Chapter 116: Not so severe...

Hancock's face turned red in embarrassment as she seemingly wanted to hide away in a hole or something, remembering her quite shameful self of yesterday.

"Did you have a good sleep?"

"Ye- yeah, it- it felt good…" She said and mumbled at the end.


"N- nothing…"

"Your little heart is racing really fast…" Edam said as his face came closer to hers and he snatched her lips giving a quick peck. 

He eyed her for a moment before smiling and saying.

"Come, let's go eat something." Without waiting for her answer, he took her hand and pulled her as they walked to the terrace.

"Eh? Weren't you already eating with the others?" Her eyes blinked.

"Well, I will keep you company, and I'm not finished…" Edam said and laughed a bit as he rubbed his belly.

"Hm, okay." For a moment, she forgot his love for food.

She arrived at the table and was happily greeted by her sisters and teased by Gloriossa.

And even though Hancock was at first troubled by Eri's presence, she rapidly came to accept it and get along with her.

Eri was a girl and Hancock who knew a bit about her painful past was quite sensitive to it, having lived something similar younger, she perhaps felt some empathy for Eri. 

Hancock who was not the type to care for anyone except her sisters, Edam, Elder Nyon, and her people seemed to take a bit of a liking to this little girl.

Maybe not the familial love, but at least liking, which was quite a feat when knowing Hancock's character.

Anyway, Hancock and the others had already finished their meals and were already discussing some political matters as well as some problems that arise.


"You- you did what…?!" Edam who was still eating exclaimed a bit while coughing and thumping his chest.

"You heard it well, two weeks ago that is to say before knowing that you were alive, our beautiful and selfish Snake Princess gave up on the Warlord of the sea's title and in the end even lightly challenged the government…" Elder Nyon explained with an annoyed expression, not believing it herself even until now.

"I… You be quiet..." Hancock shot a nasty glançe at Goriossa but lowered it just like a bad kid when she met Edam's eyes. At the time, she couldn't care less about anything else.

Without speaking about her illness that was deteriorating her health day after day at that time, she didn't even have the will to live and her way of thinking was affected too.

(A/N: I'm speaking about the Love Sickness in case)

"You…" Edam's mouth twitched, a bit speechless about this matter. But looking at her adorable wronged self, he couldn't care less anymore.

"Well… It's not so serious I guess…" He laughed wryly trying to change the subject.

"Not so serious? You didn't even hear it all… she even offended two of the Emperors…"

"..." Edam breathed in with a stunned expression. "But… how…?"

"After depressing all day long in her room, she got out one day and decided to go and trash all the pirates she met on her way for countless days. Eventually, she met some emperor's lackey."

Edam "..."

"It's as if she had inherited your bad habits while you were missing…" Gloriossa said sternly.

Hancock "..." She kept avoiding every gaze, feeling quite uneasy but didn't retort back since she truly messed up.

"You're joking, I was at least able to hold myself, back then…" Edam said and then looked at Hancock with an incredulous expression.

Turning to Gloriossa again, he asked.

"And which emperors?"

Gloriossa's expression grew severe as she said.

"The first one is the Emperor Charlotte Linlin also called Big Mom!"

"Hmm…" Edam pondered for a second before asking.

"And the second…?"

"Sigh… That's why I cannot help but ask the Snake Goddess what I've done to deserve this… the second Emperor this dumb princess offended is titled as the strongest man in the world, Edward Newgate, or also known as Whitebeard…"

Finishing her line, Gloriossa truly wanted to cry and scream ten thousand times at Hancock.

"We're done, we're finished… who would have thought that I would live long enough to watch our homeland be destroyed…"

"..." Edam's expression changed as he seriously put his thoughts on the problem.

"Well… that's a problem for sure…" Edam pondered on the question.

Whitebeard wasn't someone that he could take lightly, apparently, his devil fruit power, the fearsome Tremor-Tremor fruit was reputed to be the strongest Paramecia type fruit, able to destroy the entire world… 

Although he didn't know if the rumors were true but, as the saying goes, behind every rumor there's truth...

Finishing pondering, Edam opened his eyes as his hand gently rubbed Hancock's head.

"...Yup, you truly messed up this time…" However, to everyone's surprise, or not really, Edam lightly laughed.

"Hmm, is that all the things I missed?" Edam said as his eyes wandered toward Gloriossa's newspaper on the table.

His eyes went from blank to stunned and then amusement.

"Seriously…" Edam whispered and then asked.

"Hancock, did you kill anyone from Whitebeard's crew…?"

"Umm, no… I believe… They were so weak that I just turned them into stones…" Hancock said straightly, having no consideration for her opponents. But, it was kinda normal now, her usage of Ki had boosted all her abilities to another level, and along with her Haki proficiency, she could perhaps rival an Emperor...

"Humm, that's good I guess…"

Days then flowed by…

Edam first thought was to bring Eri back to her world since this world wasn't hers, to begin with. But that little girl refused every time stubbornly and even tearing up lightly. No need to say that he didn't have the heart to take her back after this, it would be like throwing her back into hell, or so that's what he imagined it as… 

Having no choice, Eri was put into Amazon's lily school or something, to socialize with other people, after all, she couldn't just stay with Edam's all day long right? 

Though Edam didn't have a normal childhood since his "kind grandpa" threw him into a forest at a tender age, he at least knew that it wouldn't be life, after all, what she needs is to befriend girls of her age.

And even though it was hard at first, the whole island was entirely composed of women. Although women here were quite violent when in conflict, they were really caring for each other too when needed.

And as for her burst of power, Edam created a small device in the form of a bracelet capable of deploying a barrier all around her in case.

As such, Eri slowly made some friends.

But, it's not because she was going to school that they were off-contact, not at all.

It has been some days now that Edam would take the little girl to the beach since Eri apparently never went to the beach.

There, he would teach her how to control her fearsome rewinding power.

But most of the time, he would let her play with the sand as she erected sandcastles or played in the seas. 

And while she was playing quietly by the sides, Edam was sometimes on the beach or even in the sea and of course, Hancock was with him. Since that "day" the two of them that were nearly always together seemingly couldn't get enough of each other.

Even though she had her duties as Empress, she would finish as quickly as possible and literally rush like a flying fairy into his arms every day no matter the time, morning, afternoon, and night.

Before dealing with the Emperor's problem, he first wanted to have some vacancy…

And so… 

*Three days later*


Sorry for the lack of chap these days buddies, but I'm pretty busy and can't find enough time to write and release frequently.

I even semi-drop my other book for now...

And point my mistakes thanks👍