Chapter 134: Sparring between Saiyans.

While examining the time machine, Bulma found a notebook written by her future self.

"Hum…" Edam was currently sitting crossed-legged on the grass not so far away from everyone and was quietly listening to their stories.

"Well, this guy's life is rather horrible…" Edam said as he heard the older Trunks' story.

Overall, after having defeated some enemies called Babidi and Dabra, a guy calling himself Son Goku arrived and proclaimed that he would annihilate all the earthlings to bring justice, before causing worldwide destruction.

And he had already destroyed a lot of other planets and civilizations before that.

Although Edam was looking forward to seeing such a level of power displayed in front of him, he was also worrying a bit. He was hoping no planet-destroyer would ever find his home planet.

"And then, he… he also killed Mom…" Trunks clenched his fist and told them.

"Wh- what?! My future self was killed?!" Bulma exclaimed in shock and worry.

"...Hmph...! Is that it? And then you took your tail and ran away like a frightened child?!" Vegeta scoffed and started to yell at him. "You, a proud Saiyan and most of all my own son just turned your back on your enemy!?"

"No father! I didn't run away I-..."

"Hmph! Don't try your excuses with me!"

"Alright, stop it Vegeta…" Bulma suddenly cut in, interrupting them. "He's not running away, he's here for reinforcement…"

She went to a table and put the notebook down while explaining how her future self made all the preparation for a possible comeback to the future.

"Hmph, beating an evil Kakarot might be fun…" Vegeta smirked excitedly at this thought.

"Hmm, it's decided then, we will come with you to defeat this Black Goku then!" Goku said with a cheerful smile.

"Yeah! We have to avenge my future self!" Bulma shouted angry for her "own death" as she then went back to this time machine.

"Oh, right, Trunks, let's spar a bit!" Goku abruptly said out of nowhere to the older Trunks.

It gave a surprise to everyone except the purple cat namely Beerus and his attendant Whis who didn't give a care about it.

"Eh? Why?" 

"Well, I would like to know just how powerful this Black Goku is…" Goku smiled and then flew up in the air followed by Trunks.

"Okay let's-..." A golden aura was shining faintly around Goku as he however suddenly stopped mid-way and looked down.

His eyes darted toward Edam who was sitting with crossed legs and was curiously looking at their fight to come.

"Hey, Edam…!"

"...? Yeah?" Edam was kinda surprised by his call.

"Wanna have spar too? I would like to know your strength too hahaha…" Goku laughed a bit.

This once again stunned everyone and this time it even drew the attention of the Destroyer and his Angel.

"Umm, sure-..." Seeing no reason to refuse this invitation, Edam was just about to agree to it when… 

"-No…" A voice abruptly cut in and interrupted him.

"...Kakarot, I will be the one to spar with him, you take on Trunks, that will be enough…" Vegeta was the one who spoke to everyone's surprise. His voice was as always very grumpy.

"What…?" Goku asked with a depressive expression before sighing. "Alright then…"

"You, come up…" Vegeta looked at Edam and flew up in the air.

"...?" Although, taken aback by this, Edam didn't ask any questions as he stood up and flew up.

When he arrived in front of Vegeta, he easily felt the huge gap in their power, but instead of feeling fear, worry, or the urge to back off, his blood heated up!

In contrast, though, Vegeta was quietly observing him. At first sight, his thought couldn't be discerned on his face but those with keen eyes would be able to detect the surprise in his eyes.

And meanwhile, Goku and Trunks's fight was starting.

"Thanks, Trunks!" 

"You're welcome!" Trunks said as his eyes grew cold. His hair rose and changed to a yellow color as his aura burst out with sparks of electricity covering his entire body.

"Heh, starting with Super Saiyan 2 huh, let's do it then!" Son Goku said as he replicated the same feat. 

The weather literally turned apocalyptic due to the tremendous waves of energy released by the two Saiyans.

"Hey, go easy you two!" Burma shouted worriedly and took a device out as she pressed a button.

Some antennas on her house then shot a few rays of light that formed a spherical dome around Goku and Trunks.

"Good, we can breathe a bit for now…" Bulma said before looking at Vegeta and Edam's side. After a few moments of reflection, she pressed a button again and a dome then formed around Vegeta and Edam.

"Oh…" Edam took a small look at this spherical done before looking at the transformed Goku and Trunks.

"Incredible…" Seeing this scene, the young Saiyan couldn't help but have a smile on his face, after all, it was the first time he ever saw such a thing.

"Super Saiyan 2?" Having already seen the basic Super Saiyan through little Trunks, it wasn't so hard to note the difference here, the energy was a whole world apart from the first transformation.

But while he was being amazed, he felt a shiver running up his spine from his tail as he also heard an angry voice. "Where do you think you are looking at…?!"


"...?!" Edam's thought seemed to accelerate as he saw the image of a Ki blast flying his way in his back at top speed.

"Sh*t…" Fortunately, his bestial sense was still perfectly functioning as he hurriedly dodged the ki blast with a faint movement of his head, before turning around to look at Vegeta.

"Not bad… but always focus on your opponent, don't let your guard down!" For some reason, Vegeta sounded as if he was scolding him.

Edam was stunned for a moment before saying. "Yes, you're right, that was disrespectful of me, sorry… phew…"



He breathes out and relaxes as his aura explodes and turns into its natural ominous blood-red color. His heartbeats increased at the same time, and the excitement quickly rose.

"...?" Vegeta had a curious expression on his face but kept his mouth shut.

With a serious and cold expression, Edam dashed like a streaking meteor at Vegeta.

Against Piccolo and Krillin, he had held back a bit, but against him, he was gonna give his all!

A faint smile crept up on Vegeta's face as he tightened his fist and punched out.


The two fists connected as a shockwave echoed out.

Vegeta's smile disappeared as he also took a serious face. 'Hmm…'

"Grr…" With his other hand, Edam punched again while Vegeta easily caught his fist as he looked into his eyes. "Not bad at all… you're strong despite your age…"

"But this is not enough!" Vegeta yelled as he gave a powerful right front kick right for Edam's liver.


"...!" Edam raised his leg as he blocked it with his knee before striking again with his right fist. 

He didn't stop with one and continued with two, three, four, and so on, also adding feet to his combos looking like a Gatling gun.

But no matter what, all his strikes were either extremely well dodged or blocked by a body seemingly as heavy as an immovable mountain.

"...?!" Seeing this, Edam couldn't help but feel anger and frustration over it. 

It seemed as if his punches and kicks were as light as feathers as they met his opponent's own strikes.

And the retaliations were the worst as Vegeta's punches weren't light at all with the last punch fiercely landing on his cheek.



Vegeta then heard the faint but clear distinct grunt of a Great Ape when his eyes met Edam's own eyes. 

"What…?!" To Vegeta's surprise, they weren't black colored anymore but were now flickering a pale golden color reminding one of those of a Savage Beast. 

Vegeta didn't know why and how but, with the sound and the eyes perhaps, he was totally able to make out the silhouette of a titanically immense black colored Great Ape roaring in his mind. 

This image seemed to blank his mind for the matter of half a second only. But it was all it took for Edam to land a successful punch!

With his anger growing his punch became even more powerful and heavier than before.


"Tch…what was that…?" Vegeta didn't suffer any significant damage, he was still pushed a few meters backward.

"..." Vegeta looked at the space that separated the two of them and then gazed at Edam.

But to his surprise, he saw the latter explode in speed as the blood-red energy from the outburst made the spherical dome quake like a frail layer of a bubble.

"…Hmph, little freak..." Vegeta snorted as a golden aura wrapped around him and he released a shout.

"Haaah….!" His hair turned entirely golden and his aura burst out with a… Boom!

He also dashed forward as they both met.





They fought at a frightening speed that no mere humans could possibly keep up with.

Thankfully, the majority of the people present were all ordinary people.

With every hit that he would unleash, Edam's eyes would flicker to their strange pale golden color and his power would rise with it.

Meanwhile, Goku and Trunk's fight had reached its climax. 

The Destroyer and his Angel were currently resting while drinking juice as they peacefully comment on these fights.

Beerus first glanced at Trunks appreciating the show. "Hum, this kid sure is energetic…"

"Yes and yet, that 'Black' is even more powerful…" Whis said with a sausage in hand.

"As for this one…" Beerus's eyes darted toward Edam. "He doesn't use divine ki and yet can sense it despite his low level… this is hiding something…"

"Humm…" Whis pondered as he took his scepter and peer into it.

"Hey, you bird, you're with him, yes…?" Belarus suddenly asked toward Yamote who was still out and near. "Why are his eyes glowing like that…?"

"Eh…?" Yamote glanced at Beerus and then at Edam. "He is simply drawing energy upon the very roots of a Great Ape, although this is not the complete form…"


"...He's an equal to father even though he transformed into a Super Saiyan…" Trunks said as he looked at Edam quite stunned at that.

"He has some very interesting fighting skills too…" Goku pointed out the fact that every time Edam would strike or defend, his body would turn as black as steel.

"Humm, the most surprising thing is that he's not a Super Saiyan himself… and his power is rising through the battle, his true potential has yet to be reached…" Goku said as he also watched with a smile and then exclaimed excitedly. "Damn, I want to fight him too!"


The fight then came to an end with Goku winning very easily as he even took on a form that Edam didn't even know of called Super Saiyan 3.

Unfortunately, Edam was totally soul and spirit into his fight and didn't seem to notice anything else. 

For a reason that he ignored, the more he faced Vegeta, the more he felt the urge to fight him off. In his eyesight, the world around him started to crumble away in the dust as only Vegeta seemed to have any importance whatsoever.

And so, as he rushed again at Vegeta, the latter gave a cold snort again and went to meet him again as instead of punching, he caught his fists…! "Don't get cocky!"

"Ugh…?!" Despite his efforts, Edam couldn't take his hands off and could only powerlessly watch as Vegeta's knee shot toward Edam's chin and...


A metallic sound echoed, as Edam defended himself with Armament Haki.


And yet even with his defense of Haki and Ki, Vegeta's knee completely blew his mind as he felt his consciousness fading away. The metallic taste of blood was filling his mouth as he felt his strength was leaving him quickly. 

He was losing control of his body by the secs.


"What?!" Vegeta's eyes widened slightly, the chin was a very vulnerable place and could put a good warrior to sleep if the hit was clean but...

"I can still continue!" Edam shouted and straightened his body again. The battle was so intense and hard that he didn't even have the chance to deploy all his skills.

His eyes flickered again and he launched himself at his opponent again.

However, before the fight could proceed forward….

The weather for a reason or another kicked in and thunder roared while a humongous gash in the air above Edam and Vegeta opened up.

"...?" Both Edam and Vegeta stopped and looked up.

Despite being completely in their fight, the strange phenomenon was way too strange to not notice it.

A few seconds passed and a man came out to make his appearance.


I'm slow I know… But as you may or may not know, I write on whim, so I'm actually still figuring out the plot yup.

Oh, and as for spirit stone, you don't actually need to give me any, I'm doing this cause I enjoy it so yeah… cya✌