Chapter 142: So... weak...

The pressure of a divine being washed over them while Edam glanced at Trunks and Mai who were just beside him.

"Trunks, I think we should go now…" He said and grabbed both Trunks and Mai.

But, to his surprise and shock, Trunks only smiled back at him. "You go, Edam, I will stay here…"

"What?" Edam thought his ears malfunctioned for an instant and he heard it wrong.

"I… the people of this world still need my help, and the simple thought of running away again from him is weighing down on my mind…" Trunks' smile twitched and continued. 


"Thank you for having helped us, Edam, I truly appreciate…" Trunks said and then readied his sword to face Black and Zamasu, a heroic bearing emanating out of him.


"I will hold them back, in the meantime, take Mai with you and go!" Trunks said but were immediately interrupted by Mai. 

"What? No way, I'm staying too, if I have to die then I want to die here with you!" Mai said with her gun and an adamant expression on her face.

"..." As they spoke their 'last words', Edam was completely silent for a few seconds.

'These two… they… they…'

'They really are... both bloody pain in the *ss!' Edam angrily thought and then muttered as he gritted his teeth together. 

"Return without you two? And what will I say to Goku and Vegeta huh? What the f*ck, can't you just follow a goddam plan?!" Edam was scolding them both.

"...?" Trunks and Mai were both stunned by that since Edam gave the impression of a calm and reasonable person, well, it was a false impression.

On the side, Black had a very black expression as his malicious pink energy slowly turned into a blade. "I had enough of your gibberish, die!"

Saying that he sped up toward Edam to slash him down, but was immediately countered by Trunks' sword. "Quick, Edam, get out! I will hold them off!"

"You think you alone can stop us!?" Black and Zamasu exclaimed in rage as Black spoke to Zamasu. "You take care of the other one, I'll take care of Trunks!"

"Alright!" Zamasu instantly agreed and turned around to dash toward Edam but, to his shock the latter was already right in front of him, and a violent and brutal high kick was smashing his face.


Zamasu's feet unwillingly left the ground and his body was violently and miserably flung backward like a broken cat to a hundred meters away from Black and Trunks.

His body was buried under the ground as he struggled to stand up on his feet while Edam was flying like an arrow at him with a charging punch and…

"You…" Zamasu once again received a first as he was about to get up.

BAM! "Gaaaah!" He was propelled to the sky while Edam shot a blood-red ki ball in the sky. It changed into a red spear and directly shot toward Zamasu impaling him down the ground like a skewer.

"How dare you! I'm a God-!" Zamasu shouted but shut up in shock as he saw a multitude of other red balls of ki changing into a multitude of red spears and impaling him again making him look like a hedgehog.

"Gah, agh, I… I will kill you…!" With an extreme and murderous intent in his mind, Zamasu broke off all the spears trapping him and ended up breathing heavily.

As Zamasu lifted his head to look at Edam with two eyes filled with madness. "Your sins are even more severe than humans! I will make you suffer for eternity!"

"Take that!" Saying that he waved his hands as all sorts of debris flew in the air and with a fling, all of them darted toward Edam.

To counter it, the latter didn't even think about it and only flew in his direction like a furious missile knocking onto the junk without care or damage to speak about.

"...?!" Not expecting the latter to just rush in, Zamasu was a bit disturbed and took half a second to react allowing the young Saiyan to strike again.

"You damn Saiyan!" Knowing that he would be beaten again, Zamasu could only curse and try to block.

However, at the same time, Black had just finished neutralizing Trunks and making an evil speech to him when he noticed what was happening on Zamasu's side. "Hmph!"

He buried Trunks' head in the ground and then immediately teleported himself.


He instantly arrived in front of the charging bull-like Edam and caught his fist that was only a meter away from blasting Zamasu's head.

Rumble! The ground trembled as Black and Edam's eyes both met each other, one filled with plain evil and the other filled with coldness.

"Not bad for a simple Saiyan…" Saying this, Black simply kicked Edam in the distance.


"Ugh!" For a reason that he couldn't understand, Edam just couldn't react to his movement at all, as if the guy was too fast for him or that his movements were otherworldly.

"Give up already, I am the epitome of the Saiyan race, I've reached a level of existence that mere mortals will never hope to reach in their lifetime…" Goku Black said seriously and then began to smile in satisfaction.

"You're really shameless, acting so pleased with a body that isn't even yours, to begin with…"

"Heh, that stupid mortal wasn't worthy of it, he should instead thank me, I have now reached the peak of both power and beauty…"

"What a load of bullish*t…" Edam said and then spoke to Yamote. "Can you hold them off…?"

'Half a minute will be my limit, are you sure you don't want to run away lord?' Yamote asked with a worried expression.

"Mai doesn't know how to hide her energy, so running away won't get me anywhere…"

'I meant to say, running away from this timeline, Lord…' Yamote said.

"..." Edam was silent for a while, clearly hesitating but then sighed and said. 'F*ck it, if I die, I will escape from hell, I don't care, dying can wait…!'

Edam got to his feet and wiped the small amount of blood dripping by the corner of his mouth.

As he wiped the blood on his lips, he shot a glance at Trunks who was severely wounded. Mai was already by his side helping him stand up.

"Tsk…" Edam clicked his tongue and then quickly burst into speed, rapidly flying toward Mai and Trunks a hundred meters away from him while extending his hand. "Grab my hand!"

"...!?" Mai who was holding Trunks up was stunned but still extended her hand out.

"Keke! Where do you think you're going?" Two evil and cruel voices reached the three's ears.

"Alright-...!?" Edam, who was just about to grab Mai's hand suddenly found himself stopping in midair, a strange power holding him in place. 

"Ugh, grrr, f*ck…!" No matter how much he struggled, he couldn't move one bit as he heard from above him someone rapidly falling toward him and kicking him to the ground.

Crack! The ground shattered and a web crack was formed with Edam's body at the center.

"Heh…" it was Black Goku, who was chuckling maliciously. "Thinking of running away huh? Too bad for you, I have a capable ally unlike you kek…"

"Let me…" Zamasu then approached as his hand wrapped itself with a malicious aura to form a blade of ki.

'Sh*t…!' Edam felt the blade arriving and a sense of death struck him.

"Lord!" Yamote cried out and flapped his wings to interfere but Black was already aware of his presence as he teleported right in front of him and kicked him away.

Screech! Yamote released an unwilling cry as he was kicked away and crashed far away.

Not giving Edam any time to breathe, Zamasu mercilessly thrust his blade down as it drove through the young man's chest. 

Swing! Splurt!

"Edam!" Mai and Trunks cried out.

"Lord!" Yamote also cried out as he struggled to stand up again.

"Blurgh!" Edam clearly felt the blade of ki tearing through his skin, his flesh, and his bone as it made its way toward his heart.

In the end, his heart was easily pierced as Edam looked at Zamasu with difficulty breathing, feeling that bastard energy healing him a bit.

"What? You really thought I would let you die so easily? Haha, don't make me laugh!" Zamasu was through an unknown technique of his, maintaining Edam alive.

"You son of a-…! Blurgh!" Edam wanted to curse him out loud but blood then gushed out of both his mouth and his newly made wound and sprayed out like a fountain on the ground.

"Kekek, for daring to inflict pain on me, I will make you suffer…!" Zamasu shouted crazily.

Meanwhile, Edam was vomiting a huge quantity of blood as a sense of fatigue slowly seemed to overtake him. "Huff…hah…"

Both his knees were down, and one hand was pushing against the ground to lift him in vain, while the other hand held his pierced chest where his heart was situated.

"Hah… ha…." His breathing was completely messed up and the iron-like taste of blood had already filled his mouth.

Yamote who was not so far away, and had watched on in horror as the blade struck down. "He... he… stabbed him…"

"That... scar…" Yamote mumbled to himself again as he stared at Edam's scar. 

A scar that Edam had on himself seemingly ever since he was born. Though something had always been quite weird with this scar since it looks like it was newly made and could be reopened anytime. And the strangest thing was that it wasn't anywhere the most fragile part of Edam's body, in fact, it was one of the sturdiest…

Meanwhile, Edam who was on the ground didn't feel any pain at all anymore…

His sight was already blurry… 

His mind couldn't process thoughts and yet strange images were flowing through his head, they were unknown to him and yet so familiar…

A man seemed to argue with a golden dragon… 

A fight erupted as they fought…

Despite his smaller frame, the man didn't lose out against the dragon, in fact, he was slowly oppressing it...

The planets, the stars, the galaxies, and universes were nothing but a plain background to them… 

And as the dream ended… 

Edam felt all his thoughts disappearing and quickly replaced by the clear image of a man sitting on a throne while looking right into his eyes. 

That man had Edam's exact same face, only it seemed older and colder as well as indifferent to everything as if all was beneath him.

And the moment Edam's eyes met with this other him's eyes, the man opened his mouth to speak to him in a language that he didn't know of but could oddly understand.


So weak…

And you wish to save your loved ones? With your meager strength?


"If you go on like that, you will never save her from yourself… fight and grow beyond the scope of the World of the Void…" Saying that the older Edam's two eyes pupils shone up a bright blood-red light and went right toward Edam.

As he opened his eyes, his black pupils promptly turned into a violent and bestial pale-yellow hue tinted with blood-red stain on them as his heartbeats increased furiously.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

"Gah…!?" His heart violently pulsated and circulated his blood in his veins throughout his entire body, filling his every cells with a violent and berserking ki that overpowered all reasons.

A wave of intense and unreasonable wrath rapidly shot up in his heart, soul, and mind, eating away at his sanity. 


His muscles slowly expanded with a few veins showing up now and then. He seems to grow a bit taller due to the expansion of his muscles. 

A gigantic amount of power seemed to flow through his body, enlarging his veins and seemingly tearing them apart as though they were about to burst and explode.

But with such an enormous amount of power granted at once came an equal amount of pain as well.

"Grrr! Argh! Ahhhhh!" A vein popped up on his head and… "Graaah!"


His energy exploded out as an intense and tyrannical blood-red ki covered him like a fiery flickering bloody fire. 

With Edam at the center, the atmosphere itself seemed to change and expanded to three different colors: green, purple, and finally red.

"...?! What?!" Both Goku Black and Zamasu were dumbfounded. "Where the hell is he drawing out this much power…?"

"Not good! We have to-..." Zamasu said in a panic feeling something really really bad was coming ahead but he was interrupted by another voice.

"You're not going anywhere!" Yamote flew in the air before stopping neatly and flapping his wings toward both Zamasu and Black.

"Damn Bird, you think you can-...!?" Black and Zamasu were about to speak before quickly realizing that the space surrounding them seemed to fold upon them as if to crush them.

However, since they were divine beings and so beyond the reach of space, they couldn't be crushed at all and only be blocked.

Both Zamasu and Black Goku began to struggle with all their might to break apart this restraint.

"This much is nothing-...!" Black yelled as his godly energy rose but…


An unprecedented and oppressive aura spread out to crush the surrounding land, it completely overwhelmed Black's rising energy as if someone had just pushed his energy to the side, or like giving a cold shoulder to someone heated.

"What…!?" This odd feeling completely disturbed Black as he stayed stunned for a few seconds.

And then…

BOOM! Swish!

A blood-red pillar of ki shot up to the sky tearing it open.

The entire earth trembled under the sudden rising of unknown energy from Edam. 

In a matter of just a few seconds, Edam's power grew by leaps and bounds. All the cells of his body seemed to burst out with a never-before-seen power.

"Roar!" Edam yelled again as another explosion of ki burst out again broke the ground around a hundred meters from him creating a huge cracking web on the ground.

A mass of smoke was elevated in the air and then blown away by the energy flowing out of the young Saiyan.

Edam's silhouette was slowly revealed out of the smoke and dirt flying around.

His appearance had already quite changed from before…

His clothes were ragged and his sweatshirt had been blasted to pieces revealing the tank-top under it and some very defined muscles. His wound had already mended itself thoroughly as though nothing happened, although the scar was still in place.

His pure black hair was now glowing a beautiful blond color. Most of his strands of hair had risen and were now 'sharp'. Even his black tail was now shining a beautiful golden color.

His eyes were yellow and his gaze was sharper than ever before… reminiscent of a predator...
