Chapter 151: Dying a dog death...



At first, it was his two pale yellow eyes and then followed by his two meters tall figure coming out of the distorted space. Hancock followed right after him, however, none of the men there seemed to notice her...

All eyes without a single exception were inadvertently drawn on Edam…

For a reason or another, even though there was this heavenly beautiful woman by his side, none of the persons present could glance away, they felt from the bottom of their hearts and souls completely and utterly frozen on the spot.

Sengoku's expression when he saw him was priceless. "Shit…"

And Garp was filled with complicated emotions such as relief, concern, and guilt. "Edam…"

"Kid…" Whitebeard too whispered a bit stunned to see him arriving at this moment.

Meanwhile, the man in question was completely silent with no sounds coming out of his mouth… 

The whole battlefield itself became an utter silence... 

The only thing showing up on his face were the different expressions flitting by...




And a myriad of other emotions...

"A...Ace…" His lips were literally trembling and gasping from being unable to speak a word.

Ace who had just fallen to the ground had two hazy eyes but seemed to see something as he uttered with his very last breath.

"E...dam…" What looked like a very small and near unnoticeable smile seemed to be drawn on his face… a last expression of relief...

He knew… he knew that, since Edam finally arrived, Luffy would be totally safe from now on… he could finally let it go and rest with his mind at peace...


"..." As he heard that, Edam broke out of his state of mind and his body instantly moved as he took a step forward to walk in his brother's direction…


"..." In one step, he instantly crossed the ten meters distance separating them while taking Ace in his arms. "No…"

'I… I can't…' Edam desperately thought as he quickly analyzed Ace's state. 

'This is… this is way too much…'

His lungs, his heart, nearly all the organs vital to human beings had been blasted…

His power was nowhere enough to possibly heal that kind of mortal injury. Even if his true self was here, even he wouldn't have enough power to heal this wound. (A/N: I'm talking about the "mortal" Edam, not the one to come after ascension…)

And he also saw Luffy's state of mind… completely broken, his mind shattered by the shock and pain of it.

Edam swiftly put a hand on Ace's head and Luffy's head to read their minds and directly see what had happened there, he instantly learned everything he had to know about why this war began, how Ace was caught, how Luffy arrived here… everything down to how Ace took a fatal strike that was fated for Luffy.

Deep down in his heart, he couldn't help but feel proud of Ace… but, if his life was the price of it, then this was an unacceptable cost for Edam.

"No…" Edam murmured with a trembling voice and a pale face as he looked at Ace's half-dead if not already dead body in his arms.

"...No… No… No… you can't die, don't you dare die on me…!" As he repeated this phrase, his entire body started to shake and he strongly gritted his teeth together. 

"...Not you too…" His hands glowed red energy as he tightened his grip on Ace.

His eyes were being filled with tears and running down his cheeks as he gritted his teeth even harder.


"....!!! Aaaaarghhh....!!!!!!!!!!!" His head started to hurt and ache painfully while the scar on his forehead started to glow a singular blood-red color!


Edam shouted with madness in his voice as very powerful and violent wave of energy exploded out of him, blasting everyone away, apart from Hancock and his two brothers.

The shockwave was great and powerful enough to cover the whole of Marineford and beyond.


And the weather seemed to react to his burst of emotions, as it rumbles, grumble, and roared alongside him. A myriad of thunders was flashing and exploding in the sky as if to pulverize something out of wrath and hate.

The Sea Kings from the whole world could only cower in fear.

At Marineford, the weakest of them all couldn't handle the shock and fell unconscious.

Edam's cry rang out for a few minutes while he held on tightly onto Ace's body, which had a sort of red veil of light covering him.

Hancock watched him with a hand over her mouth and two eyes glistening with tears as she kneeled down and gently stroked his back to comfort him. However, how could it be so easy?

Meanwhile, everyone on the side was dumbfounded by the turn of events.

Most of the powerhouses present knew who he was… Although they were wondering what he was actually doing here and most of all what was his relationship with Portgas D. Ace.

But seeing his current reaction, they guessed that he was pretty close with him like family because only the loss of a loved one could bring such a reaction.

Unconsciously, the people present all felt doom looming over their heads.

His painful cry stopped ranging out after a few moments, slowly turning into faint sobs and then… 

…a complete silence...

"..." His clothes were stained with blood as he slowly laid Ace down.

His face was somehow hidden behind his falling hair and his monkey tail was completely dropped down.

The world around him seemed to go silent and grim, looking very sad...

Tears silently dripped down his face as he gazed at Ace. The longer he stared at him the stronger his sadness was growing.

And most of all…

A familiar emotion that he didn't have for a long time now was rising…

Hatred… And a killing intent so deep and heavy… One that was unlike anything before, something that was etched in the depth of his bones and cells and yet restrained by his reason.

And so as he lifted his eyes, his gaze directly landed on the culprit, that is to say, the Admiral Akainu.

His silent and void expression slowly wriggled and turned bestial and feral as his two pupils glowed a threatening and bloodthirsty bloody red light.

"Hmph… so, you're here huh… now that I think about it, he's your brother…" Akainu glanced at Luffy.

"..." Edam didn't respond and slowly stood up.

Seeing this Sengoku who was holding Garp on the ground, roars. "Shit, Edam, stay out of it-...!?"

"Shut up..." Edam replied with a blank voice, a voice nearly emotionless although filled with a hatred so great that it directly seeps out of his whole being despite him. "His head… is mine…"

"You…" Sengoku was used to his insolence but never had he ever received such an answer from him. He knew that there was no use to try and reason him out of it.

But, he couldn't just move as he was already restraining Garp who was also head-filled with the idea to kill Akainu.

"Hmph… I don't need any help…" Akainu said as his right arm changed into its magma form.

And some Vice-admiral who was dumbfounded by that broke out of it and suddenly shouted. 

"You're a traitor colliding with pirates, everyone charges!" They knew him by name and reputation only and decided to stop him.

A fair amount of people charged in Edam's direction to kill him.

"No, you idiots, come back!" Sengoku yelled but amidst the battlefield, his voice was muffled and unheard.

But, Edam, who currently had only his mind focused on getting Akainu's head, was still conscious of his surroundings.

However, it wasn't Edam who acted, it was the beautiful girl standing behind him.

Hancock's cascading hair waved in the air and turned into a mystical purple along with her eyes, as it rippled and blasted a powerful purplish light.

"Back off…" A purple aura emanated out of her and exploded outward.



"No, blurg…!"

All those who were smashed by this were blasted away while vomiting blood, their organs crushed by the pressures of it. They continued to vomit blood after falling on their knees.

"Hancock… it's fine, I got this…" Edam spoke and stopped her from wasting her energy on them. His tone had grown a tad softer when he spoke to her but quickly turned cold again.

"Hn…" Hancock nodded and stopped her hand, not unleashing her next move. 

The most powerful marines like Momonga, Hina, Smoker, John Giant, etc... could still stand up.

"She's the ex-seven warlord of the seas, Boa Hancock…?"

"Fuck, how is she so powerful, I can barely stand up…!"

"She is… pregnant…?"


The powerful John Giant who had previously been defeated by Whitebeard was now standing up and facing Edam.

"Kid, stop that right now, we can still fix it, don't go on anymore…"

"Get out of my way…" As he said that, Edam continued to walk on, without care.

"Wh- you're blind by your anger-...!"

"Get...out...of my way…" Edam's voice only got colder and colder.

"..." John Giant fell silent and grit his teeth. "Tch, don't blame me...!" He charged with his enormous body and swung his giant fist forward with all his strength and haki imbued in it.

However, a mere contest of strength was nothing at all for Edam… 

Tung! ...who without breaking a sweat simply caught and completely blocked the giant's fist in its tracks like a furious bull being stopped by a thick wall of steel.

Crack! But the giant's punch was powerful enough to bend and crack the ground beneath Edam.

"Ghh!?" John Giant and all around were flabbergasted by this, it was akin to an ant stopping an elephant's strike.

"What the-!?" Instead of crushing Edam, John's giant fist seemed to be the one on the verge of breaking from the fierce collision.

Swish! And in the blink of an eye, he saw Edam on the ground abruptly disappearing and reappearing slightly above his head.

Grabbing John's head, he violently buried the giant's head down on the ice. The ground cracked and was split into two halves...

Crack! Crack! "Ghaa-….!" John's muffled voice sounded out as he passed out.

"Stop that!" Momonga yelled as he swung his sword, unleashing a powerful slash on Edam.

However the latter merely dodge it with a slight twist of his body and burst forward rapidly reaching Momonga and flinging his arm outward. The move was simple but the power behind was here and brutal.

Momonga successfully blocked it, but to his shock dread, he caught sight of his sword, which even though was imbued with Haki, couldn't hold on a second longer when it met Edam's arm. 

Ting! It broke like a mere wood stick under the Saiyan's simple but powerful assault.

Worse, Edam's arm went and blasted Momonga away. The sounds of multiple bones breaking rang out as he cried and coughed out blood.

"Vice Admiral!"

"Vice Admiral Momonga!"

"That traitorous bastard!" The soldiers shouted hatefully.

"I know you're all doing your duty and I don't want to hurt you all, so, get out of my way…" Edam with his two eyes shining an intense red light.

He extended his right hand to one side covering it with ki as it took the form of a demon-like blood-red sharp claw.

However, as he did this, two figures got in his way. It was actually Kizaru and Kuzan, the two other admirals.

"Kid, calm down, this war is way too important…" Kuzan said and tried to reason with him. 

"Sakazuki might have been a little extreme but this kid decided his way of life didn't he…" Kizaru said with his usual slow tone.

"..." Facing them, Edam surprisingly paused for a second, giving them hope but…

"...I swear to the both of you… if you don't want to see a strike vastly faster than light and taste the chill of death then you better get the fuck out of my way this instant…" This Edam here didn't care anymore.

"Tsk…" Both of them clicked their tongues. Since they both had trained him in the past, they knew that he wasn't playing with his words and could actually do what he said. 

Akainu was the only one who didn't get to know of his power and couldn't possibly understand how much of a monster Edam was.


"That monster is too strong!" A lieutenant said nervously.

"What can we even do?!" Another uttered completely flustered by their uselessness.

Finally, one of the most observant but probably not that smart pointed out something. "Hmm, wait, that beautiful woman... she's his wife right?"

"Hum? oh yeah right, she's the former Warlord..."

"Vice Admiral, should we go after her? Maybe we could use her to threaten him?"

But, to his surprise the Vice Admiral already had a pondering expression on his face as he looked at Hancock and his eyes brightened.

"This might actually work, she's also pregnant, I don't believe he will stay unsensitive to this!" The Vice Admiral said with his sword ready to charge through the battlefield.

However, what this Vice Admiral didn't know was that, if there was something that Edam and particularily this Edam's Avatar was sensitive about then it was without the shade of a doubt Hancock's absolute safety, the sole reason of his creation.

Just as the Vice Admiral was about to shout to his men to charge forward. "Charg-!?"

Two blood colored cold eyes locked onto the Vice Admiral silently. Despite its silence, everyone followed his line of sight and fell on the said Vice Admiral in confusion. They didn't took to notice something weird happening.

"Ghahh ghhb, Ubbbg...!" He suddenly began staggering as if he was drunk while releasing muffled and pained sounds with his face twisting in weirdly.

"...? Vice Admiral? What's the problem?!" A worried soldier noticed his strange and went to check but...


"Aaaagh!" As he did, he saw his Vice Admiral entire body bulging in a gross way before exploding in a rain of blood and organs...


What was once a body was now nothing more than wastes of meats good to give to the dogs.

Most went pale from fright at this sight, and Edam's next words froze their hot blood instantly.

"I left you all alive cause we have no real enmity, but if you dare lay a hand on a single strand of her hair..." He didn't finished his words as he turned around. His intentions were clear, it only require a single stare from him to make them meet their Creator.

With such a demonstration of power, most were frighten and learned their place, some didn't and died a gruesome death.


Back, to the main battle.

"Hmph, ridiculous! I don't need any of your help!!!" To the surprise of the two admirals, Akainu was the one to charge and attack first.

"Good, you save me the trouble…" Edam said as he also exploded forward at blinding speed, bypassing the two admirals in the blink of an eye.



In an instant, Edam crossed the long-distance separating him from Akainu and appeared face to face with the latter.

"Hmph! Die!" His magma arm boiled and burned ardently as he punched forward. "Great Eruption!"

He was the first to move while Edam, at first sight, looked like he didn't have time to react to it, drawing a victorious smile on Akainu's mouth.

However, taking a better look, it wasn't that Edam was moving slowly… he just didn't bother himself to move away or counter it.

And so… 


Akainu's great eruption brutally smashed against Edam's chest. 

"...?!!" But, as if someone was splashing water on a solid surface, Akainu's magma only melted away from Edam's chest.

The magma fruit, the devil fruit which boasted one of, if not the strongest offensive power in the world, seemed to be completely ineffective against Edam.

Heck, even his clothes were absolutely fine since they were protected by his ki.

!? Akainu's eyes widened to their limits. The thought to retreat had just made its way to his head when he noticed that it was too late.

Slash! Tear! Splurt!

The sound of a hand piercing the air echoed out followed by the familiar flesh-tearing sound and then the sound of liquid spurting out lastly.

Some people had blinked at that instant, and when they opened their eyelids again, they saw Edam with his right arm deeply rooted and passing through Akainu's chest.

"The Admiral Akainu!" Many marines exclaimed.

"B- blurgh…!?" Akainu vomited blood out as he gritted his teeth. "Y- you-…!"

"You killed my brother from behind but me? I don't need any of that to kill you…" Edam said coldly and took his arm out from his chest, the sound of flesh being torn and falling sounded out.

"Blurgh!" Akainu coughed out heavily as his eyes were quickly filled with blood while he eyed Edam with a deep and heavy hatred.

"I... I should- I should have killed you-…!" Akainu exclaimed with hatred but couldn't help but blurgh blood out. 

"I… I, have to eradicate them all…!" Akainu's eyes burned with hate as he seemed to recall some of his past, the reason for his extreme hate toward pirates. 

"..." Edam didn't reply and only stood up in front of him, his hand was bloodied and dripping blood.

"He- is Roger's corrupted offspring! His death- was well deser-...!"

Edam's fingers twitched slightly and before he could finish his line...


Without any warning, Edam's hand and arm moved in a horizontal motion. 

In the next moment, the Admiral's head could be seen in his hand, gruesomely removed from his large torso.


The entire battlefield which was already silent went even quieter. The marines' faces went a bit pale at the sight of their Admiral's head being removed from his body.

A major pillar of the Navy…

Beheaded before the eyes of the entire world...

In a so very easy way...

Their victory over Portgas D. Ace went from a dream victory to a total nightmare in no more than a few minutes...
