Chapter 126: The advent of a Calamity.

*A week later*

The following days were relatively and amazingly peaceful. 

Gloriosa who feared an attack from the Big Mom pirates was surprised to notice that absolutely no attack was launched.

But after reflecting a bit, she concluded that this result was perhaps linked to the News of Edam becoming Whitebeard's son.

And apart from some ignorant, the rest of the world knew that touching a son of Edward Newgate wasn't a wise move at all.

Only the Navy under the World Government, the three other Emperors, and some other daring people would dare to do something.


Somewhere on above Amazon lily, on one of the floating islands surrounding Amazon lily…

Edam's floating figure waved and pointed his palm toward a hundred meters tall floating boulder. A strange yellow circular magic circuit formed in front of his hand and...

Rumble! Swish! Boom! 

The sound of thunder roaring rang out before a thunderstrike violently hit and blasted the hundred of meters tall floating boulders.

 "Well done, my lord…" Yamote bird form clapped his hands/wings.

"Hmm, yeah, but I still prefer my Ki blasts, they are instantaneous, more powerful, and I don't need to use magic circuits…"

"It's true but it wastes less energy for the users and has more possibilities, you could even integrate an element in one's body and so reproduce the Logia's intangibility…"

"That is interesting but let's first go eat something…"

With that, Edam happily went to eat the sandwiches made by him and Hancock.

*Meanwhile in Marineford*

Slam! A door was violently punched open as Garp entered inside.

"Oy, Sengoku, what the hell was this letter, this is a joke right?"

Sengoku lifted his head and glanced at him.

"Do you mean his bounty caused by his association with Whitebeard or the other matter?"

"Who cares about the bounty, that idiot was clearly going to get one, I'm talking about the other matter obviously…"

"..." Sengoku fell silent about it. "I truly don't know how the Celestial Dragons have heard of it but the five geezers are supporting it…"

"..." Garp too fell silent but then smiled ironically. "If they want to piss him off, this letter will do the job just fine…"

"Well it's too late, the letter was already sent…"



An hour later, Edam finished and digested the food.

"Alright let's go back, I will try to merge lightning and darkness together!" Edam stood up excitedly and was ready to practice a bit.


"Pew pew pew…" Black Snow unhurriedly flew with a letter in his beak.

"...? A letter? From whom?" Edam took it and saw the iconic Emblem of the Navy.

"Oh, surely from grandpa Sen, let's see, is he finally firing me for real now…?" Edam then sat against a tree to read it quietly and as he predicted it, the first few lines were like this…

[With this letter, I have two things to tell you Edam. First of all, you idiot finally succeeded in being truly and completely fired from the Navy, congratulation…]

[The World Government issued a bounty for your head going up to one billion and eight hundred millions of berry and rose Boa Hancock's bounty up to five hundred millions of berry.]

The first part was like this and didn't really surprise him by this turn of events, although he still felt that his bounty wasn't high enough but still a bit high for the small number of things he did...

But, anyway… that didn't hold so much importance compared to what he read next…

Reading the first few sentences stunned and even shocked him…

But at the end of the letter…

...His two pupils violently constricted and instantly went a deep bloodthirsty color…

'...Those bastards…'

His heartbeats suddenly accelerated and his blood boiled as the urge to kill immediately and naturally came up.

'If they dare…'

His aura contrary to what one would think didn't burst out violently but seeped out calmly and slowly… 

But the atmosphere and space itself started to tremble under his wrath… the clouds slowly disappeared, the animals fell silent and went back for their dens, the sea strangely calmed down, and the earth seemed to pale...

Yamote who was just by his sides felt everything as he asked. "Master, what happened…?!"

"..." Edam didn't reply as he tried to suppress the fierce wave of immense anger under his face that was now frigid cold.

[My second message for you is to inform you that, by some unknown means, an anonymous person discovered that Boa Hancock was one of the various slaves who escaped during Fisher Tiger's raid on Mariejoie.]

[This anonymous person informed the Government and after verification, multiple Celestial Dragons confirm this claim…]

[They now want to get her back and have the support of the five elders…]

[If you were to resist, The Government would release the information and immediately deploy its military force including the Navy to take back its belonging…]

'If they dare to release this information…' Edam thought in anger. 'I swear I will kill them all…!'

Turning his face in a certain direction, he gave a cold snort as his freezing and unforgiving eyes pierced through the very fabric of space and time and traveled thousand upon thousand kilometers…


This morning was burning hot as the sun illuminated the Headquarter…


The cracking and piercing noise of a mirror was heard and then a huge shockwave shook the entirety of Marineford.

The huge noise drew the attention of everyone.

"What the f*ck?!"

"Who is that?!"

"What is that?!"

Sengoku and all three admirals came out to take a look. Garp was the only one not coming out as he just sat on his chair and peeked from his window.

"Oh, ~ isn't that…?" Kizaru asked as he looked at the sky.

"It seems so…" Aokiji replied and continued to watch.

At a certain spot, the sky seemed to have been literally cracked open leaving some void in the air.

Amidst this broken sky, a pair of cold and blood-red eyes quietly appeared and formed itself from out of nothing seemingly.

That face was precisely Edam's very own facial features!

"Hmm, is this an avatar of some sort…?" Sengoku said, uncertain of his words.

At the moment of his arrival, the sky dimmed as black clouds suddenly started to fill the sky…

Rumble! Thunder roared and started to strike the ground down before the rain fell.

The landscape quickly became apocalyptic-like... 

An oppressive aura befell on Marineford as the weaker persons began to fall unconscious, only the most powerful guys were able to stay up.

"...Sigh, that wasn't needed, Edam!" Sengoku first took a look and yelled.

"..." The face in the sky was silent for a bit before finally speaking.

"The words I will say are only meant for the people in question, the innocents don't need to be implicated… and the fewer the people who hear this, the better it is…"

"I also have a message… one piece of advice to give to the World Government…"

"...Don't push your luck… I'm lenient and kind enough to not have repainted Mariejoie to a blood-red color already, but if you all dare to touch just a single strand of hair of my woman, I will completely raze your holy city as well as Red Line to the ground!" 

As he spouts this sentence out, Edam's face distorted and seemed to change and turned bestial, giving the impression of facing Edam's Great Ape.

The oppressive might from earlier merged with a strong bloodlust and sent a chill to everyone's spine. Even the Ice-man felt something out of this.

"Know that It's not their Ancient Weapon that will stop me..."

"What an arrogant claim, monkey brat…" Akainu opened his mouth to speak and snorted.

Edam's eyes coldly glanced down at him and spoke. "A good dog doesn't bark for nothing old Dog, go back to your den and shut it would you…?"

"You f*cking…!"

"That's enough…" Sengoku ordered before looking up.

"Although I will transmit those words, they will only think of them as empty words-..."

"Then they will learn today that my words aren't empty words…!" He abruptly cut him off with a cold and fierce expression as the projection of his face and voice slowly disappeared in silence.

The cracks in the sky returned to normal and the weather returned to normal too.

"That kid is becoming more and more terrifying~..." Kizaru said with his usual slow and ironic tone.

*Meanwhile at Mariejoie*

While the Celestial Dragons were living their peaceful and divine life, from above the Sky they heard a voice.

"The Red Line is indestructible, is it?"

"You're all feeling secure up there isn't it…?"

"But, let me remind you all that… Everything in existence can be destroyed…"


"What?! Who is speaking?!"

"Show yourself!"

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

"What the f*ck, what is this sound?"

"I don't know…"

*Meanwhile, in Amazon lily*

Hancock was on her throne discussing various things with other Kuja warriors when her attention was suddenly drawn.

"...?" She looked outside curiously.


*Meanwhile in front of Red Line*

At the highest altitude, at the end of the mountain and so the place where Mariejoie was built…


The same cracks from earlier once again appeared followed by the same shockwave.

And just like earlier, Edam's appeared again but this time he appeared with a full body of flesh and blood.

His expression was still frigid cold and was even worse in fact.

"The Red Line is Indestructible is it…?" He muttered coldly as he brought his hands left and right.

"You're all feeling secure up there isn't it?"

Unknowingly to him the depth of his blood-red eyes took a very faint purple shade and was devoid of emotions.

"But let me remind you all that everything in existence can be destroyed…"

Following his words…

In the blink of an eye, two blood-red orbs of Ki rapidly formed in front of each hand.

Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish!

After another blink, the orbs of ki weren't just empowered by Edam alone as the flow of energies changed and were then drawn from the atmosphere itself.

Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom! 

The mana, spiritual energy, or whatever you want to call it furiously flowed in those orbs of destructive energies as they grew bigger and expanded even further, quickly attaining a humongous size of a hundred meters tall, looking like two red burning suns…

But while these two orbs were burning a fiery blood-red color on the exterior, the core was glowing a dark and eerie purple color.

The moment they reached a hundred meters tall, space seemed to tremble because of them. 

"Today, this will be my first and last warning… know your places, humans…" The purple glow in his eyes seemed to burst for an instant as Edam lifted his right hand and pushed it forward.

[Purgatory's Pearls: Nine World Purging Suns!]

SWOOSH! The two planetary orbs then accelerated like two fast cannon balls thrown at top speed.

It reached the mountain in the blink of an eye as it violently smashed onto its hard rock!

But instead of exploding and blasting the mountain to smithereens in contact, the two orbs obliterated everything in their way, leaving two deep and massive holes in.

Mariejoie was just in the middle of the two long gashes that reshaped its landscape.

"Remember… Last warning… It won't just be some pieces of the Red Line next time, but the whole mountain!"

*Back at Amazon lily, on a cherry tree floating island*

"..." Edam could be seen against his tree with his eyes closed while still wearing a cold and pissed-off expression.

'If violence is the only way to knock some sense into their damn brains, then so be it, I will use violence as many times as necessary…!' 

Edam thought violently about it with every negative emotion brewing again and again inside…

However, all the negative emotions slowly wore off when a soft and delicate body gently pressed on him and started to caress his hair and fondle his cheeks.

"Are you alright? Your energy was erratic, what happened…?" Her sweet voice sounded and calmed him down almost immediately.

His mouth slowly turned into a faint smile. Only one person could get him to smile just by hearing her voice when he was angry.

As he opened his eyes to stare and admired the beautiful sight right in front of him, he spoke.

"I love you…"

"...? What was that for?" Hancock's eyes widened with a faint smile with her arms around his neck. 

"Nothing, I just noticed that I never tell you those words enough…" He couldn't stop himself from giving her a soft peck on her delicate cheek.

Hancock shuddered ever so slightly as her lips quickly cracked into a smile and her cheeks reddened.

"That's right, you should say it every day!"

"Wow, that's a lot, the 'love you' would lose its value don't you think?" Edam softly laughed.

"Hmm…" Hancock put a finger on her lips and pondered for a moment and then smiled. "You're right, I only want your purest and most authentic 'I love you'…!"

"Hmm… well they are all true and sincere anyway…" Edam said, his expression bursting with righteousness.

Hancock laughed softly as her expression softened and she kissed him softly on the lips before hugging him gently. 

"You dummy, I love you too…"

"And I love you even more!" He said as he pounced on her and kissed her fervently.



The following days, the world went into an uproar at the news of the Red Line and Mariejoie's landscape new reshaping.

The news couldn't be stopped at all…

And also, something totally shocked the Government… 

After the event of Fisher Tiger, Mariejoie was now completely filled with cameras to check whatever was happening outside and these said cameras just happened to register Edam's rampage.

Someone just had to mention the incident from nine years ago, that is to say when an unknown enemy had suddenly appeared and savagely slain a Celestial Dragon.

And well, after a quick comparison between the two matters, there wasn't much doubt anymore… The God-Slayer from before was without the shade of a doubt Monkey D. Edam!

This news sent a shock to everybody, because if this was true then they truly had a huge problem on their arms and shoulders…

The last time means that it happened nine years ago… and nine years ago, Edam was only ten… 

And the power he showed today didn't seem to be his limits at all.

With this taken into account, the five elders had a long reunion to discuss all this quietly.

Meanwhile, Edam couldn't care less about what they thought.

He was only waiting in silence for the outcome, he was already resolute to do everything necessary to keep his loved ones and whether he was going to go and make a bloodbath was all up to them… 

But, after days and weeks of waiting, nothing happened at all.

There was only the news of Edam and Hancock's bounties that were released.

However, it was with some surprise or maybe not that the bounties weren't exactly how Sengoku said it would be.

Hancock's bounty was still five hundred millions while Edam's bounty however went up to two billion and fifty hundred millions berries!

And he also officially received the title of Monkey King!

But, While the world was shocked by this news, only the most powerful and knowledgeable knew that the balance of the world had changed once again and that another factor was to take into account.


A month later, Amazon lily's island could be seen from afar.

Even though Hancock wasn't a Sea Warlord anymore and so the treaty was supposed to be abolished, no one dared to trespass the ten kilometers due to various and obvious reasons.

Also, the island gave off a really awe-inspiring feeling due to the floating islands surrounding it like a royal crown keeping people away...

Though, no one knew that the entire island was currently in a panic...

Something had happened to the Empress…

And the reason would push Edam to make a small trip somewhere… 


Well, let's go on the next journey...