Nejire tried to use her Quirk to deviate the bullets but she was way too late.

Tamari was too busy containing the two villains.

With that, he pulled on the trigger as the sound of a bullet tearing up the air rang out rapidly followed by many other bullet's sounds.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

At the end of the barrage, the policemen looked exhausted for a reason or another.

Unfortunately, as they looked at their target that should have been cribbled with a lot and a lot of bullets, they turned grim.

The guy was now on the ground once again and had completely evaded their barrage of bullets.

"... Fine…" Edam's right forearm glowed up a golden-red and he flung it forward horizontally as if he had water on his arm as balls of light shot out.

Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish!

Boom! Boom! Boom!


With incredible speed, they instantly reached the police officers and exploded, blowing those guys far away into cars, building walls, or crashing in the ground.

With one attack he brushed them out...

"Backup, we're calling for backup! We're under attack, I repeat, we're under attack, it's a villain, with an emitter type Quirk, the enemy can fly and shoot fireballs!" An officer yelled on his radio.

Listening to him, Edam really wants to smack this guy. 'How so under attack? I am the one under attack!'


Something sounded as Edam turned toward the voice.

"Forgive those officers buddy and if you still want to hit something then target me instead!" The blond man or in other words Mirio said as he rushed at Edam by using his Quirk to phase through the floor giving the impression that he was teleporting himself.

At the same time, Nejire who had already defeated her opponent rushed to help Mirio and used her spiral shockwaves against Edam.

[Gring Wave!]

The blast of energy spiraled into the air to hit the white man, but just as it was about to hit him... 

A cold snort sounded out of Edam and a large amount of ki rushed out of him, to clash against her attack.

Boom! Rumble!

As if it had clashed against an immovable mountain the spiraling energy completely stopped in its track.

Nejire's spiraling energy clashed against Edam's wall of red ki and was totally blocked as the latter jumped in the air and charged a golden ki ball in his hand and threw it at her.

She tried to get out of course, but she realized way too late that this stranger was way too fast.

Pang! Boom!


He blasted her toward a building with a single attack!

"Nejire!" Tamaki and Mirio yelled and acted.

Tamaki's arms both transformed into two enormous octopus tentacles and took hold of as much debris as they could and with a strong pull…

Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! A barrage of debris was propelled forward to hit Edam.

'Rubble? Is he truly attacking me with rubble?'

As he thought about it, he launched himself at the barrage as he punched and broke to pieces every rubble with bare hands and grabbed the last piece of rubble throwing it back at Tamaki who in response avoided it by a hair strand in a hurry.

Edam rushed at him and Tamaki transformed his hand into a clam's shell.


Crack! The clamshell was useless!


"What the hell is up with his Quirk?!"

"Aren't they the big three?"

"He's facing them!"

"Quick quick the camera!"


Swing! Swing! Swing! As for Mirio he disappeared at multiple spots to destabilize him and slowly approached Edam before launching himself at the latter with an incredible speed.

Edam saw him coming long ago as he faced him but then looked in a certain direction.


Just as he was about to do something, from a destroyed building, Nejire surged out quickly and brought her two hands forward.

"It hurt you know!"

[Binding Gring Wave!]

Weng! Weng! Weng!

Powerful energetic fluctuations bombarded the battle zone and formed a small domain restraining everything inside.

Only Mirio could move, being unrestrained by it, thanks to his Quirk effect and punched.

Meanwhile, Edam's eyes glared at Nejire as the air currents rapidly gathered around him.


Swoosh! Similar to an air cannon, the current's air turned into powerful shockwaves and rushed at Nejire and blasted her away.


Instinctively and surely due to his hunger, Edam raised his hand to catch his hand and realized that.... 'Ah, stupid me, he can phase through things…'

And so…


Mirio's punch passed through his hand and smashed onto Edam's face rather violently.

But unexpectedly, despite the might of this punch, the man in white that is Edam didn't even move a bit. His head just slightly moved back but his eyes didn't leave Mirio.

But it wasn't that Mirio's punch was weak, on the contrary, Edam's mask was flung out due to it and his face was revealed.

"Hehe, I can pass through things, buddy!" Mirio said and smiled as he finally saw the face of this guy.

Against all odds, it was someone as young as them, roughly eighteen years or so, and rather handsome too.

"...I can see that, thank you…"

With that said Edam sent his left punch out but was evaded by Mirio who fell through the floor to go in his back.

However, going on Edam's back was useless.

He could feel and see attacks coming from his back. And so, he performed a backward middle right kick aiming at Mirio's stomach.

"Useless!" Lemillion activated his Quirk becoming permeable.

"Let's see that…" Edam retorted and kicked.

Swish! Bam!

Mirio opened his eyes in surprise as despite having activated his Quirk, Edam's kick charge right at his stomach and smashed him out.

He crashes a few meters away.

"Mirio!" Nejire and Tamaki shouted anxiously and in shock.

"Aouch!" Mirio got up and rubbed his body in pain. He surely had a rib or two broken from that.

"How- how did you do that?" Mirio asked with much shock and apprehension in his eyes.

"Don't you know the formula, 'Mind over matter'?" Edam simply asked. Haki was simply the act of dominating matter by one willpower so… 


"Whatever…" Edam ended the conversation and moved as he burst out with extreme velocity.

As he reached the three, however, he felt his tail tingling dangerously as he turned around immediately to block the incoming attack.

[Carolina Smash!] 

Edam saw the incoming attack and enemy crossing its arms and coming right at him vertically from above like a fast cannonball. 

Even for Edam, the attack was too sudden and quick.

"Hmph!" but he still managed to bring his right forearm up to clash with the guy.


From this clash, a rather big shockwave blew the two opponents away from one another.


A burst of big laughter caught the attention of everyone as they turned to look at him.

Edam too who was curious about this man.

'Interesting, this guy is strong…"

Standing on top of the building there was a guy, a very large man with an equally-muscular and well-defined physique.

"It's fine now. Why? Because I'm here!" 

He wore baggy clothes that were right on his body.

He had a wide smile on his face as he jumped on the crater to look at Edam.


"Whoa, it's him!"

"All Might!"

"We're safe!"

"Give up, villain!"

His simple presence managed to bring hope to the people. Why? Because he is the number one hero, and the Symbol of Peace! All Might!


All Might was currently observing Edam.

'And here I thought it was All For One… who would have thought that it would be such a young man… he's extremely strong for his age…'

After observing Edam for a moment the huge man called All Might turn toward the Big three and asked.

"Are you three alright? Young Mirio?"

"Yea- Yeah we're fine, this guy hit hard!"

"Humm, now go rest a bit…" All Might nodded and said.

"We can still…"


"Al-Alright…" Although discontent they still obeyed. Even though there's no real hierarchy to properly speak of. This guy in front is still All Might, the strongest hero, a legend! And the man entirely deserves his reputation.

But all of this wasn't Edam business!

"Argh, what a waste of time!"

But as they were speaking, Edam suddenly floated and exploded in speed.

"Oh no!" All Might said and burst in speed too.

Edam flew for Half an hour but easily traveled a few kilometers as he stopped on top of a building.

"Okay, so first the sword, I will speak to whatever is inside, the Grand Minister told me that it could help me-..."


His poor empty stomach was hurting and making strange sounds… Growl! Growl! Growl!

It calmed a bit after a few minutes.

"Should I go steal food?" He looked around with his enhanced senses, looking and smelling for food when his eyes darted to a screen and he saw the poster of that All Might guy from earlier.

As he was wondering...

"Young man!"


"...This is a joke right?" Edam turned around as his mouth twitched. "How did you find me?"

"Just have to search…!" He smiled widely.

"This is harassment…"

"My my don't say that…" All Might laughed and asked.

"So, young man? I think that you're rather young to be a villain already and you don't seem to have a bad side, so what are you doing here and what do you want?" All Might smiled and simply asked.

"...? You…" Edam wanted to ask him. 'Did you made all this way to ask this?' but then hesitated and decided to play along with him.

"This is a mistake, I've got nothing to do with those villains from earlier, I just want to get out, I have to return home…"

"Huh? And where is your home youngster?"

"Not from here…"

"Hmm, I see, this is complicated…" All Might evaluated and then asked.

"Now, old man, my turn to ask a question…" Edam asked All Might.


"Why are you holding up so much?"

"What?" Stunned All Might ask.

"You're already at your limits, the nauseating smell of blood is filling up my nose…" Disgusted Edam blocks his nose.

"What are you talking about?" All Might feign ignorance but his eyes spout out everything.

"Your injury should be awful…" Edam's eyes bore right at All Might's left side chest.


"But even like this you have such raw strength… that's rather incredible…"

"You, you... Pfff!!!" Perhaps due to the pressure or something else but All Might began to spew blood out.

Edam looked on as the mighty All Might slowly become skinny...

"… I knew it…"

*An eternity later*

After this embarrassing show, All Might, the guy stayed silent for a while feeling a bit low. "..."

However, he wasn't the only one feeling low right now. Edam held his belly as it growled from hunger, it's not that he didn't want to get out of here but his hunger was completely hindering his focus.

"... Now that I think about it, I didn't ask your name, boy…" Skinny All Might glance at Edam and suddenly asked.

"Eden… it's Eden…" Edam raised his head and stared at him hinting for him to introduce himself.

"Yagi Toshinori… you can call me Toshinori…" Toshinori said and then sighed, what a bad day it was for him, he expend so much time for a single individual today, and in the end, he even revealed his secret to this stranger.

"Hey, Eden right?"


"How about you come with me? I don't know what you want to do but because of my job, I cannot just let you off in nature like this… and maybe I could help you? What do you say?"

"You want me to trust you?"

"Well, I will invite you to a fast-food…" 



Faced with this, Edam weighed down his options…

If he were to refuse those people in blue and those heroes would surely hunt him down and not let him rest at all. This All Might was strong too and it would be a bother to get rid of him.

Killing everyone was an option too, but only a mad beast would do that.

He will be losing more time than needed.

So, the pacific choice was of course the best in his opinion. Plus he got food with it.

"Okay, I will go with you…but…"

"Hmm? Go ahead say it…"

"I want to eat something first…" Edam averted his eyes before adding. "I will compensate, of course…"

"... Fine, I didn't have breakfast this morning too…"


🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉And Hey, Happy New Year everyone, I wish you all the good things in the world!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉