Chapter 107: A f*cking week?!


And with much unwillingness, he ended the 'call' and waved his hand around as the multiple layers barrier faded away and he looked at Toshinori who also looked at him back with a smiling mouth twitching a bit.

"What is it?" Edam asked curiously.

"Sigh… youngsters those days…" All Might sighed with a self-deprecating expression and he added. "We heard everything…"

"What? Impossible!" Edam exclaimed before shooting a glance at the other heroes around who nodded back with a knowing expression.

"Then couldn't you just block your ears? This was a private conversation…"

"Hey, you're supposed to be an alien…" Cementos explained.

"Hyah… so lovey-dovey, I like it!" Midnight cried with much fervor.

"What a waste of time…" Eraser Head just complained.

Unknowingly, the atmosphere considerably relaxed for everyone.

Against their own will, In the hero's subconscious, an eighteen years old young man who could actually cry tears for a girl couldn't be so evil.

"Cough, anyway…" Edam coughed and then thrust his hand into the void and from which he brought out a black sword.

Seeing the sword, the three heroes immediately put their guards up and prepared to act, apart from All Might who only frown. 'It's stupid, why would he attack us now?'

"You're finally showing your fangs huh?!" Eraser Head said with his scarf mysteriously flying in the air, while Midnight tore off a piece of her clothing and Cementos put his hands on the ground.

"...? No, I just need this to supposedly return home that's all…" Edam said and simply shook his head in denial.

"Also, I'm indebted to you, so…" He walked toward Toshinori as he raised his hand.

His whole hand shone with a golden-green color which slowly condensed into a ball of light.

[Heaven's pearls: Vitality] As the name indicated, it was a technique he developed to heal. Unlike years ago, he greatly worked on this part of his powers after realizing how much he sucked at it...

He approached his hand to All Might's left side chest but was stopped by the latter.

Looking into his eyes, Edam explained. "With your injury, you surely left two or three organs behind right?"


"Unfortunately for me, my powers aren't potent enough to grow back organs, but they are still sufficient to heal you to the peak of your current strength without any downside… Although you won't ever reach your peak state, there will be no limit to your time anymore and no blood coughing…"

"What?!" Toshinori exclaimed and held his shoulders. "Do you truly mean it? You're not lying do you?!"

The best doctors in this world have examined his case and even wondered how he survived from these injuries. They were affirmative that his injuries would only decrease as time passed. But now this young man actually told him that he would heal him up?! 

"Of course, I have a debt to pay after all." Without further ado, Edam pushed the ball of light into All Might's chest as it merged with him.


"That's all? I don't feel anything particular…" All Might look at himself but didn't feel anything special happening.

"You have to let it act, it's not magic… it will heal slowly but surely..." Edam said before raising his spatial sword, holding it within his hands, and stared at it before his mouth opened.

"Hey, can you hear me?"


"Umm, what are you doing?" Midnight asked curiously. In fact, not just her but the others too wondered about his actions, his blade was all but ordinary. They could see the blade seemingly sucking the light around it.

Edam completely ignored her question to her anger and continued to stare at his sword.


He closed his eyes and with a thought, his consciousness wandered around the blade to feel something as time seemed to stop and his environment changed into a black and starry sky. 

And only then did he sense something.

As if it was far away he heard a voice. It was faint and small like that of a baby… however it was obviously not one, it was not innocent like a baby.

And as Edam looked further into the sword, he finally saw the voice's owner who saw him.

"My little lord… finally! You heard me?! wahhh, please get me out of here…!"

It was a tiny creature made of light and smoke with the appearance of a strange humanoid creature, very much looking like a blurry ghost. It was taller than dwarves but smaller than humans and behind its head was a very faint and indistinguishable red halo floating quietly.

"You… who are you? I don't even know you, why do you call me like that…?"

"Because you are my lord of course! I am but your servant…!" The creature exclaimed enthusiastically.

"Uh-huh, anyway can you help me get back home?"

"Yes! Of course! I am already aware of what's happening outside, however, I will need your highness's help to get out of here first to fully use my powers…"

"But why are you in it, in the first place?" Edam casually asked and the creature exclaimed with rage.

"It's that damn scientific human! How dare he reform my beautiful body and seal me into this- this- this barbaric form?! I mean, a katana?! If it was a spear, I wouldn't say but a katana?! Eighteen years old, it's been eighteen years old that I'm trapped! Does he even know who I am?!"

"And you are?"

"..." The creature looked blankly at Edam and replied. "...Your humble servant obviously…!"

"Dude, you keep saying that but I'm pretty sure that I'm not a lord you know?"

"..." Still with blank expression the creature said. "...My little lord, have you fallen on your head?"

"Well, I do have a scar on my head," Edam said jokingly and then asked.

"Anyway, uh, umm, what's your name again?"

"...You even forgot my name lord? It's me… Yamamoto… uh no I mean Yamato, uh no no no, it's not that, what was it? Tomato? Tomata…?" The little creature held its chin and pondered hard on it.

"... You yourself forgot yours…" Edam looked at him weirdly truly wondering if this dude could help him.

"Yomato, Yamote perhaps?" The small creature looked at the starry sky and pondered.

"Uh, you know what? Let's just go with Yamote, what do you say?"

"Excellent idea little lord!" The newly named Yamote exclaimed happily.

"So now, Yamote, send me back home please…"

"Alright, Lord! Where is your new home situated? What coordinates?" Yamote blinked his big eyes at Edam and asked.

"What coordination? How do I know the coordinates?"

"Umm, I awakened when your highness transformed last time, it was too brief, and I didn't check our coordination as that damn lightning struck you. Hmph, it truly thought it could kill you like this…"

"..." Edam stared at Yamote. The people he met in this short amount of time were just goddam strange! 

"So what do I do?"

"Hmmm…" Yamote pondered before looking at Edam's pendant. "I have an idea, we first need that female, my little lord…"

"What did you say?"

"We need that female…"


Edam was silent for a while before he spoke again with a tint of anger in the depth of his voice. 

"...She's got a name…!" His voice slowly turned particularly icy.

"Y- yes, of course…I am sorry for my rudeness..." Yamote stumbled backward with a rather scared gaze in his eyes and lowered his eyes.

"We- we actually just need lady Hancock's twin pendant to return to your home, my lord."


"Since her pendant contains your blood essence and can be contacted even from here, we would just need to pinpoint it, open a dimensional gate, and voila, it will be done!"

"That's all?"

"Uh, yes it is all we need to do…"

"Thank you, Yamote, and sorry for that…"

"It's nothing, it was my fault," Yamote said and then explained. "You have to take this soul of mine out of the sword lord, that scientist guy reforged the metal of my body into this sword, but the thing is, he also fused this spatial power on it and as a result, I cannot communicate on my own outside and cannot muster the full potential of this spatial power."

"Okay, so what to do?"

Meanwhile, for All Might and the others.

Edam after having closed his eyes, a strange aura emanated out from him as he stood still in front of them. His appearance was thoroughly blurred as if he might fade away like an illusion.

"Humm, what do we do? should we...?" Cementos suggested to his friends.

In response, All Might shook his head…

"His objective is to return to his home, why should we stop him? What kind of ungrateful hero would I be? And most of all, Young Eden is extremely strong for his age and has numerous abilities up his bow… I don't want to risk it…"

"And he's in love, how cute…!" Midnight cried out loud.

"...yeah that too…" All Might roll his eyes.

"Humm, but this Kid has already killed…" Eraser Head said skeptically.

"... What do you want me to say, just like he said our world's beliefs are different, that's all…" All Might replied plainly.

"And it would be better to be friends-..."

Just as he said that, Edam who had remained silent and unmoving finally opened his eyes as it shone a bright yellow light.

The blurring veil which hid his body wore off and faded away.

But, to the surprise of anyone, an additional someone was by his side now.

It was the little Yamote, who appeared as ghostly as earlier.

"Ahhh! It feels so good…!" Yamote stretched his ghostly arms in exhilaration.

"You brought your companions now huh?!" The wary Eraser said coldly.

Edam turned to him and said. "It's been like ten minutes since I met him…" He turned at Yamote.

"So what now?"

"Please give me your pendant…"

And so he gave his pendant and Yamote held it for a minute as his eyes shone a bright and white holy light.

"Hmm, those two galaxies are far away from one another, my little lord…"

"Then can we go back?"

"Yes, of course, but…" He said and gave the pendant back.


"It will take time, transmitting our thoughts is nothing at our level, especially if you use this device, however, transferring your body is another matter and will take a lot of time and energy."

"I don't care, use all my Ki if necessary, but we have to go back." 

Yamote nodded and closed his eyes to ponder as he then said. "I did some calculation and it should take about a week or less."

"What? So long?"

"I am sorry but after having lost my staff and turning into a soul, my ability to travel at fast speed in space was lost. We can possibly go by flying, but it will take an eternity. However, with this space power and your highness's abundant Ki, I can build a high-distance dimensional bridge to transfer us."

"...Sigh, okay… then please do it now…"

"Your wish is my command… I will work on it right away!" Yamote bowed his head happily before turning into a wisp of light and shooting toward Edam and merged with him.

After Yamote returned to him, Edam turned toward the heroes.


"It seems... it will take a week…" He himself knew how weird it was for them to accept his presence, in their eyes he was an alien coming from an unknown world, plus he even said that he already took lives before. 

And now he was gonna stay for a week? How could they just accept that right? No matter what the safety of their world was of utmost importance. 

So with that in mind…

"But ahem, to show you my good faith, I'm fine with sleeping in a forest or this ghost city or something else far away from civilization, loneliness is not a problem at all…" He raised his hand as if to swear solemnly.

"..." The heroes seemed to be surprised by this.

'Sigh… I will have to call her back...' Edam thought about it and took his pendant and focused.

'Please don't cry, please don't cry, please don't cry…' Edam prayed deep down in his heart. 

Hancock crying is easily the most difficult thing for him to face. He would willingly give in to her and do whatever she wants to, but she never resorts to that.

"Hancock?" His voice sounded out very nervous. The mighty Eden was uneasy and guilty.


"Hancock?" He repeated, even more anxious.

"You, you're truly not a dream!" At the other end, her voice finally sounded out with a mix of surprise, shock, relief, happiness. 

After the first call, the poor thing just couldn't sleep anymore and was filled with a mysterious energy from out of nowhere feeling really energetic.

She even called her three most trusted people, her sisters and Elder Nyon and recounted in disbelief of what just happened.

"You… I told you I was real didn't I?" He didn't if he should laugh or cry now.

"But, you say that in every dream…" Her voice seemed to tremble again as if to cry again.

Hearing this, Edam exhaled and said. "Hey, you won't get rid of me that easily princess, even if I die, I will wreck the eighteen layers of Hell apart to come back, hear me? Pretty sure none of those dreams were as bold right?"

"...Hmm, you better do just that…" Hancock replied after a moment of hesitation with a very tiny hint of enjoyment for what he said.

"Hey, and go to eat something first and then take a good rest. Till I come back, I will call you every day! Okay?"



For those who don't like MHA, if you wish, tell me what you don't like… I didn't get what you don't like and I'm curious, bye. 😎👍

PS: the power stone prob is fixed… but meh…